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Mar. 13th, 2018


Who needs magic when you were born with magic fingers?

[Mycroft Holmes]

I got your magic carpet and I still have both of my hands and tongue. Meet me [some location in the Enchanted Forest]

You going to that party ball thing? I'm going to need help with not looking like I don't know what the hell I'm doing.


Hair braiding (or general styling) party before the ball???

EDIT: Room 401! Come over starting anytime after... 3pm? If you want to do something real complicated you can come early, just let me know ahead of time.


Hey, I need to borrow a dress again, general public. Because I'm not going to dress like a tavern wench in Sherwood forest.


I haven't been to a party since the Winter Ball and that I left a few minutes in.

Are you guys going?


You want to go to a party, since I ditched you on New Years?


Good thing I don't own any dresses. Otherwise I'd feel obligated to go to this party.

Mar. 12th, 2018


I got a pretty necklace. It looks like a cat's eye even.

Mar. 11th, 2018


Agrabah is really weird after dark, especially when you've been drinking. Anyway, some old woman came up to me and offered me a magic bean for helping her pick up the bag of apples she'd dropped. I tried to tell her that wasn't necessary, but I found it in my pocket when I got back to my room.

So anyone up for an adventure? I don't know where it leads, but, who knows?

Mar. 10th, 2018


delivery, or rather, left behind for Murphy )

left for Selina Kyle wherever the hell she is )

Mar. 9th, 2018


[picture of Johanna wearing this with a plain grey v-neck]

Yessssssssss. I'm so fancy.



[attached Boomerang picture of her twirling in this dress]

I dare my mom to say that I didn't keep up with my family's customs while parading out in another universe, going on adventures and occasionally fighting bad guys when they decide to take your boat.

Nah, but she knows about me being Ms. Marvel. She always knew and I thought I was being sneaky.

Anyway, I'm officially deeming this the best port ever, because I'm reliving my childhood Disney fantasy, even though there wasn't many brown-girl Disney princesses to choose from. I'm just a little sad I didn't actually get to meet an Aladdin or Jasmine. Or the Genie. But the carpet rides are AWESOME. 12/10 would come back here again.


This is more outdoors than I ever seen in my entire life. Where's the big city place around here? It's easier to hide than when you think you're being followed.

Filter: Damian Wayne
Dude, what the fuck?

Mar. 6th, 2018


Well, I guess I'm going camping again and remembering to buy luxurious jewels in Agrabah.


You going to be all right, Old Soul?

Mar. 5th, 2018


Magic carpets, Camelot, castles, Sherwood Forest. My inner child is screaming.

You've been quiet.

Mar. 4th, 2018


Oh, good, this one looks a lot like the last one, so this time, I'll actually be able to leave and enjoy woodsy outdoor life like a Wayne!

Except the jewelry from the last one. I wanted that kind of jewelry.


Have you seen the packet about the new port yet?

(added later)
I will probably be staying on the boat for this port.


unfiltered, one image )

I live out here now.

Mar. 3rd, 2018


[filtered to people that consider him a friend]

I know you all have just been at the edge of your seats waiting for me to update. I'm feeling mighty generous today and hopefully this will keep you well fed for awhile.

A few nights ago I had the pleasure of hanging out with the coolest little human. Didn't think she'd like me, but I obviously charmed the hell out of her. Who can blame her, right? Prince Charming. Watch out, Johanna. Got yourself a little bit of competition.

She also painted my nails. Here's the proof.

not an ic cut )

Bitches gon' be jealous.

Mar. 1st, 2018


I'm getting over my cold but it seems like everyone else is sick from something else. Ha! At least I wasn't leaking from both ends. Just from my nose.

Everyone has sparkly things from Middle Earth. No one got me anything sparkly. I should have got myself something sparkly. Even if I'd look stupid with a bejeweled necklace over my men's tank top. Reminds me of old times. It wasn't so bad sometimes.

filter to John Murphy )

Feb. 28th, 2018


Alright, everyone was right. Lip Sync Battle is more fun to participate in opposed to just watching. I stand corrected.


I don't think there's a curse in all of the Dark Arts potent enough for me to have my full vengeance against whoever is responsible for the misery I endured in the wee hours of this morning.

Roxanne, tell me some of your healing supplies made it through the portal with you, because I think it's possible I still might die.

Feb. 25th, 2018


[Filter: To people who consider Murphy their friend]

I now have a very impressive collection of wooden pipes made from various woods and designs. It's like I'm an expert and have become super sophisticated. I know you're all very jealous of me and that's fine. I'll take it.


Our last day here and I woke up fucking sick. I think it might be just a cold, I don't feel like it's the flu. Fucking germy hobbits.

I'll sleep on the couch, Murphy. I don't want you sick too, dummy.


Well, it's been an interesting couple of weeks. I'll give you that. I've learned perhaps more than I ever wanted to know about what living humans are like. I have a lot to think about. Perhaps I don't have practice with the, for lack of a better word, range in humanity.

So, without further ado, things I have learned about humanity.

1. Even the simplest good person lesson can go over many of your heads. I really don't know how to break it down further. Lying, stealing, cheating, killing should really be pretty basic stuff. As you can tell by the lack of good person lessons, I've decided to put them on hiatus until I better understand how to make it clearer.

2. Most of you often say one thing but mean something completely different. Saying yes when you mean no, for example. I'm so confused I'm not even sure if it could be considered lying. Are the rest of you this confused all the time? It's terrible.

3. I want so badly to help all of you. It's clear to me that my methods may be bar too high for most of you to clear. So please, let me know how I can help you.

