( nic doesn't realize he's posting. he thinks he's just talking into his voice recorder )This is different. It's not the cabin...or the breach...or Eld Fen. Tanis. Whatever we're calling it this week.
I've been there enough times by now to know. It doesn't feel the same. There's not that sensation of being stretched thin and too awake but at the same time impossibly tired. That's not a good description of it. I'm not sure I have a good description of it. But then again, both times I've been there it was...not good.
( a snort of amusement )Not good. Losing your car keys is not good. The cabin is...yeah. I don't have words for that. I think the sessions with my therapist point to a lot more than not good. I think the hardest part is that it just...isn't all there. In my head. I know I was there. I remember it. I just don't remember all of it.
My socks held up great though, even with all the running and nearly dying and breaking my ankle. Bombas socks seriously are great for running, whether it's a morning jog or fleeing a magical death cabin in the woods.
( a slight, awkward pause )But this isn't the cabin. Tanis. Or I hope it isn't.
I think I would remember all the dinosaurs.