
May 10th, 2012



"Hi Elvis! Ohh, this planet's so weird,"

Who: Jim and Janice
What: What happens when two people get drunk in Vegas?
When: Day they arrived in Vegas!
Where: Las Vegas!
Status: Complete!
Rating: R!

Tell Scotty to beams you up, before it's too lates, okay? )



"Are you going to keep saving me from all the bad guys, Leo?"

Who: Gaila, Scotty, Pavel, Sulu, McCoy and Christine
What: Vegas Baby,yeah!
When: Day they arrived in Vegas!
Where: Vegas! Gambling!
Status: Complete
RAting: PG-13!

I could be your great big gentlemen protector, sure. )



"Do they give flea dips at Planned Parenthood again?"

Who: Hikaru Sulu, Pavel Chekov (Pavel needs a tag, can't seem to add him in for some odd reason! nm, IJ is made of 110% retardiation.)
What: Hangovers, drinking pwned by a 17 year old, and who knew these two were...catty...a couple of gossip mongers...so opinionated?
When: Tonight. (zomg I'm caught up with editing finally <3)
Where: Las Vegas
Rating: PG13, language
Status: Complete!

If not, they should start. Call it Skank Dips. )



Holdwine Takes Over

Who: Merry & Eowyn
What: Mr. Brandybuck's first day at Brandybuck Engineering
When: Thursday
Where: Anaheim, CA
Status: In Progress
Rating: TBD

Nervous wasn't the word for it. Earthquakey, was more like it. )



"Are you crazy? Breaking and entering?"

Who: Natasha and Clint
What: Clint buries himself deeper. By sneaking into Tasha's window. At night. At least his face isn't visible?
When: Last night
Where: Tasha's place
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete

It...seemed like a really really good idea at the time. )



twist of fate

Who: Frodo Baggins and Nienor
What: Frodo visits her in the hospital
When: Thursday
Where: Irvine Hospital
Status: In Progress
Rating: PG-13, with Trigger Warnings for loss of life.

While she had been laying here, fighting for two lives, he had wasted the day getting high in the park. )