Your friend,

Feb. 21st, 2018


(029) Kylo Ren

eliot finsd tkhe beest places

Feb. 20th, 2018


Hypothetical question. If someone wanted to speak to someone about issues, where would they go? Is there like a professional or a head doctor? Not like physical issues, the other kind.


WHO: Johanna Mason & John Murphy
WHEN: the 15th
WHERE: Fangorn Forest
WHAT: Murphy and Johanna go camping. They have a conversation that is a prelude to their stupid public fight a few days later.
WARNINGS: Language, k-i-s-s-i-n-g
STATUS: gdoc, done

Hey, I found the safest place to keep all our tenderness. It's here in the smallest bones, the feet and the inner ear It's such enormous thing to walk and to listen )

Feb. 15th, 2018


» therese voerman - network

I loathe this place. You are all certifiably insane.

It would likely be best I remain on the ship before I crush one of these creatures to dust.

Feb. 19th, 2018


psa time for the smokers

longbottom leaf, old toby and one other one i cant remember are basically tobacco that smell nice

southern star is not tobacco...

your welcome lol

Feb. 18th, 2018


Groan really loud if you're in your suite recovering from a wicked hangover. /groan

I think was pizza was good? I can't remember.


Hey. I've got something for you.

Feb. 17th, 2018


I'm ready to go home now. Home home.
Edited that night
Lindon is pretty.


What do you do when someone says they broke up with you and you were not aware of that?


So you broke up with me?


I am no longer sick, and they cannot have my blood.


[The 100 Fam + Johanna Mason + friends]

[picture of him wearing a mithril shirt and looking smug as hell about it.]

They like me so much that they needed to give me a gift.

Feb. 18th, 2018


I've filled most of a notebook talking to local gardeners and botanists about plants that can grow in small spaces. I've got photographs and samples and I think I'm going to spend the evening planning a good layout for the balcony outside my room, if anyone would like to join me at the cafe on the ship.

Feb. 16th, 2018



sif 😍❤


The trees talk!! Their bark is so tough not even an axe could break it! And they're even really trees, they're LIKE trees, and they're shepherds for the trees these other creatures that can move and talk to trees but aren't Ents and they all look after the forest. They're so tall and beautiful.

I'm getting nerd shit everwhere.

Feb. 15th, 2018


[ooc note: pretend he's wearing ranger clothing and not wearing glasses]

Do you remember the Shire, Mr. Frodo? )

[Bucky (ph)]
Johanna and I are camping out somewhere in the forest with the talking trees. Wish us luck.


This is not funny. I have a very important day ahead of me, and I do not have time for this!

Feb. 14th, 2018


Happy Valentine's Day to those who celebrate!

Feb. 13th, 2018


Day 2, no Orlando Bloom.

Feb. 12th, 2018


Nope. I am not going to dress up. I don't think you can pay me enough to look ridiculous as some of you.

Feb. 11th, 2018


Okaaaaay! That was a pretty great party, actually. I hope you had a great birthday, Margo!

I probably need to sit down and drink some water so I don't hate myself tomorrow. Thanks for all the dances everyone and helping my dress have better memories than it had. Super thankful.

[ooc: if you want to say you danced with Waverly, she's totally adorable and you can say that happened. Anyone!]

Feb. 10th, 2018


texts to John Murphy )


Oh joy a place that requires a whole lot of walking. They call it Middle Earth for a reason? Who the hell are these Lord of the Rings? I have no clue what the hell I'm reading.

[Johanna Mason]

You check out this map of Middle Earth?

[The 100]

Anyone ever heard of this place? Bellamy, I am looking at you. You're the nerd that reads.

ETA: I'm going to get the movies and going to watch them in my suite tonight. If you want to watch 'em come on over. Bring shit to eat. I'll have some stuff, but I don't know what you all like.

Feb. 9th, 2018


WHO: Johanna Mason and Ron Weasley
WHEN: apparently the 4th, after chess stuff with Harry. *hoards KC*
WHERE: Their suite.
WHAT: Johanna and Ron sit on the balcony and swap stories. They attempt to get drunk but Johanna didn't bring enough beer.
WARNINGS: mentions of torture. when isn't that mentioned with Johanna? Possibly body horror, for Ron's scars from the Dept. of Mysteries.
STATUS: gdoc, complete!

Come on, give me a break. What is the point if I stay? There’s not that much I can say. )


I figure by now you've gotten told by enough people how things work around here. You still pushing to figure shit out?

Ky says you are the one who brought food this morning. You're an angel sent from on high, Tunes.

Thank you.

Hey. You haven't scheduled anything for tomorrow, have you, Bambi?

Feb. 8th, 2018


Ive drank to much and now Im gonna sing a song caled I Got YOu Babe with Eliot


Not sure about this group So fitbits

I guess I should leave my cabin more.

[Filtered to John Murphy]
Sorry- So I just wanted to-


Feb. 6th, 2018


WHO: Johanna Mason and John Murphy
WHEN: Johanna's suite
WHERE: Jan. 31st.
WHAT: Johanna has a nightmare and Murphy comforts her.
WARNINGS: Hunger Games stuff. SIGH. Torture, war, addiction.
STATUS: gdoc, finished.

And killing things is not so hard it's hurting that's the hardest part )


The French restaurant is MUAH!


I think I'm supposed to say it was nice meeting you two.

Feb. 4th, 2018


Private to Johanna Mason and John Murphy, sent shortly after this
I can't believe this even needs to be said, but I hereby invoke a rule making clothing mandatory for the common area of our suite. That means no bare arses and related nether regions on the furniture we all have to share.

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