June 2020




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Jun. 19th, 2020


WHO: Ronan & Adam
WHAT: Ronan has trouble controlling his dreams in space
WHEN: Like a week-ish into the space cruise? (BACKDATED)
WHERE: The Atomica
WARNINGS: Technically Ronan is dying, otherwise mild

... )

Jun. 12th, 2020


Friday, June 12, 11PM

I've made the decision to go home. I've thought about this long and hard but most of everyone from my world have been returned and as far as I know, everything is okay with them back home. Or is for the time being. Due to memories I had received a few months earlier, I can't really say if things are going to stay okay, and I need to be there.

Thank you to everyone who has helped me adjust in this world, and offered me their friendship. I hope going back to my world voluntarily does not mean I'll forget any memories I've made in this world.

I will be, of course, putting up Mal's farm and the livestock for sale. Can't really watch over them if I'm not here.

Jun. 5th, 2020


So I'm not ready to be the first one to jump through the portal or anything, but I've been here a long time and there's shit going down at home.

If we're gonna have the opportunity to choose to leave at some point, I think I want to, but I'm not leaving any of you behind. If you wanna stick around longer cause you haven't been here as long, I'll stay longer

None of you are allowed to jump through the portal without saying goodbye, you got that

May. 31st, 2020


Sunday, May 31, 6:35PM

I already knew maintaining a farm was going to be hard work. I just didn't know for sure how much hard work it would have really been. In any case, because of that reason, my salon hasn't been getting much traffic from me to it recently, so I think I'm going to have to cut my salon hours.

Apologies if this inconveniences anyone, but I don't mind making more house calls if its necessary.

May. 17th, 2020


Greetings, neighbors. I apologize for the extremely late announcement but should anyone wish to partake in kinship this evening, with specialty cocktails and barbecue, please come over to the Cottage. The small town atmosphere has sparked my imagination as far as cocktails go and I'd like to share them with you.

And what better night to have an impromptu party than a Sunday in the middle of May? May is practically made for endless parties.

No need to worry. I've gone ahead and warded off the access to my bedroom and it appears as though the sound charms are still in tact. No disturbance for the little girl.

Now, please, do either of you happen to know where my pipe has gone or is this a question I need to direct at Bambi?

May. 11th, 2020


Hey man, I didn't even go to a weird carnival this time

Not cool, portal

May. 5th, 2020


Magic blows.

Apr. 25th, 2020


Saturday, Apr 25, 3:11PM

This is most likely premature but it's been sitting in the back of my mind since the disappearances. Mal's farm is left with just me as an occupant. It's still flourishing from what I saw in that room that allows us to see back in our world. For when we do eventually go back to our room, is there anyone who could offer pointers on how to run the farm on my own? Or perhaps provide some help before I'm able to get back on my own two feet? I have my husband, David, back home to help, but here, I'm completely on my own.

Apr. 17th, 2020


Yo. These go karts better be fast

Who wants to come race with me

Apr. 1st, 2020


Helena has requested that we have dinner with all of her favorite people before we leave Naboo. Are you all amenable to this?

Mando and Cara, she was asking for Kid, but you are of course invited.

Perhaps we could venture to Lake Country?

Mar. 29th, 2020


IC/OOC - The Family Expands

WHO: Waugh-Solo family & extended family
WHEN: 28 - 29 March
WHERE: Medical Center in Theed
SUMMARY: It's a … !
WARNINGS: Please utilize the Content Warnings page.

It's a Girl! )

Mar. 17th, 2020


So. I'm looking for someone to explain the whole St. Patrick's Day and green thing. If anyone knows why green is so important on St. Patrick's Day. Which is a new holiday that I'm still learning about.


[Voice to Text]

Something is going on with the food? I can taste an additive in everything, the water, my morning toast. It's not awful, but it definitely wasn't there before.

