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Oct. 8th, 2017


(036) Anakin Solo

I suppose it's worth checking one more time just to make certain we haven't stolen someone's kitten.

Cut for image, not filtered )

But, Musketeer Nico and Musketeer Anakin rescued this little guy from a tree like a couple of days ago and I think we may well have asked everyone in Tumbleweed that came through downtown during that time if they knew who he belonged too, but if anyone knows where the little guy belongs let us know as soon as possible, or we're keeping him.

He likes Nico, which makes it basically settled.


WHO: Anakin and Luke Skywalker, with a dash of Leia Organa Solo at the end
WHAT: Luke has arrived and is finally getting out of quarantine! Cue super overprotective dad!
WHEN: October 3, after Luke's family post
WHERE: From the military base to Poe's ranch
WARNINGS: Medical stuff throughout with some referenced body horror

Family, Luke had begun to learn, was exhausting )


I'm pretty sure it went without saying, with everything that happened this week, but we're going to move our Pumpkin event back to next weekend. We wouldn't want Poe to be at disadvantage with how long he was a Dog and all.

If you didn't know about it, we're going to be having a little fall get together at the ranch. There's going to be the pumpkin carving contest as well as a corn maze and tons of food. You should join us. It's going to be a lot of fun.

Sep. 27th, 2017


Voice Post: Anakin Skywalker

[after this and voice posted to avoid getting paint/glitter on the screen]

Does anyone know how to get paint and glitter off of hair and skin? And leather? A lot of paint and glitter. I guess my clothes might be hopeless, but apparently some... children... are going to be dressing up like... um, me, for "Halloween," so maybe... Yeah, if anyone has any ideas. Thanks.

Sep. 20th, 2017


» Eliot, it's Leia.
» I'm doing some research and find myself somewhat overwhelmed.
» I don't know why, but I have a feeling you might be able to help.
» What can you tell me about harvest festivals, Halloween, etc.?

Sep. 16th, 2017


(035) Anakin Solo

There is a BB-8 waffle maker, but no Artoo waffle maker, and that's definitely problematic, so I'm going to spend my evening working on fixing that. It can't be too terribly hard, can it? Hopefully Fiver isn't going to get jealous on me though.

[Filter: Anakin Skywalker]
Yeah, so it may totally not work out at all, but how do you feel about testing my ability to make a waffle maker make Artoo Detoo shaped waffles sometime this week?


(028) Poe Dameron

All right then, I'm looking for people who want to judge pumpkin carving. Cause Leia, Rey, and I are going to carve pumpkins, and we need outside parties to determine who wins the contest.

We'll offer you s'mores and maybe pumpkin pie for your judging trouble.

[Filter: Dameron Ranch]
Sometime in October? To give us time to collect the proper Pumpkins and make our plans and do the carving and all that?

Sep. 14th, 2017


RP Log; Anakin & Leia

Who: Leia Organa Solo & Anakin Solo
When: Sometime recently-ish.
Where: A park
What: Anakin meets the newest (furry!) member of the family.
Rating: Low.

Leia hoped that bringing a dog into her life, along with school starting up again, might help fill the hole left when Han disappeared. )

Sep. 10th, 2017


(027) Poe Dameron

[Dameron Ranch]
We're getting pumpkins and we're carving them, and then we're going to have people vote on which of us has the best carved pumpkin. You guys have been warned so you can make your plans.

Sep. 1st, 2017


Delivery and Filters: Anakin Skywalker


[In a package outside Sabine's mansion bedroom door, with a note: "I don't ask for your forgiveness, but I ask that you live your life well. Maybe you will enjoy these. I'm sorry. — Anakin Skywalker"


I He We I don't know if I made it clear enough before: thank you. For helping me and letting me stay in your home. I didn't deserve that kindness.

If you don't want to talk to me, I understand. I just wanted to say thanks.


Thank you for the visits.


I guess I haven't been leaving my room much in [...] awhile. I'm not right, after what happened. It's not leaving me.

I don't know what to do but [...] i think I need help

[TRIGGER WARNING for Anakin/Vader mental illness depicted and family violence referenced in comments]

Aug. 25th, 2017


I'm allowed to be sad every once in a while. I miss my pirate. There, I said it.

Aug. 24th, 2017


(026) Poe Dameron

Somehow young me forgot how amazing coffee was. This is probably a good thing for everyone who was putting up with me during this time, but I am happy to be back to enjoying it again this morning.

[Filter: Rey]
Is it wrong that I still half want to call you Hera?

Unrelated, I kind of wish there were as many used airplane lots in this town as there are used car lots.


