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August 22nd, 2017



rp: Stargazing

Who: Killian Jones and Li-Ming
What: Gazing at the stars
When: 22 August
Where: A quiet street corner
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

Are we human because we gaze at the stars? )



[No Subject]

There appears to be some sort of festival under construction. That likely suggests encouraging things about the local infrastructure.



[No Subject]

[Filtered: Cosmo & The Passport staff]

GUYS! Guys! Steve and I figured it out!

I just, the reason we can't track the other devices. We can, the signal is weak. Very, very weak. But it's there. They're crossing the thin fabric of an alternate universe.

I can send or bring you guys all of my notes on it to double check, but they're definitely in a different Universe. I guarantee it.

I just don't know... which one. It's took weak and there's an infinite number of them.

[End filter]



[No Subject]

I've been looking at the magical means for these disappearances because Castiel says he can still sense the missing people somewhere, but he can't determine how near or far. I know that there's a dimension that borders our own; we call it the Nevernever, which in supernatural circles, is best described as the spirit world. The cat I sent out with Bob found several places that touch on this world enough for people to be able to go through it to that side of things.

I'm going to open a Way into the Nevernever and see if our people are on that side of it, and if not, I'm going to politely ask whatever is on that side if they've seen traces or heard anything worth hearing about.

The Nevernever is the place of Faerie, of Heaven and Hell, Elysium and Tartarus and Valhalla and every other place you can think of from Gehena to Olypmus. It's scary as shit and there's no telling what the hell is on the other side of a Way.

So if you want to come, okay.

But I will say this: smaller parties attract less attention and will let us move faster. Speed and less attention are our best allies. We're not going in twenty deep.

Your technology won't work on the other side, so don't bother saddling up with communication devices or freaking blasters and fancy guns. The older your weapons, the less likely they are to malfunction - anything built before 1960 is the best. Whatever you bring in, you bring back out with you because leaving it behind is the equivalent of dropping nuclear waste on someone's lawn. It'll come back and bite you in the ass, trust me.

We leave t-minus 6 hours. If you're coming, meet behind Starlin's then.

If you have questions ask them now, and make sure everyone coming reads them all.