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Posts Tagged: 'hope+summers'

Oct. 24th, 2016



[No Subject]

okay yeah. pretty sure i know what's going on and i just asked april who ate the last cupcake and she admitted she did it, and this happened before once. but lemme check. everybody answer this.

1. what's the most goofy embarrassing thing you did when you were a teenager? (or just that you've done if you're still a teenager.)

2. who did you lose your virginity to? if you didn't, who would you like to lose it to?

2. who did you first voluntarily have sex with? if you haven't had any kind of sex, who would you like to hook up with if you want to sex anyone up?

3. what's the worst tv show you watch and don't tell anyone? (or the worst books you read if you don't watch tv because you're from a place with no tv or you're a pretentious dick.)

4. what's the worst thing you accidentally said to someone you thought was hot, or someone you were impressed by?

5. how many times a day do you have to pee?

6. do you look at dirty fanart of yourself or people you know?

((Edited after the fact to change the second question when Tommy belatedly realized how it could be made to be answered.))

Oct. 3rd, 2016



[No Subject]

Well, this is less than ideal.

Everyone sound off. Charles? Raven? Kitty? Steph? And the rest of you who matter far less?

Oct. 2nd, 2016



[No Subject]

I kind of thought if this kind of thing happened again, it'd be less strange. But nope.

Even if I wanted to be jaded about it, the dinosaurs would sort of kill the cynicism.

Who's here? Please have people I know be here.

Jun. 18th, 2016



[No Subject]

I have really forgotten how to be a homebody. Considering I spent a good thirty plus years being one, you'd think settling back in that rut would come easy, but it really doesn't.

Basically, I'm bored and restless. Who wants to fight? I swear this place is going to end up dropping something on us, and I'm going to be rusty.

Nov. 9th, 2015



[No Subject]

I really should be used to this sort of thing by now. Needless to say, this was not where I was expecting to end up today.

I'm Steve Rogers and I am very confused.

Nov. 5th, 2015



[No Subject]

I never asked to be anyone's Messiah. But I am. And I did what I thought I had to do to take care of my people. And it worked - it would have worked better if others hadn't tried to jump in, if they'd just trusted me. Scott Summers is the reason so many people - X-Men, mutants, humans, Avengers - died. But their blood is on my hands too, because I wasn't willing to stand up to him when I should have. I just let others decide my fate.



[No Subject]

You know what? I'm done. I'm just done. I am sick of all this crap.

So here's the hat I found today:

It is way more important than any stupid drama my life has, because when you squeeze the little puff balls the arms flail.

This hat is currently on Buckyjames's head. I'd take a picture but he's laughing too hard.

You can all go screw yourselves.

Nov. 4th, 2015



[No Subject]

Everyone keeps giving Daisy's friend a hard time but... he's right.

Nov. 3rd, 2015



[No Subject]

I know I should want to go home. That should be the normal reaction for someone trapped in an alternate reality that seems to involve dinosaurs and a city in the middle of nowhere. But I don't. I don't because home is going to shit, everything I've ever known is in tatters and resurrected as a laughable ghost of itself, and the world is about to implode on itself because it's not equipped to handle the monstrosities about to be unleashed on it.

And the only people who might be able to do something about keeping it all in check are too busy dropping cities from the sky.

Oct. 11th, 2015



[No Subject]

So this place was real.

Aug. 19th, 2015



[No Subject]

The big ones don't see great. They track when you move.

The littler group ones can see fine and they coordinate.

They're fast as hell. Be careful. Don't break their teeth.

I could help you.

I won't try to kill you.

You want backup? I know you're going to go after some. I won't shoot you.

Stay high and inside and don't taste good.

You all right?

Aug. 17th, 2015



[No Subject]

I'd like to say hello to all of the new arrivals. I was meaning to do this a lot sooner, but there was such an influx of new people, I wanted to wait until it slowed down a bit.

My name is Felicity Smoak. I work at City Hall, helping Mayor Dearing wherever I can, and I helped set up the network here. I've been here for three months, so I have a basic idea of how things work around here. Very basic. I like to think I know what's going on, and then...something crazy happens. Kind of a regular thing around here, strange things happening without warning.

Someday, I'll come up with a handbook to this place or something. But for now, there's really not much for me to go off of, other than we have no idea where or when we are, if we're still even on some variation of earth so far, or how this place came to be. But I do have what we've managed to figure out so far. I'll try and update this as we get more information. These past couple of weeks have been good in gathering some more intel.

cut to spare f-lists )

For now, that's about everything, I think. I'll try and keep this updated as a guide of sorts for people to reference when they want to.

Aug. 16th, 2015



[No Subject]

Okay. Dinosaurs. This is something that's happening in my life right now. As if it wasn't weird enough.

Aug. 14th, 2015



[No Subject]

Dead races outside the walls, and doomed ones inside watching them. It's an interesting prison.

They look different than I remember from when they were in their own time, but I doubt their presence here is any more natural or by choice than anyone else's. I wonder if they have mind enough to answer, if asked.



[No Subject]

So, I have a grumpy cat hobo with poor social skills and a pretty cool metal arm living on my couch now. I ran into him a few days ago and thought he was a homeless person, and eventually gained his trust through peanut butter sandwiches and a shared hatred of Hydra. Now he's staying on my couch instead of next to a dumpster.

Weirdly, that's also how I got my only pet. Okay, it wasn't really a pet. It was a squirrel that I made friends with at one of my foster homes. She was a really angry squirrel. But she liked me. And she lived in my closet for three weeks until my foster parents found out. I named her Sandy. Shut up.

Aug. 8th, 2015



[No Subject]

So, this is different.

Reminds me of the Savage Land a little.

Jessica? Luke? I asked and someone told me the two of you were here. I hope that Danielle is as well.

Aug. 6th, 2015



[No Subject]

I'm being made to do this against my will, just so everyone knows.

Right. I'm Dr.Ian Malcolm. I've been here for a few months already, and I run things down at the University. I also help with education system in general, but if you have a question about elementary through high school education, you're better off talking to Kitty Pryde about that.

I'm also someone who's had experience with dinosaurs. Experience that I didn't exactly want, but hey, when life gives you lemons...actually no, that's a bad proverbial phrase to go by.

Anyway, useful helpful advice - stay out of the forest. Unless you have a death wish. The city has a protective barrier around it, and aside from an unfortunate incident three months ago, the dinosaurs can't get in, so you're safe from the jaws that'll rip you apart or crush you to bits in here. Even if you've got superhuman abilities, which apparently, some of you do, judging from different types of people that I've seen pop up since I've been here, I don't advise it.

Long story short :

City = Safe, Forest = Dinosaurs = Bad.

Of course, if you do decide go out there and explore, I'll just be here, waiting with a nice 'I told you so', for if and when you get back.

There, Claire. You said I had to interact, but you didn't say I had to be nice.

Aug. 5th, 2015



[No Subject]

What the fuck is this...? I don't have the time for this shit. Got a war to fight and Rogers would be lost without me.

Aug. 4th, 2015



[No Subject]


I mean, really?

A real-life Jurassic Park?  Was somebody taking stupid pills?

I mean, dinosaurs?


This better all be some kind of hallucination.  Of course, if it were, my subconscious would probably have shown up already.



[No Subject]

I need to get back. He needs m Did he do thi