
June 11th, 2012



"I was a lot less mature back then. I'm probably not better now."

Who: Kitty and Xi'an
What: Kitty feels guilty.
When: After Fluttershy makes her feel guilty a couple of days ago XD
Where: Apartment
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13

Just don't put a ring on my finger and we'll be okay. )



"You should get a snack. It'll be the best thing you've ever eaten. Second best."

Who: Scott, Emma and Dani
What: Brownies. Just brownies
Where: Dani's house
When: Last night!
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13 for nudity, sexiness and drugs.

That would require moving. And putting on pants. I'm not sure I want to pull on some pants. Why do we even have to wear pants? They just get in the way. )



"Shit, do you have a watch?"

Who: Pete, Domino
What: It's the quasi-awkward morning after these fun happy drinky logs
When: See above. ^
Where: Dom's apt.
Rating: PG13. Language, some breezed over nudity.
Status: Complete!

My clock is dead. )



"Not a screaming eejit."

Who: Varric, Gaila, Scotty
What: Visit and talky! Cupcake championship in the background.
When: Today
Where: Scotty's repair shop
Rating: PG
Status: Complete!

I'll put that on my profile. )



"I can drive on my own."

Who: Pete, Jubilee
What: Obtaining infos, without having to go to the source of said infos!
When: Recently
Where: Jubilee's apartment.
Rating: PG13, language is the usual and likely culprit. Nothing else.
Status: Complete!

I know how to drive, I'm not maniacal like you! )




Who: Rose Tyler and Frodo Baggins
What: A second date!
When: Wednesday night
Where: An Italian restaurant, followed by a spontaneous Disneyland trip!
Rating: PG for kissing
Status: Complete!

A magical evening )




Who: Daenerys Targaryen & Steve Rogers
What: Dany wakes up in a strange man's bed and chaos ensues
When: Monday morning
Where: Steve's place
Rating: Probably at least PG-13
Status: In progress

Read more... )




Who: Dani Moonstar & Lorenzo
What: Two strangers with a common 'friend' have dinner.
When: Monday evening
Where: Opah, Irvine
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

Read more... )




Who: Jim Kirk and Fleur
What: Randomly being drawn
Where: Somewhere in Irvine?
When: Today
Status: Complete!
Rating: PG13

Read more... )




Who: Bethany Hawke and Sheriff Graham
What: Finding girls in the woods
When: Today!
Where: The woods. Somewhere. His property?
Rating: PG
Status: Complete!

Girl in the Woods )



"I hear that they're considering a version of Polo with snakes, Mai."

Who: Azula, Ty Lee, Zuko, and Mai.
What: Impromptu trip to Japan to rescue Mai from Dying of Boredom(tm)
When: Sunday
Where: Tokyo
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13 for language

Tell me you're here to kill me. )



I was more thinking, you know...

Who: Neena Thurman/Domino, Clint Barton/Hawkeye
What: As promised, Clint stops by Dom's shop. Also, she's sooo hungover.
When: Backdated to Saturday afternoon, after that Pete/Dom waking up log
Where: Lucky Shot Guns
Ratings/Warnings: PG-13 ish, language and weaponry/implied violence?
Status: Complete!

'Come with me in my van, little girl', except in a gun shop, by a very hungover shop owner )



We can do some other things that are fun.

Who: Jim Kirk, Fluttershy
What: Jim takes Fluttershy out on a date. A very, very Fluttershy date.
When: Backdated to several nights ago.
Where: Donut shop, Sweet Tomatos, Fluttershy's house
Ratings: PG? There's precisely 2 kisses and that's about it. If you can't abide by a level sweetness that generally gives people cavities, this log is not for you.
Status: Complete.

You could come to my house! And meet Angel, and the other kittens, and my baby rats, and... well you could meet everyone )