
May 11th, 2012




Who: Jim Kirk, Janice Rand
What: morning after their binger, happy romp times (highly glossed over), followed by the sheer WTF of realizing they got married, and talk of annulments and the prime directive.
When: Morning after they followed Elvis to the happy land of wedding stuff
Where: Las Vegas
Rating: PG13, glossed over smut (nothing explicit, more lulz-worthy) and language
Status: Complete!

I didn't do anything what did YOU! do?! )




Who: Tony Stark & Pepper Potts
What: A date, an argument and a very serious injury
When: Forward dated to Sunday night
Where: Restaurant along the PCH
Rating: At least PG-13 for blood and violence. Maybe even R.
Status: In progress

You called me your girlfriend )



Better than Ben and Jerry's

Who: Christine and Bones
Where: Their Hotel Room in Vegas
When: Now.
What: Well, someone had to do the walk of shame! And they might actually like it.
Ratiing: PG-13 for a bra and some glossed overness.
...we stomped on the lines, burned them, and cursed the lines’ children. )




Who: Pepper Potts
What: Falling asleep in the hospital wait room & getting a dream.
When: Directly after this log.
Where: Irvine Hospital
Rating: PG-13
Status: In progress

Read more... )



So tell me what you want. If this all ends tomorrow, what happens to us?

Who: Shepard and Liara
What: Meeting at a cafe. To talk about things
When: An evening after five!
Where: A cafe near Liara's work
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13 for ADORABLE

I don't know. Marriage, old age, and a lot of little blue children?  )