
April 10th, 2012



"Its a rattle that occasionally knocks."

Who: Shepard and Scotty and Varric
What: Shepard needs her hummer fixed! And then Varric shows off Bianca, and there's magic vs science talk
Where: Mad Monty's
When: A day or two ago!
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13

I probably ran over one too many medians. )



Dreams do have meaning. I dreamed about being green and I turned green. There's a link!

Who: Gaila and Scotty
What: Condoms and Time Paradoxes
When: Right after Varric left
Where: Mad Monty's
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete

It started with the dog, like a chain reaction. It's whomever's sent the dog's here's fault. )



Looked like we were in an apple store or something.

Who: Jim, Scotty and Gaila
What: Panty fights and more time paradoxes, and dream comparisons! Also, amputees!
When: Recently?
Where: Mad Monty's
Status: Complete
Rating: Pg-13 for Jim in a thong

Aye, apple store! That's precisely what it looked like. But why would we gae tae the apple store for a sci-fi convention? )



"This Queen bullshit; it's beneath you."

Who: Barton and Roy
When: This Afternoon
Where: A cleared of portion of Barton's range
What: RP Masturbation! Nah, this is the audition scene, and it looked like it would fit here as a log so I'm sharing. Barton and Roy have a practice and we see some of the guy's crazy coaching methods.

You're not impressing ME right now. )



"Great, I"ll come grab you some time."

Who: Kitty and Isabela
What: Pawning shit for rent!
When: Right around the time of the panty raiders fight and the isabela/kirk txting.
Where: Crossbones Pawnshop
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13

You do that! )