I've been meaning to check in on you two. Vader can be quite — unpleasant. Is there anything I can do?

Aug. 20th, 2017


WHO: Leia Organa and Darth Vader
WHAT: Leia and Vader, face to face.
WHEN: August 17
WHERE: Padmé's apartment
WARNINGS: I don't think there's any? But it's Darth Vader, so.

There will be no standing for me at all, Princess, as you can see.  )

Aug. 19th, 2017


(016) Kylo Ren

It is becoming increasingly difficult to keep employment with all these disruptions.

[Filter: Eliot]
I didn't just dream that you read me half of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone did I?

[Filter: Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader]
I've been told you are here.

Aug. 18th, 2017


Log: Kylo Ren & Leia Organa

Who: Kylo Ren & Leia Organa
When: 12 August (slightly backdated).
Where: Espresso Pump
What: Awkward Mother Son Conversations
Rating: Low-ish.

The Espresso Pump had not been a place that Kylo had seen himself getting a job. )

Aug. 17th, 2017



[An image of who's shown up in the Funhouse! Handwave that the voice modulator is functioning correctly during this post for Darth Vader voice, but future comments may note occasional problems like in a certain Rebels duel. Without his head enclosed his breathing is extra labored, like in the end of RotJ]

The past self that was here must have believed that he would assist people in this labyrinth of mirrors without risk to himself. He was incorrect. Now, I am here. The timing is most inconvenient.

I believe it is your policy to grant "sanctuary." If the associates of Skywalker remain here, they are permitted to approach me. Do not send in your soldiers. It would be pointless. I am unarmed.

Aug. 15th, 2017


(015) Kylo Ren

I know my Mom is here, cause I can feel her.


WHO: Eliot Waugh, Leia Organa & Kylo Ren
WHAT: Eliot used an emotion bottle in order to do battle magic during the fight and has to deal with the after effects. Leia bares witness to Eliot's initial emotional display before Kylo comes to take him away from observing eyes.
WHEN: After all the fighting was over in the 1953 plot.
WHERE: The Caves and nearby them.
WARNINGS: Spoilers for The Magicians season 2 and some Star Wars events; references to murder as self defense, arranged marriages, child kidnapping, betrayal, etc. Nothing too detailed on any specific topic though. It's feelsy.
STATUS: Complete

You did Battle Magic, didn't you? The emotion bottling thing. )

Aug. 9th, 2017


One of the nice things about the town being larger is that in the mayor's office, there's almost always something to do. It's nice to be kept busy again.


Aug. 2nd, 2017


For those who knew her, Lois is gone.

Jul. 26th, 2017


[Military reps]
I'm wearing civs but I'm taking the wings and shield. Any thoughts about how we want this to go? They're probably going to look most to Scott, I'm fine with him taking lead.

Jul. 23rd, 2017


We've got a problem.

Some recon into Sweetums has discovered that they've come down with a sickness. The symptoms? Purple pustules, green dots, and vomiting. Those of us who were in space, whether we caught it or not, are carriers and we've infected these people.

We've got to come up with a solution from our limited means here.

Jul. 21st, 2017


Black social history was part of my Masters so I should be able to give a good overview of what shit's gonna be like in 1953. I'd say get a snack and a cup of tea, but I guess MREs and water will have to do.

History lesson! (won't be as thorough as the doc) )

Honestly, the best thing we can do is establish ourselves outside the town. We want to be considered separate and in charge of our own affairs. Even those of us who look acceptable aren't going to know the nuances of social conventions and suspicion of anyone different in a small rural town in Texas is going to be bad, especially with resources scarce. But we probably will have some contact with them, so anyone who's worried can come find me and I'll try to help you out. If anyone else specifically studied this time period it would be great if you could speak up too.

Apart from that I'm good for patrols, helping to build things, scouting, whatever. I might be able to do up a map of where the birds are finding water in the area, but I can't promise it will be helpful for this many people.

Jul. 20th, 2017


There are many stars here.


I know Matt got the start of watches put in place last night, but with knowing the town has an idea of where we're located, we might wanna be upping that a bit.

Anyone able to shield the area from others entering that ain't ours? Or setting up some sort of security perimeter around the new shelter we got going?

And I'd say don't travel without a buddy. Preferably more'n one person just in case anything does happen.

