
August 4th, 2012




Who: Jaime & Tywin Lannister
What: The adventures of Jemima and Twiny Linenstar Father-son bondings
When: Backdated to Thursday evening
Where: Tywin's house @ Laguna Beach
Rating: Low
Status: Incomplete

We all dream of things we cannot have. Tywin dreamed that his son would be a great knight, that his daughter would be a queen. He dreamed they would be so strong and brave and beautiful that no one would ever laugh at them. )



I did notice a high kingdom sculpture, just out in the open, with nary a security device to be seen

Who: Raven, Remy and Gambit
What: Raven and Remy share ‘tips’ while nude sunbathing and then Anna has to gouge her ears out.
When: Backdated to a few days ago!
Where: Remy’s house
STatus: Complete
Rating: PG-13 for gloss over sexiness, nudity, and naked cookie eating.

Mon Dieu, dat’s no way to protect one’s investment. )



"... I didn't know how you'd feel, since he's not Nate."

Who: Scott and Neena
What: Catatonic dreams, talks of school and heart to hearts
Where: Lucky Shot Guns
When: Friday
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13 for feels

I loved Nate. And I loved you two together. But I care about you for who you are. )




Who: Fleur Delacour and Molly Weasley
When: August 4th
Where: Weasleys' house
What: Cooking and chatting
Warnings/Rating: Likely none/Low-ish

Learning is a lifetime process )




Who: Margaery Tyrell and Darcy Lewis
What: Meeting at the mall
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: .. the mall.
Warnings/Rating: PG probably

To buy something hot for the party )




WHO: Usagi & Rarity
WHAT: The Art of the Dress
WHERE: Rarity's Shoppe
WHEN: Saturday
WARNING: Maybe some spazzing and ~dramatics~ but otherwise mild.

Step by step, putting it together. )




Who: Fleur Delacour and Bill Weasley
When: Evening of August 4th
Where: The coffee shop mentioned in her journal
What: Their coffee "date" as decided here
Ratings/Warnings: TBD but prob PG for possible language

Somethings are hard to ignore )




Who: Obi-Wan, Loras
What: Yes. Fishing.
When: "Forward"-dated to Sunday Afternoon
Where: Irvine Lakes
Status: In Progress
Rating: TBD. These guys usually rank around PG-13

Ready to go do manly things? )




Who: Daenerys and Viserys Targaryen
What: Dany finally comes home after the shooting.
When: Forward dated to Sunday night
Where: The Targaryen home
Rating: Probably R for violence and sexual situations, I'm guessing.
Status: In progress

Read more... )




WHO: Rory & Amy.
WHAT: The Space Spouses have a talk.
WHERE: Amy's Flat.
WHEN: Saturday Night.
WARNINGS: Super cuteness & likely squeeing.

He fiddled with the box in his pocket as he let himself in. )




WHO: Coulson & Nienor.
WHAT: Awkwardness and otherwise, I expect. No attempted murder. In theory.
WHEN: Saturday Night.
WHERE: FBI Safehouse.
WARNINGS: Okay, so no murder. But there is a hug. These kids are out of control, I tell you.

Phil had stopped to get boxes. )