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Posts Tagged: 'guild+wars:+canon:+caithe'

Sep. 15th, 2017



[No Subject]

Someone gave me a hug.

A hug.

And not like a fleshy human hug where some idiot wraps their arms around another idiot, but a stupid hippo-looking stuffed animals that vibrates when the idiot on the other end of the wifi pushes a button.

I don't need a fucking hug.

What I need is to get laid, because I haven't in like three days.

I will find you and I will skin you and wear your face as a hat.

Sep. 13th, 2017



Voice Post:

Holy Zardoz. No? Mos Eisley? Could be. A Boy and His Dog? -- Oooh no, no-no-no -- nobody wants that -- Cloud City without the clouds? Astro Boy? -- one of those should do -- totally better than the weird space head that pukes guns down on way too much mustache.

So the talking dog -- which we're going to get to in a minute, and then someone's going to tell me where we keep the space milk bones, because this guy is the best -- tells me this is home now? Not the worst one I've had lately, so bonus points for that. It's not even full of bugs. But, right! Big questions time!

One: How is your waffle situation?
Two: How's your hot dog situation?
Three: Has anybody seen another Spider person around here? Red and blue costume, British accent, very nice abs, kind of stuffy, likes to be in charge, likes tea, answers to Spider U.K? Beuller?
Four: Are there cupcakes?
Five: Where would one acquire an iPod? I've learned they're kind of essential when bouncing around the multiverse.
Six: Seriously, where do you guys keep the milkbones around here? Because this dog is awesome.

Also. Hey Knowhere -- that's what this place is called right? -- Spider-Woman -- or Girl if there's other spider's in the house -- we don't step on toes around here -- in the house. Space Head? Space head. Earth-Nine-Eight-Two representing.

Seriously. Thanks for whoever's in charge of shuttle dispatches. That was one of like, the best Taxi rides ever. Showing up in a bad neighborhood full of space rats, No traffic, and no stinky backseat? No annoying music or gum stuck to everything even? Queens could stand to take notes.

Sep. 9th, 2017



[No Subject]

So did... anyone else wake up chained to a beautiful woman or.. was that just me?

I think it's the passports..

And I'm sorry again, Lady Sif, I swear I didn't mean to.

Sep. 3rd, 2017



[No Subject]

What are the good things everyone's missing from home today, eh?

Tonight, for me, it's grass. Reckon I might make some outside the barracks if anyone wants to spend some time outside on a proper bit of ground. Bring out your blankets, maybe we'll have a picnic or camp or something.

Aug. 28th, 2017



[No Subject]

I've just encountered Angela. She informed me that those still on Knowhere discovered our disappearance was different from the usual kind and have been attempting to find a way to bring us back. One of their tests succeeded in bringing her here, and likely the others as well.

She says that we are inside a dimensional pocket in Cosmo's collar.

Aug. 26th, 2017



[No Subject]

You know what? I think I can handle this. A few people should back me up, but the rest of you can hang back and make sure that all of the fleas are okay.

...wow, you know, I never thought I'd say that. 'Make sure the fleas are okay.' What a crazy place!

Anyway, some of our Knowhere folk are hurt, too, so please make sure they're tended to. Gambit, you had better be okay.

I'm going to have a talk with these 'dust bunnies' and get them to agree to be more civil. For some reason, I'm feeling even more fired up than usual - it must be all the fresh air around here.

Aug. 22nd, 2017



[No Subject]

There appears to be some sort of festival under construction. That likely suggests encouraging things about the local infrastructure.

Aug. 19th, 2017



[No Subject]

Has everyone made it to the town? I showed up not too far from it, so it was an easy hike.

There are life-sized bugs here. Not aliens, but actual bugs. I've seen fleas and ticks so far. I'm not sure what else there is. There's a group of people here too. They said they've been here for a long time and have agreed to help us figure out how to live here. They're making it sound like we're never going to get out of this place and I'm a bit freaked out about it? I asked how long they've been here and apparently it's been so long they don't even know. Time works differently here maybe.

When I mentioned Knowhere and Cosmo an older woman perked up. I guess she knew Cosmo, said he saved her life, but he's also the reason why they're here? I couldn't get anymore than that out of them. Maybe someone else can.

Either way, they said if you keep moving toward the lights on the horizon you'll find the town. We'll be safe here for now.

Jul. 25th, 2017



[No Subject]

Seriously, though, what the fuck?

Jul. 22nd, 2017



[No Subject]

Sorry about all the trouble, everyone. I'm back to my mostly non-homicidal self. Thanks for being such good sports.

Now, any chance that all of you can just forget that ever happened?



[No Subject]

What about the pr I don't suppose anyone's seen a man by name of James Holden? I checked the list but it wouldn't be the first stupid thing he's Or Amos, Alex and Prax? Or Miller

They're not very good at staying put.

Jul. 18th, 2017



[No Subject]

Cosmo is okay, but this is all too strange. Cosmo thinks it has something to do with the Cortex. Device was removed from Cortex and then all this happenink. We will fix, do not worry.

Please also check in on this post. Let Cosmo know what happenink to you or friends. We keep track and make sure everyone is back to normal when over.

Jul. 16th, 2017



Voice post;

Got a bit o' a problem here. If y' can do Gambit a favor, an' knock for y' come in, dat'd be real nice. Mebbe call 'stead o' text, n'est-ce pas?



[No Subject]

I don't think the contents of that bag will be at all useful to anyone here.

Jul. 13th, 2017



[No Subject]

Anyone feel like going a few rounds at sparring? Need to get some range of motion back so I don't feel as old as Cap. Be nice to be able to get a decent draw on the bow again, too.

Jul. 9th, 2017



[No Subject]

So. I had a conversation with a talkin' dog and everyone seems just fine with that. I guess it ain't space madness. The dog said my ship is gone. The cuteness just came to a real middle. Everything sure went from sugar to shit real fast.

Jul. 8th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who here has siblings?

[Peter Quill]
I was wondering if you'd noticed anything off about Gamora.

Jul. 6th, 2017



[No Subject]

Not exactly what I was expecting from today. Mobile's working I but can't ring home, which means that I'm out of my Universal Roaming area. Not something that's supposed to happen, but given that we're all in a giant head at the End of the Universe, meaning it's not the same End of the Universe rather certain I know the reason why.

Had a conversation with a very intelligent dog. Got some answers which led to more questions. But I can work with questions. Won't be the first time I've 'popped out' for a while without notice, probably won't be the last... And it's better than answering the General's questions again.

Funny thing. No time sickness. No stomach ache. No feeling like your insides are being pushed out through your pores. Seems there are no effects from physically being brought here. That by itself is unusual. The energy it would take to pull an individual to a place like this, especially without some kind of capsule would have some kind of immediate effects. Might be similar to the Rift... Probably best to run some tests in the med bay.

One impossible thing before breakfast. Seven more to go.



[No Subject]

Yesterday was very enjoyable. I've never been to a similar celebration on Tyria, though perhaps that's because many of the struggles over land are still playing out. But Lion's Arch declared themselves independent of Kryta not so long before the sylvari awakened and if anyone were to celebrate such a thing I'd expect it to be them. The baseball was very entertaining as well. I much prefer it to some of the other spectator sports I've seen. Unfortunately I was still a little too sore to try it myself.

Jun. 26th, 2017



[No Subject]

How do you tell if something's going to scar?