Jul. 21st, 2017


Okay so like... we've got good news, sort of, and also definitely bad news. We're just north of Tumbleweed. That's the only good bit. Also it's 1953 and the Korean War totally hasn't ended yet. I think it's the end of July it's meant to end so it must almost be done and this has got to be like the only time I've actually been glad my dad was my history teacher. Anyway they were not very friendly, since... my dad is Korean, the Japanese still aren't that popular either, and Ahsoka isn't even human. So it didn't really go very well. They wouldn't even give us some water for the walk back. But there was all these lights over the mountains that I guess might have been the pods coming down? So, they know where we are, pretty much.

Jul. 20th, 2017


For those keeping track and looking for more information, several of us headed east as a group and we came across what appeared to be Longhorn Ranch but there was barely anything there. A few people, some animals, not much. We split up to gather more information, so a few of the others who went with me might be able to speak to their interactions better than I can.

The young man I came across spoke of a drought and said that they get water trucked in weekly but it never lasts long enough. He also asked if we came down from the sky because he saw lights over the mountains. It was obvious that he wasn't interested in talking to me though, so I kept it short and moved along.

I'm very concerned about what this means, especially with a concern over the availability of water. And besides, the entire situation has left me with a very bad feeling.


(030) Anakin Solo

Frankly, I would have been perfectly happy to never see the Pod God again.

So it's already hot, and it's going to get hotter. I had my Jedi robe with me in the pod, it's not a lot, but if you've got little kids or if there is someone the heat's going to be really bad for, let me know. I've kind of juryrigged a tent up.

But if there isn't shelter around here somewhere, we're probably going to need more than just a make-shift tent.

Jul. 19th, 2017


after they've landed, but before everyone has found each other.

This is Ahsoka Tano. I'm able to connect to our network, which has been active in most worlds we've landed in, and I'm writing this in the hopes that someone else is out there. I've landed in a pod that seems to have some sort of power dampener. I was unable to use the Force while in it, but after releasing myself, I feel back to normal.

If you're out there, please let me know. I don't know what kind of world we've landed on, but the terrain seems extra dry with the potential to be hostile. If others are out there, I want to find you; there's safety in numbers.

Jul. 17th, 2017


WHO: Leia Organa Solo & Poe Dameron
WHEN: Earlier in July
WHERE: Poe Dameron's ranch
SUMMARY: Leia and Poe cook dinner together and talk.

It's too bad none of us are big cooks. We could open a - what is it, Star Wars? - themed restaurant here in town. I bet we'd do pretty good business. )

Jul. 13th, 2017


Hi, everyone! I just wanted to remind you all to come see Romeo & Juliet on July 17th and the 18th! The show starts at 7:30 and you don't want to miss it! Belle has done an amazing job! Our cast and crew members have put in a lot of hard work to make this show great for you! You wont be disappointed!

Jul. 11th, 2017


(029) Anakin Solo

I don't think I've ever been this thoughtful about a birthday before, but hey, I'm 17. I was 15 when I arrived at Mount Weather. My birthday had just happened at home not that long before I arrived at Mount Weather, so I've been here for 2 years, more or less and I've made some amazing friends, and I guess I've learned quite a bit even if it's not the same stuff that I'd have learned at home that's maybe okay. And I kinda wish that my brother and sister were here, or some of my friends from home, but I'm glad to have the friends and family that I have here, and Pod God or whatever is in charge of this, they'd best stick around.

So yeah. Thoughtful. I think that's making me feel older than I really am.

You're the best.

You know I don't know if I even turned 17 at home or not. Jacen didn't really say how long.


Seems as if all the universes have one thing in common — the need to find a job.

Still considering looking at the government. Not 100% on the fence about that, though. Had my run with the feds, and that might be enough for me. Besides, it wouldn't be the same without Peter my friend there with me.

So my fall back is art. I have taught art before, and am willing to take commissions if anyone is interested in a portrait. I'm skilled in all mediums, even sculpture if that's something you want. Never know when a person will want a bust of themselves just in their hallway.

Let me know if you're interested. In the meantime I've painted these replicas if anyone wants to purchase them:

Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

Jul. 1st, 2017


Star Wars

When I woke up this morning, Han was gone.

Before you ask, I'm fine. I know it's not his fault. It's this - whatever this is. It's fine.

Jun. 16th, 2017


It would seem as though a different version of me has been out plotting government takeovers and eating a lot of chocolate cake while I was trapped inside my mirror. I'd like to take a moment to apologize to anyone that the other me might have hurt or offended over the last few days.

Jun. 15th, 2017


[Padmé and Leia]
It seems my actions have drawn unwelcome attention. Seems someone is following me about town. Not to worry though, I plan to lead them out of town and deal with them appropriately. Even if they manage to best me it will still keep you two free to carry on our good work.

