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Posts Tagged: 'star+wars:+canon:+jyn+erso'

Sep. 23rd, 2017



[No Subject]

[after this]

[Filtered away from Alphonse Elric]

Wizards, mutants.

If you don't know me, my name is Roy Mustang. I'm a State Alchemist and my specialty is fire. I have an ability to manipulate the oxygen density in the air into precise patterns. It's a practiced, effective attack that allows me to target my enemies and bypass my allies at will.

I'm asking you, for the purposes of this extermination, to let me weave your flames with mine so I we can produce a controlled, precise burn.

No one needs to get hurt.

Sep. 13th, 2017



[No Subject]

Normal seems to be an odd thing these days, but normal it is. In my experience, such is not a bad thing to have normal.

Jyn, my proposal for travel remains. I will offer to any willing as well: should you wish to see Dantooine I am planning for a trip. It is a quiet planet, that save for a few aggressive animals and maybe a few stray dangers is a planet where Jedi lived and were trained.

Mary, should you wish it we will continue our discussions. You know where to find me.

Sep. 8th, 2017



Late Night Voice Post

[ Obviously sounding somewhere less than sober but not exactly fall over drunk, there's a bit of a pause between when the message starts and her voice actually chimes in on the post]

Okay. So maybe deciding tonight was the night to break out Traynor's old bar-tending notes was not the best idea, but it happened. And there may have been some [...] Quad Kickers in there. And by some I mean, quite a few.

Which got me to thinking, slightly insensitive as this might be...but I've met quite a few of you...so...

I've got a question for you. )
(OOC: Discussion of character death highly likely in the comments given the question under the cut. Just wanted to make sure people were aware.

Aug. 29th, 2017



[No Subject]

So. The stories I'm hearing from people showing back up suggest that maybe someone out there could use a drink?

[ Space Ladies ]

And regardless if they do or not, I'm thinking about taking the Normandy out into space for a few days since we can flex the passports some now, maybe go see a planet within reach now that I've got supplies in the hands of people who need them.

You two want to come?

Aug. 16th, 2017



[No Subject]

Hey Knowhere,

Mi nombre es Carlos Ramirez, you can call me Carlos or Ramirez. I'm from California, that's on Earth.

The talking dog said I should find a job, but since my usual job ain't something I'm particularly inclined to do here, I guess it's a good time to do something I like, right? I keep saying it, but this is vacation for me, so don't mind while I sit back and chill.

Where you from? Hell, what did any of you do before coming here? I was a Warden, means I was responsible for upholding the magical laws in our community.

Aug. 7th, 2017



[No Subject]

Characters: Meetra Surik and Open
When/Where: Monday Late Evening/The Black Market
Rating/Warnings: TBD (mentions of violence)

They were the most sacred thing the Jedi had, and she wouldn't want them in any wrong hands )

Jul. 21st, 2017



[No Subject]

(OOC: Backdated to after Shep first finds out the Normandy has arrived, super early morning on the 19th)
[ Jyn ]

Hey you. I know it's kind of late, but uhm, it's been kind of a weird night and a really big surprise showed up.

You think you could meet me down at the docks? I'd really like you to be one of the first people who see it.

Jul. 19th, 2017



[No Subject]

I got all my fingers back.

Jul. 16th, 2017



[No Subject]


Jul. 14th, 2017



[No Subject]

Merci t' 'de smart people got 'de passports workin' again! Only appropriate we throw 'dem a lil' party, non? Real intimate, jus' a few friends, nothin' serious..


Down at 'de docks t'night, once 'de sun goes down (you know, if we had a sun, butcha get 'de point). Got food, got alcohol, got a few inappropriate substances. Leave 'de kids at home (less it's Laura) and c'mon down. Plan for most us to not r'member what happened in 'de mornin'. Best kinda nights.

Need some people to cook, need someone has good taste in music, need a couple people with questionable morals. Gonna have fun.

Jul. 6th, 2017



[No Subject]

Happy 23rd to myself, or if we're being oddly time specific 623rd. I don't know if cryo technically counts, but we can say it does.

[Space Ladies + Friends]

This is the first time I've had a birthday without Scott. It's...weird. You share a birthday for so long, not doing it just feels. Weird. Anyway feeling oddly melancholic. I vote cheesy movies, who's in?

Jun. 28th, 2017



[No Subject]

One day, I'm gonna really have to remind myself about Earth timezones.

Deliveries for Shepard and Harry )


Hey I picked something up for Shepard, it's gonna be a surprise but can you help me set it up? I made some gumbo as well if you want some.

Jun. 24th, 2017




Shepard to Group, as a general Comms test prior to boarding the TARDIS

Alright, one more time to make sure everyone's clear on how this is going to go. As soon as we land, I'm first out the door. Sabo and Ryder, I want you hot on my heels. Lay down the fire and the biotic combinations heavy to clear as a hole. Kerrigan, Nebula, Meetra, we all form a circle around Rocket with Meetra using the force to, hopefully, give us a clear path that's going to line up with what the biologists and engineering experts have come up with for intel. You keep your fingers hot on the trigger and heavy on the sword swinging, but be care to keep the heat off Rocket and the bomb as much as possible. We move in tight groups, we stay together until we get to the brain, then it's everyone cover Rocket until he tells us it's time to go, then we go. I'll bring up the rear on the way out and we're all going to make a mad dash back to the TARDIS and get the hell out of there.