Mar. 15th, 2020


WHO: Ronan Lynch & Adam Parrish
WHAT: Adam arrives!
WHEN: February 25, 2020 (backdated)
WHERE: Bureau -> Barns

... )

Mar. 14th, 2020


Anybody want a slinky with googly eyes

Any of you [...] need anything?

Mar. 1st, 2020


Video attachment of a plate with what appears to be a smash cake being set in front of a roughly cocker spaniel sized green dragon. Audio of Charlie beginning to sing 'Happy Birthday to You' to the dragon, who keeps looking up between the cake and the camera, where Charlie is presumably holding the camera. As soon as he's finished singing, "Go on" is said and the dragon diving onto the plate. Video cuts to black.

They grow up so fast, don't they?

What we doing for Ronnie tonight?

Feb. 26th, 2020


I'll be teaching boxing lessons at the gym, Monday through Friday, 4-5:30. All skill levels, come as often as you'd like. If there's interest I can run a few bouts.

Tuesdays from 5:30-7 I'll be offering a self-defense class. I'm also available to work one on one outside of those times.

[ Klaus ]
Your friend Dolores. She like mom?

Feb. 25th, 2020


Hey Hello Hi. My name is Adam Parrish and this wasn't where I was expecting to end up, but I've gotten the impression that's everyone's story here.

Finding a job should probably be my next step, if anyone knows of any openings. I've worked as a mechanic before, and in a factory and a warehouse, but I'm willing to take any job I'm qualified for. I'd appreciate any other tips for getting settled, too. Thanks, in advance.

Feb. 22nd, 2020


[Filtered to Friends+*]
So I guess that happened.

I'm not good of this sort of thing, but since I brought it up, they/them pronouns for now.

Feb. 21st, 2020


Pardon me, I hope this is working. I am Dolores. I arrived a few days ago and have already made my introductions to some of the folks here.

I do not know why there are suddenly so many birds, and I know everyone is worried about the sandstorms and the children going missing. It's such a shame. My parents and my cows are missing too. But I was told my home is in a different time and place and that I cannot return, so I must make do.

Unfortunately I was informed that the savings I have mean very little in the current market, and purchasing new cattle would not be so easy. But a nice lady told me that making pies was an option, so I have made a few dozen. Oddly enough, all the cans in my pantry were empty, so I had to buy what I could from the grocery.

All I have is apple. I am not sure what a fair price to ask for them are. But every penny helps. Thank you.

Feb. 18th, 2020


Bureau guards and official volunteers:

There's talk of moving kids outside of Tumbleweed, but we don't have complete data on whether or not she'd snatched anyone outside of here. Right now, I'm recommending patrols, particularly around school times. I want no one under eighteen walking to school alone. Parents, if you want a guard who has superpowers as a bodyguard, let me know. We'll assign someone.

If you're volunteering, note that I will be picking those with powers first. Maleficent has untold magical powers, and there is no telling what she's granted to the troll-like "people."
You up for some more shifts while I get some people out on the streets? Promise not to work you to death.
Need a favor. Can you drop into Cuba and let me know if one Mistress of Evil and her troll minions are there?


Text messages: R. Lynch
» Children are being targeted.
» Is there something we can do for Opal?
» She looks the part.

Feb. 14th, 2020


With everything happening in town, and the recent departures, we've decided to forgo a party for Helena's birthday. We made this decision not long after my Uncle Percy left but hadn't discussed it publicly.

All of that being said, if anyone would like to join us tomorrow at Rapax Races, I can promise that there will be cake and go-karts. Helena has seemed to have a nice birthday this evening but I do hope that wherever my Aunt Luna is now, she enjoyed whichever birthday milestone she reached yesterday in good company and with plenty of joy.

Feb. 12th, 2020


I managed to corner one of those goblin-like creatures that have been scurrying around town, to perform a miracle on it. I told it that if it had been transformed, to return to its original form. Suddenly, it changed into a very confused woman, middle aged, wearing sweat pants. Before I could get in any words of comfort, she returned to that horrid, goblin form, kicked me in the shin and ran off!

