
June 30th, 2012



"Just don't strain yourself trying to get there. Take your time."

Who: Kitty and Xi'an
What: Discussing things while Kitty's computer ticks away! Parties, sharing bedrooms, etc.
When: Friday afternoon
Where: Their apartment!
Status: Complete!
Rating: PG-13 for marital aides discussions and sexy hot fun times at the end.

Yeah..But when I can, we'll do a slow dance in the air. )



I need t'know anything your demon consorts can dredge up, about this one.

Who: Romany and Pete Wisdom
What: Pete has Romany scry a picture. There's also an IKEA prank.
When: Friday!
Where: Romany's rented house
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13 for language and painting womanly bodyparts on the wall.

The boy's in danger. )




Who: Donna Noble [Narrative]
What: Reflections on the past week, drinking, drunken sobbing over the (SOB) end of TomKat
When: Friday night!
Where: Some local pub, close to Donna's job
Status: Complete!
Rating: PG-13 for some sads and a bit of silliness

Poor little Suri! )



"You're the one banging the rich woman"

Who: Scott and Kitty
What: Training session. Scott has some dreams and figured it might be a good idea to do some testing before his powers turned off again.
When: Noon on Saturday
Where: somewhere out in the desert.
Rating: PG-13 for fite
Status: Complete!

Yes, I'll bring that up later. 'Ems, we should build a danger room, it'll keep Kitty entertained.' )




Who: Obi-Wan Kenobi and Dani Moonstar
What: Obi’s working on Dani’s roof when something goes awry in classic hapless Obi-Wan fashion.** Also, some feelings sort of bubble to the surface.
When: During the Week
Where: Dani’s House/Backyard
Status: Complete
Rating: PG

**But seriously. Anyone else ever notice how many times he knocks himself out or gets himself captured or forgets he’s tied to Jango Fett?

...There’s supposed to be, probably, a bunch of spiritual mumbo jumbo about how we face our fears and conquer them and move on... )



Let's hear it for the good old "invisible halter and lead" routine.

Who: Sif & Corin
What: Wait, Where Did This Poor Bedraggled Horse Come From?
When: Saturday night, 6/30/12
Where: Trabuco Canyon
Rating: General, with references to animal abuse :(
Status: Complete.
Notes: Special thanks to Rue for also playing Hwin for me!

He'd had a fight; it had gone pretty well, all things considered, and he was only mildly black-and-blue. )




Who: Frodo Baggins and Rose Tyler
What: Camping
When: Thursday afternoon and evening
Where: Somewhere away from civilization
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13 for talk of sex and angst.

Hey, good lookin’ )



"Your bird is bleedin'"

Who: Romany, Neena and Pete
What: Stitches, slapping and breakfast.
When: Sunday morning, I guess? XD
Where: The Wisdom Residence, home of the vagina room.
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13 for language and fixing wound stitches

While yeh there can yeh ask 'er if she wants t'go dancin' with starkers with me on the interstate next week? )