October 2017



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Posts Tagged: 'final+fantasy:+canon:noctis+lucis+caelum'

Oct. 3rd, 2017



[No Subject]

The movies lied to us.

I think that's what pisses me off the most. You go in and pay a couple bucks just to watch how stupid we can be. Good job, humanity, you're doing wonders for yourself.

Dr. Watson gave me this tablet
He said
I haven't talked to anyone in
He said not to freak you all out. Don't cause panic because you've just gone through one emergency

Am I dead? I bet everyone asks that. But who cares, because I'm asking

Oct. 2nd, 2017



[No Subject]

How the hell do you guys stay warm in this thing? I'm wearing like three layers and I still feel like my fingers are gonna fall off.

Filtered to Mary Winchester  )

Sep. 30th, 2017



[No Subject]

Thank you, for those of you that helped my subordinate Edward with his work. He's recovering now and once he's ready, we'll see to repairing damages, if any, we've incurred with the alchemy.

We apologize for the inconvenience of the last few days. As a reminder, Georgia Mason has offered to conduct tests if you feel concerned about your [...] reproductive status.

[Filtered; York, Alphonse Elric]

When Ed wakes, tell him I have a new project for him. I want him to design a pair of eye shades sunglasses for Georgia Mason. One that'll dampen the light from an array. It's the least he can do, given the circumstances.

Help him out, Alphonse.



[No Subject]

Um. So, I did a bad thing.

But it's okay! I swear! I've got it all under control. Everything is okay.

I didn't want the tribbles to just get sterilized and die out completely because they're so cute and lovely, but I didn't know they reproduced... you know asexually? (I honestly thought it would take two! I'm so dumb.) I, uh, ended up with about ten of them because I took one with me when we evacuated.

I spoke to Mercy in medical and she agreed to neuter them or spray them or whatever and they're in there right now under surgery. They're going to be up for adoption once they're all healed in two weeks. I'm going to keep one. Does anyone else want to adopt the others?

Sep. 29th, 2017



[No Subject]

I believe the temporary evacuation fares well. We are currently on schedule - passenger ships are leaving Knowhere at a brisk pace, some off to relief stations on nearby planets and others only temporarily orbiting the station. I am currently beyond the walls, watching as hundreds of crafts depart. It is quite a vision, and to have organized this massive endeavor so quickly deserves high praise for everyone involved.

At last check, there were still several long lines for those who wish to leave. Please keep an eye out for stragglers - I realize that many have opted to stay behind of their own volition, but there may yet be others who are needlessly lingering. Any ships that are free and still fueled should carefully return to pick up new passengers.

Alchemy team, are you likewise ready? When the last shuttles have taken flight, I will inform our you so that you may begin the process.

Sep. 26th, 2017



[No Subject]

Fertile Evacuating people:

Remember to take your pets with you, even if they're already spayed or neutered. You could be away longer than you might expect, and we don't need to put up with the stench of rotting pets if they die while you're gone.



[No Subject]

Hey Knowhere,

I'm about to dip off this giant floating mess of a head because I am way too awesome to die childless. That said, there's food in the mess still because I'm a wonderful cook and I can make anything taste like heaven. Even tribbles. Lieutenant Hawkeye's gonna be looking after it when I go.

Everyone bear in mind their kindergarten lessons when getting in line for your rations. Order is good. Chaos is bad.

Carlos out.



[No Subject]

I noticed you boys aren't on the list of evacuees.

Sep. 25th, 2017



[No Subject]

These damnable creatures, may they be eaten by hounds in Hel!

No sooner did I arrive and place my latest supply stores upon the ground did I notice a swarm of them inside the container, having already eaten every last bite! They must have fallen inside from above, likely having burst free of some ventilation.

I'm afraid that my latest delivery will be somewhat lacking. Please, fellows, continue to do your best to ration our wares. I have no doubt we will be - !!!!

No! No, release my cape! I will grind you to a paste beneath my heel, I swear it! Foul, wretched spot!

...ah, pardon my outburst. A small surprise had latched onto my attire.

Now. Despite my hatred for these tribbles, I caution you all: do no business with the Collector. Ignore his offer of reward - it will not profit you in the end. Yes, Tivan, you deplorable lout, I know you are here. You are an unending headache, and should I ever see you, my hammer will swiftly greet you between the eyes.