What plans do you have for Friday? I'd much rather not spend it alone.

Feb. 8th, 2020


So forests and ravens do sound like me but i didn't do it and neither did Lindenmere

But I'm gonna need people to help me keep an eye on Lindenmere since something is messing around with the forests. I'm pretty sure it can protect itself from that world ruler person whoever or any other people but if this is some portal shit it might get overpowered

Also not sure if I should send any of my animals there since apparently pets are going missing?

Feb. 2nd, 2020


In search of job leads. Physical labor is fine. My condition is that the armor stays on.

Jan. 31st, 2020


Did everyone else get the weird note?

Jan. 12th, 2020


WHO: Ronan & Declan Lynch
WHAT: The truth spell hits the Lynch brothers
WHEN: January 11 (Gansey's bday)
WHERE: The Barns
WARNINGS: Suicidal ideation/dreams, drinking, references to violence in their pasts, I think that's it?

... )

Jan. 10th, 2020


I'm pretty sure there's a very special place in hell for people who hack other people's phones and change alarms and ringtones to HUMAN-LIKE SCREAMING GOATS for fun.

I will get you back.

Jan. 5th, 2020


» Lynch, did you happen to dream a drove of goats? Perhaps somewhere off the Barns?

Jan. 3rd, 2020


While I was searching for names for my goats, I found something that mentioned having to register your goats, so...I guess I maybe need to? Did the other people with farm animals have to register theirs, too? There are rules about it, too, so I might need help doing it.

Dec. 14th, 2019


WHO: Declan and Ronan Lynch
WHAT: Reunion at the Barns
WHEN: Friday November 13th, afternoon
WHERE: The Barns
WARNINGS: References to violence, blood/gore, poor communication skills

I didn’t do it this time )

Dec. 12th, 2019


Network Post: Hondo Ohnaka

I don't know how I came to be in a vid I have no memory of filming, but it was enjoyable to watch this "Holiday Therapy", if very fictional! Why, my sweet mother would never host so much family for something completely unprofitable and I would never take over such a venture just to "honor her memory"— that would dishonor her! Not to mention I still have very little idea what this "Christmas" is.

To the handsome young human man who was my paramour— while I do not remember our brief time together, I hope you achieve your dreams of whatever a physical therapist is. You can buy me drinks sometime to thank me.

And to everyone, YOU'RE WELCOME!

Dec. 9th, 2019


Any of you like magic forests

Dec. 7th, 2019


WHO: Ronan, Gansey, & Blue
WHAT: Ronan gets updated to Call Down The Hawk and what's left of the gangsey goes to Lindenmere
WHEN: Dec 6, very early morning
WHERE: St. Agnes church -> Lindenmere
WARNINGS: Alcohol use, mentions of character death (kinda, it's Noah and he's a ghost), some spoilers for CDTH

... )

Dec. 2nd, 2019


WHO: Ronan & Gansey
WHAT: Insomniacs up at night
WHEN: Like a week ago, a little before Thanksgiving (backdated)
WHERE: The Barns
WARNINGS: Heavy on the feels

”...” )

Nov. 29th, 2019


So is this a life of leisure situation? You've all this technology, doesn't seem to be a need to work, we all just exist?

Nov. 28th, 2019


Anyone else feel like the Santa letters get harder each time?

Nov. 21st, 2019


Baelfire was among the first of us to arrive at Mount Weather. He was so much more than just a Lost Boy, and I, for one, will not forget him.

Bae made paintings and drawings while he was here. I know there were a few that he said if he ever disappeared I could have. I was wondering if I could come by and take a look.

Nov. 17th, 2019


FIELD TRIP TO THE MOON TOMORROW! That's Monday, folks. Get it? MOONday?

Don't worry, I've already been there. No abandoned bases. No space spiders. And it's not a gigantic alien egg. Just your everyday, run of the mill moon.

It's still cool. And it's SPACE!

My class is going, but if you want to come, too then sign up here.

