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Posts Tagged: 'supernatural:+canon:+charlie+bradbury'

Sep. 27th, 2017



netpost; Charlie Bradbury

So like... there isn't demons or anything like that on this Earth, is there?

I know how to deal with them. I'm just not in the mood lately.

Sep. 26th, 2017



[No Subject]

Okay, so the fact that I accept this situation tells me my life is nuts.

Has anybody tried turning the multiverse off and on again?

Also why are there... are those Tribbles? Okay, I take it back, this is hilarious.

Sep. 22nd, 2017



netpost; Charlie Bradbury

With as exciting as it is to see real life Tribbles...

Well, I think that just about anyone can finish that thought for me.

Sep. 9th, 2017



[No Subject]

So did... anyone else wake up chained to a beautiful woman or.. was that just me?

I think it's the passports..

And I'm sorry again, Lady Sif, I swear I didn't mean to.

Sep. 8th, 2017



[No Subject]

The talking dog isn't sure if my Mum or Da are here. He said the last name sounded familiar, though? Has anyone seen a Ginny or Harry Potter running around? I've never been this far from home. I think they're probably worried about me.

Because, you know, I'm in space for some reason. This is completely crazy! I'd like to go home now. I already miss Hugo. He's not going to know what to do without me.




Late Night Voice Post

[ Obviously sounding somewhere less than sober but not exactly fall over drunk, there's a bit of a pause between when the message starts and her voice actually chimes in on the post]

Okay. So maybe deciding tonight was the night to break out Traynor's old bar-tending notes was not the best idea, but it happened. And there may have been some [...] Quad Kickers in there. And by some I mean, quite a few.

Which got me to thinking, slightly insensitive as this might be...but I've met quite a few of you...so...

I've got a question for you. )
(OOC: Discussion of character death highly likely in the comments given the question under the cut. Just wanted to make sure people were aware.

Aug. 29th, 2017



[No Subject]

If I were to start offering art classes at the new community center if only because I need a break from all the madness here andwould there be enough community interest in taking lessons? I'm not sure how skilled I say I am, but I've got a lot of experience and can at least say I could put 'was a police sketch artist' on my resume.

[ Sharon ]

So is that how it always is when you have to come rescue me? Also. We need another vacation I think...because what was that?

Aug. 16th, 2017



[No Subject]

Hey Knowhere,

Mi nombre es Carlos Ramirez, you can call me Carlos or Ramirez. I'm from California, that's on Earth.

The talking dog said I should find a job, but since my usual job ain't something I'm particularly inclined to do here, I guess it's a good time to do something I like, right? I keep saying it, but this is vacation for me, so don't mind while I sit back and chill.

Where you from? Hell, what did any of you do before coming here? I was a Warden, means I was responsible for upholding the magical laws in our community.

Aug. 14th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Castiel & OPEN! Charlie
What: The angel is people-watching.
When: Mid-day
Where: Near the marketplace.
Rating: TBD (Probably PG, it's Cas)
Status: Open - In Progress

The angel couldn't tell what it was, but there was a loud exchange of words, and then one person was headed back into the market and the other was headed out in his direction, presumably to get away from the market and find a moment of peace. )

Aug. 10th, 2017



[No Subject]

Alien space head. After being reassured that this is not a shared hallucination of any sort, I just want to know where the food is.

The food's good right? Because everybody's alive.

Jul. 30th, 2017



Mary #001

Am I doing this right? Hello [...], I'm Mary Winchester. Just got here. Space it is Is space anything like in the comics movies?

But Castiel and Dean. Bacon, burgers, beer and pie. Come get it before I eat it all.

Jul. 27th, 2017



[No Subject]

Characters: Charlie Bradbury (SPN Canon) & Bill Potts (Doctor Who Canon)
When/Where: July 25th, late night - Kitchen in the mess hall
Rating/Warnings: Mainly just drinking wine and eating the fruity breads, but more could always happen

She wasn't about to be rejected. )

Jul. 25th, 2017



[No Subject]

I have made... a lot of fruity breads, all in the mess kitchen. Banana, blueberry, apple cinnamon, etc. I need more supplies for fruity breads and also maybe an intervention.

Taking requests for next baking project.

Anything to distract me.

Jul. 21st, 2017



netpost; Charlie Bradbury

Uh... Dean? Cas?

Jul. 19th, 2017



[No Subject]

The one advantage to being like this is that I can so easily eavesdrquietly observe everything that's going.

I do apologize to my boss at the Palace. Can't really do my job in this condition.

Jul. 16th, 2017



[No Subject]

Something just happened.

Dean, are you alright?

Is everyone else okay?

Jul. 11th, 2017



netpost; dean winchester

Sam [...] my brother [...] he's gone.

Jun. 27th, 2017



[No Subject]

So, so glad to be here. Well, yes and no. You don't even know. I can finally think. My heads all cleared up. Though, you know, normally when I go traveling, there's a big, blue, sexy box involved. It's not just a wham, bam, thank you ma'am situation. I guess I really don't have to do that essay on free will now. Is it example enough to exercise my free will to say 'not my dimension, not my deadline'?



[No Subject]

I've been told I look a little like Captain America and that there are some of the original Avengers among us.

So please everyone pardon me as I live out a childhood fantasy.

Avengers assemble!

Thank you all for your understanding. That was the greatest thing I've ever done.

Jun. 25th, 2017



[No Subject]

Pretty sure that this isn't where anyone should be.