I'm not going to lie to any of you. I know this ship. I know it better than I want to. He's going to try to get in your head and I can only imagine, especially once Harbinger figures out what we're up to, he's not going to take it very easy on us at all. Fight smart. Drop back to the TARDIS if you don't think you can take a hit and keep rolling, there's no point you getting swarmed and coming in deeper if you're not going to be able to make the run back out. You watch your ammo, stay frosty, and no trying to hack the Reapers this time Ryder.

Everybody copy?

Shepard to Jyn:

You remember what I said the other day, you understand?

Shepard to Rose, Jack, and River:

You're our ride in and out and I'm sure I don't have to tell any of you what that means. We're going to do our best to stay loud and keep the focus on us, but you hold that ship as best you can and bug out if you think you're going to lose it. We've got secondary air support on standby for a reason. Just keep your comms open. If anyone gets hit too badly, we'll be keeping open comms and you'll have backup coming, hopefully with a clear path all the way back to you.

(OOC: I'll be putting up subthreads for OPEN Comms, Private Comms and general OOC discussion about how the strike teams go for the various groups if there's things that got left out or people wanted to add. Have fun everybody and don't hesitate to have your people go hog wild with this one!)

Jun. 23rd, 2017



[No Subject]

Alright people, it's been four days of hard fighting. I want to say we're doing well, but reports coming in from the ground say it's not looking good at all. I've put together a plan with the help of some of the people up here, something we think is at least going to give a shot at turning the tide of this battle in our favor. I know it's asking a lot, I know a lot of you up here and down there are exhausted and tired, I know we've got injured and sick, and if I didn't feel like we had no other choice but to do something drastic here, I wouldn't put this idea forward at all. We've all see what the Reapers can do now, what their plan is. They're harvesting people, they're wiping out this planet to try and make more of themselves and they're not going to stop. They're going to do this to more and more planets if we don't draw our line in the sand right here.

Which is why we're going to be taking a TARDIS inside a Reaper and blow that sonofabitch up from the inside out.

I can't say it's a safe plan. In fact, I can pretty much say that it's going to be the opposite of a safe plan, which is why I'm asking for volunteers to join me on a strike team. Combat experience is essential on this one people -- and I want to be real up front that we never tried anything like this before, not even when we were desperate back home. I can only imagine the things we're going to have to see and do in there so I want you all to think long and hard before you sign yourself up.

And does anybody have any idea who that giant ball of pyrotechnics was down there? Pairs nicely with my biotics and, in close quarters, I'm thinking he'd be a real pain in the ass for the Reapers to handle.

[ Rocket Racoon ]

You know, for a pain in my ass, you're a damn good card player and I'm going to owe you one when this is over and, speaking of when this is over, drinks are on me.

[ Jyn Erso ]

You be careful up there tomorrow okay?

Jun. 22nd, 2017



voice/video post;

[the sound of crackling static, a few small explosions, then a banshee's screaming. the audio crackles again and there's the noise of heavy breathing, castiel's voice sounds gruffer than usual]

What is this and how do you kill it?

Video Download )

[more audio static, louder banshee screaming follows]

Jun. 13th, 2017


[No Subject]

Not even a hangover. Actually starting to forget what getting drunk feels like. But at least it was a relaxing night, thanks for the sanity Shep. Forgot what that felt like.

I wanted to ask you how that Justice League thing works? Like...how'd it get started?

[Francis NA!Canon]
Feeling any better?

[Jyn and Sara]
Hey, so I've been the one crashing on your couch a bit. Figured I should officially say hi? I generally try to be out of your way by the time you guys are up but hey. I'm Barry Allen.

This planet has karaoke you know.

Jun. 6th, 2017



[No Subject]

[Open Comms]

May the Force be With us all.

Jun. 4th, 2017



[No Subject]

Remind me again never to complain about getting comfortable anywhere.

So. We've got an army outside the space head, and one that wants Cosmo to turn over the Guardians.probably outnumbered. Starting to get a case of Deja Vu all over again.

Sounds like we might need to hold off on this week's poker game but hey, we'll see how it goes.

[ GotG ]

Don't suppose I can get the short version as to why they want you to turn yourselves over can I?

May. 31st, 2017



[No Subject]

So. Learning to pilot a ship via thought. Guess that's something I can add to the resume, hard to complain about trans-dimensional travel when that happens.

[ Cosmo ]

So. Being fair, this ship is huge. I've consulted with Barnes about it and, given the fact that it has greenhouses and could help with food production and provide safety for a great number of people if they need it, we were thinking it would be better to turn the ship over to you and Knowhere in general. I'd be happy to give piloting lessons -- it's not that hard once you get the hang of it -- but, given the nature of how the ship is piloted, I was wondering if you had a potential list of candidates I could tap? Those with strong mental aptitude and focus, like yourself I would imagine, should be close to top of the list. If you think this might be of interest to you, let me know.

And how awesome is it I'm talking about turning the first dog into space into a pilot. Or talking to the first dog in space?

[ Jyn & Ryder ]

How would you feel about a tour and maybe a short joyride out in space before I turn this thing over to our canine-in-chief?

[ Barnes ]

I cannot begin to tell you how much I appreciate you letting me put my hands on that thing.

I don't even care how many bad jokes and one-liners that opens me up to.

May. 27th, 2017



[No Subject]

I suppose since I've got my stuff I should stop poking at this thing. Metal base, glowy blue, bad jokes. If no one claims it it's going in my cabinet.