Sep. 24th, 2017



[No Subject]

WHO: Noctis Lucis Caelum & Prompto Argentum
WHAT: Reunion
WHEN: After this
WHERE: Marketplace
RATING/WARNINGS: There's some language but that's about it.
STATUS: Complete!

every minute and every hour, i miss you, i miss you, i miss you more Read more... )



[No Subject]

Cosmo did not think residents Cosmo houses on Knowhere to be stupid, careless, shortsighted. Cosmo is very disappointed.

There is no evacuation in two hours. Two hours not enough time to evacuate entire planet. Others live here besides us who do not have passports. If Knowhere need evacuatink, we need days to do so, not hours. As residents with passports and the abilities to leave quickly it is our duty to look out for those less fortunate and get them to safety before sterilizink them against their will. Do not get Cosmo started on neutering cute tribbles

You will stop this plan now. We will think it through. We will create an evacuation plan. You know, last time Knowhere needed evacuation we evacuated to envelope dimension inside Cosmo's collar. Is very easy, but there are many fleas.

((OOC: Cosmo will use force to stop the current plan if it is needed. He's got some crazy powerful telepathy going on and would probably go with created a barrier to trap characters inside of if they try to pull the trigger. The current plan is fine as an option for dealing with the Tribbles, but we just need more time for a realistic and full evacuation.))



[No Subject]

Alright, Knowhere.

We've got something pretty big going down in about two hours. Everyone needs to use their passports and get off the head, stay off for the next eight or so hours. It's safer that way.

Anyone who stays behind when this goes down is risking sterilization. It's not a guarantee but it's a possibility. If that's not something you're worried about, feel free to stay behind and help us. But if it is, you need to leave in the next two hours. Now's a great time to visit Earth and get yourself something to eat. If you haven't used the passports before, find someone who has and they can help you.



[No Subject]

Why isn't anyone here listening to anyone else?

We can't work against one another or everyone's going to suffer for it, not just the poor Tribbles! I get that there's too many of them to do anything right now. I understand that.. that people are trying to shrink the population while others are thinking up ways to save them.

But Li-Ming has said she has a place she can teleport them where they'll be safe and happy and looked after. And we have groups of people working on how to keep them from reproducing so quickly. And we have groups of people looking for places we can send them. And some people working on getting supplies.

And instead of everyone working together, we have lone people, and groups of people working against each other. Is it really that hard to talk to one another and listen without arguing?

If this is how adults act in times of crisis, I don't want to grow up anymore.



[No Subject]

A lot of people have been asking about eating these things.

They don't taste half bad.

Thanks, Pedro.



[No Subject]

Are these creatures inedible?



[No Subject]

Delta's been crunching numbers and he's been so uptight about it he won't let me think.

We noticed food start to go missing on the 19th at around 11am, that's about 110 hours ago. The tribbles reproduce every 12 hours, with litters of up to ten. If we say it took about 100 tribbles to make that much of a dent in our food supply back on the 19th, and average each tribble having 6 babies each..

If we started with 100 tribbles on the 19th, saying each has 6 babies every 12 hours, at 110 hours.

And assuming a few have died off since then (what's the life expectancy on these things?)..

We should have about 1,007,769,600 of these things on Knowhere as of right now. By tomorrow at this time, 36,279,705,600.

We need to start killing these things. Right now.


Harry? Carlos? Li-Ming? James and Sirius? Am I missing any wizards?

Sep. 23rd, 2017



[No Subject]

Okay, people.

If you've got food stores somewhere, it's time to speak up. We need to put the food somewhere it's going to be safe and figure out some way to ration it. Or we need to start picking out what sauce tastes best on tribbles, because the market's entirely out of food, the mess is out of food, and the one place I had food squirrel away has been replaced by five dozen tribbles.

Who's got food? I've got hungry kids here


You got any, bring it to the Mess and Carlos, North or I will be there to collect it and find a safe spot for it. We'll also get it rationed and let everyone know where they can go to get their daily portions.



[No Subject]

Where's the best food here?

No vegetables.

Sep. 22nd, 2017



[No Subject]

I'm not usually one for social media, but I hear this is where one goes to meet the locals and I'm told secluding oneself to nothing but outrageously good sex isn't good for you. I beg to differ, but I'm a pleaser so here I am. Elektra Natchios. I'd say it's nice to meet you, but I imagine I don't really care one way or another.



[No Subject]

While I'm very appreciate of getting to see a real-life pop culture moment that I've actually seen on TV, this might be too much of a good thing for me.

[...] They were in my boots this morning. I don't like But I guess it beats Lego.