Jun. 12th, 2017


I think I can safely say that the only decent thing about man's world are ice cream and the cars.


WHO: Leia Organa Solo, well, Leia's evil twin, aka dark!Leia | [OPEN if anyone is interested]
WHEN: Monday afternoon
WHERE: Tumbleweed, a café
SUMMARY: Leia has her eye on a slice of chocolate cake.
WARNINGS: Using the Force to manipulate people.
NOTES: Force sensitive people, and Leia's family, will definitely feel the change in her, more than likely specifically Anakin Skywalker and Kylo Ren.

There was one slice left of a dark chocolate cake that she wanted, and a woman in front of her ordered it. )

Jun. 8th, 2017


(028) Anakin Solo

Yes, our pool has a new friend. Who wants to come over and try to fly... er, float... it?

May. 31st, 2017


WHO: Han and Leia Organa Solo
WHEN: Backdated to Saturday
WHERE: The Wedding!
SUMMARY: Gushy mushy wedding stuff

She knew, deep down, that he wasn't the Han that had come out of the war with him, wasn't the same Han that had drew her close and helped her emerge after Endor, after Vader's death, after that entire thing happened to her and she didn't know what to do or how to think. And yet, he was still Han and he was here, and she knew he loved her just as she loved him. )

May. 27th, 2017


[ooc: backdated to early this morning]

[Leia Organa]
I know I'm going to see you in a few hours, but in case I don't get the chance, I wanted to let you know that I'm so very glad to be here to share your day.


WHO: Everyone is invited!
WHEN: Saturday, May 27 | late afternoon into the evening
WHERE: Poe Dameron’s ranch
SUMMARY: Han & Leia get married! | IC/OOC fun
WARNINGS: Probably not but who knows if people will get rowdy.

Cut for details & aesthetics photos! )

May. 16th, 2017


RP Log; Kylo Ren & Leia Organa & Millie

16 MAY
Leia Organa & Kylo Ren & Millicent the Cat
The Solo apartments • afternoon
Low • Complete
You're always so content. )

Mar. 28th, 2017


Accidental Comm Broadcast: Galaxy Far, Far Away

WHO: People from a Galaxy Far, Far Away
WHAT: Accidental open comm broadcast of in-person blathering thanks to someone mashing a button while "tanked"; kinda thready because of action cues that aren't really audible on the comms. Hybrid format? Includes a VERY SPECIAL proposal
WHEN: March 28
WHERE: Pandora
WARNINGS: Heavy alcohol use and drunkenness; collapsed thread (with subject line warning) domestic violence/abuse TW

Mar. 22nd, 2017


(007) Kylo Ren

Does anyone have any idea how to get a Force resistant cat to sleep at night?

Mar. 14th, 2017


RP log; Kylo Ren & Leia Organa

14 March
Leia Organa & Kylo Ren
Prettiest Star • afternoon
Moderate • Complete
WARNING: Kylo is an asshole
He would trade his mother or his father for Hux. )

Feb. 24th, 2017


(005) Kylo Ren

Coruscant is a step up from a Force damned island.

Or that Tumbleweed hell for that matter.

It seems unlikely but I don't suppose anyone has seen a red haired General? He's stuffy and belligerent. Generally impossible to do anything with? You couldn't miss him.

Feb. 22nd, 2017


Network Post: Anakin Skywalker

There is no Jedi Temple here.

There are no Jedi here.

Jan. 22nd, 2017


Network Post: Anakin Skywalker

This is General Skywalker to any Republic forces receiving, my comlink's down and this message needs to get to Coruscant immediately: send troops to secure the Supreme Chancellor's office and protect him at all costs. He may be in extreme danger. Somehow someone got into his office undetected and removed me to an unknown location; I doubt I was the real target. I need a status report, trace on my location, and extraction ASAP. When the Supreme Chancellor is secured, remaining troops are to report to Senator Amidala's apartment and ensure she is safe as well. Do not permit any Jedi entry to either location until I return.

If a civilian is receiving this: it is your duty to forward this immediately to Republic authorities. Fail to do so, and you may be charged with treason. Make the right choice.

If this has been intercepted by a Separatist: do yourself a favor and don't make the mistake of thinking now you can capture me. You've already lost. Don't take after the Count and lose your life as well.

[through Ahsoka's master-apprentice Force bond: confusion at sensing her, relief mixed with hesitation, reaching out to find her— wait, something's different about her?]

[through Obi-Wan's master-apprentice Force bond: confusion as well, but anger— so much anger, and feeling personally betrayed]

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