
October 30th, 2012



Think of it like this.

Who: Shepard and AJ
What: Random coffee shop encounters and peptalks
When: A few days before the halloween plot
Where: Coffe
Status: Complete
Rating: Low

You never know what tomorrow will bring, so seek those out that you can face it with, and not be alone. )



"Detective Lin Beifong"

Who: Barb and Lin
What: Lin checks up on Barb
Where: Barb’s home
When: Last Thursday
Status: Complete
Rating: PG

And before you ask, you're not under any investigation. I just thought you might want to talk. And get some reassurances. )



Don't look so suspicious Fenris, I'm hardly up to anything at all.

Who: Bethy and Fenris
What: Bethy begins phase 1 of ‘get Marian married and knocked up’
When: Last Friday
Where: I dunno?
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13 for mention of Isabela's lack of pants

You’re a Hawke. You’re always up to something. )


Who: Emma (Swan), Graham
When: Tuesday evening.
Where: A residential street in Irvine.
What: Graham has a tail-light out. Emma pulls him over. It's really not his week.
Rating: Let's assume low. G/PG.

For a moment, the look on Graham's face was 100% deer-in-headlights. )



"There's the school of thought that it's all just dreams and we should ignore it. But I'm pink."

Who: Graham and Clarice
What: Clarice surprise visits Graham
When: Monday night, after his 'week is already a week' post
Where: A park
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13

You are, indeed. )



If I become the Banshee Queen, it has to be you, you and no one else who takes me down.

Who: Sylvanas and Alleria
What: Sisterly bonding, talking about girl kissing, and death promises
When: Saturday
Where: Their home
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13

I promise. My hand, and no one else's. I'm the only one who loves you enough to do it right. )



"You have something to say to me."

Who: Sarah, Cameron, and briefly Shepard
What: Cameron has something to tell Sarah
When: Early Monday Morning/Late Sunday Night.
Where: Connor household
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13 for bad news bears

And I wish that you'd just say it, instead of trying to get me to say it for you. Whatever it is. )