[Clara Oswald]
Still need to watch that stupid video.

Nov. 16th, 2019


Since the other day, the portal has gifted us some other items. Nothing appears to be quite as personal as the VHS. Our staff has gone over them and we cannot find anything mysterious or magical or problem-causing them with.

Well, except the weird swamp bird things. They're just annoying.
  • Dozens of plastic hour glasses. They only do one minute intervals though.
  • A whole bunch of horror-inspiring taxidermy animals.
  • The aforementioned swamp birds. They are ridiculously stupid. And apparently livestock so if you want one or more, come get them. Anakin called them nunas.
  • Some white balls the size of an apple. They have turned Nebula into a piglet when she dropped one. If anyone can help with that, it'd be appreciated. I really need my guard back.
  • Toeless rainboots which are, of course, useless. But if you want the material, it's yours.

The Bureau will be open at 8am tomorrow if you'd like to pick up items. Please, for the love of all things, take the nunas.

Sep. 28th, 2018


Hey, Dr. Ravi. Are you okay with being called Dr. Ravi, still? We actually met before, a couple years ago, but I pretty much assume you don't remember given how you introduced yourself all over again. I can call you Dr. Chakrabarti if you'd prefer.

Um. Right. Anyway. Hey.

Oh... uh... I was just wondering... if we wanted to ask you some stuff, do we need to make an appointment?

Added later



WHO: Ronan and Adam
WHAT: Ronan's reappearance after the faerie
WHEN: Backdated to 9/15
WHERE: The Barns
WARNINGS: Mentions of emotional and physical child abuse

... )

Sep. 21st, 2018


WHO: Gansey, Rhy Maresh & Kell Maresh (background Ronan Lynch)
WHAT: Identifying & saving Kell
WHEN: Late Saturday/early Sunday September 15/16th
WHERE: Fairy Ball
WARNINGS: Issues of self-worth, some cruelty, vague references to violence, etc. What you'd expect from a log making a deal with fairies.

He was good enough to get Kell back. )


WHO: Ronan & Gansey
WHAT: Talking after the ball
WHEN: Backdated to Monday, late morning
WHERE: Barns/Monmouth
WARNINGS: Feels, references to canon character death

... )

Sep. 18th, 2018


Midnight wolf runs. Who's in?

Also I started working on the pool again. I think it'll be done in a week or two. Pool party?

[Emma & Neal]
So, I don't want you guys to feel bad for what I did. I chose it. So like don't feel bad about it. Plus it all worked out for some reason I don't really know. Usually it's better not to question that stuff too hard.

But thanks for worrying? Is that weird to thank you for?

[Bae & Henry]
So... Emma and Neal are acting different, right?

Added: Nevermind! They're just like hit with a truth thing or something.

Sep. 16th, 2018


Did anyone figure out who these faeries were? Did anyone recognize them from their world? Did they leaving any way of contact behind?

Sep. 15th, 2018


WHO: Ronan and Adam
WHAT: Ronan disappears because faeries
WHEN: Friday evening
WHERE: The Barns
WARNINGS: Mask horror

... )

Sep. 14th, 2018


Event: Unseelie Court Ball

WHO: The Displaced and a bunch of fairies.
WHEN: From midnight until 6am. Technically early Sunday morning.
WHERE: Another dimension
WHAT: The Unseelie Court invites you to a ball. (Make sure to tag your characters as you add them). Masks arrived shortly after the Abducted were taken the prior night.

Welcome, welcome! )

Sep. 11th, 2018


Has anything "claiming" happened to people here? Has anyone disappeared today? Thirteen souls claimed that we must get back is not the most promising of invitations, even when announced politely on high quality paper in calligraphy. Given what I have seen and heard, it seems like words to be taken literally. Beyond that, it could sound promising.

Filter: Barnacles
I want us all to be ready for this ball. If we need to go, I do not want us to be banned at the door for inappropriate dress. No excuses. The trials would have been so exciting were it not for someone's soul.

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