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July 2017



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Posts Tagged: 'mike+munroe'

Jun. 14th, 2017



[No Subject]

It's so easy to forget that it's summer because the weather never seems to change here.

I'm going to take you out for ice cream so put down the science and put on some pants. Or don't, your choice.

May. 27th, 2017



[No Subject]

Is Memorial Day another holiday where we can get away with eating a load of junk food? I don't know any of these holidays, we didn't have them back home.

May. 25th, 2017



[No Subject]

That patrol was a little more... exciting than I was anticipating.

[ Lydia ]
Trying to say something to someone I like is way more daunting than being a hunter. I really don't know how you do it. I'm scared of making a fool of myself. Give me a rampaging werewolf or a Nogitsune any day of the week. I know what I'm doing there at least. Hell I'd even take the dinosaurs on the other side of the barrier getting too close.

[ Ray ]
I really enjoyed going out for dinner with you the other week. Would you like to do it again?

I need to ask you something.

[ Mike ]
I know you're So, did you die from eating too much candy?

May. 1st, 2017



voice post.

( nic doesn't realize he's posting. he thinks he's just talking into his voice recorder )

This is different. It's not the cabin...or the breach...or Eld Fen. Tanis. Whatever we're calling it this week.

I've been there enough times by now to know. It doesn't feel the same. There's not that sensation of being stretched thin and too awake but at the same time impossibly tired. That's not a good description of it. I'm not sure I have a good description of it. But then again, both times I've been there it was...not good.

( a snort of amusement )

Not good. Losing your car keys is not good. The cabin is...yeah. I don't have words for that. I think the sessions with my therapist point to a lot more than not good. I think the hardest part is that it just...isn't all there. In my head. I know I was there. I remember it. I just don't remember all of it.

My socks held up great though, even with all the running and nearly dying and breaking my ankle. Bombas socks seriously are great for running, whether it's a morning jog or fleeing a magical death cabin in the woods.

( a slight, awkward pause )

But this isn't the cabin. Tanis. Or I hope it isn't.

I think I would remember all the dinosaurs.

Apr. 22nd, 2017



[No Subject]

So much candy. So much candy.

I have regrets.

Feb. 13th, 2017



voice post.

( Hannah sounds terrified and somewhat hysterical )

What's going on?

This isn't real. It can't be real!

Oh god. I'm dying. I'm hallucinating and dying.

Oct. 24th, 2016



[No Subject]

It was my fault. I've been thinking it for over a year, and I need to just say it somewhere. It was my fault. I could have told them no. I could have refused to go along with it. I wasn't really comfortable with it. I knew it was cruel. I knew she'd take it badly. But I did it anyway. I did it anyway because they wanted to. They wanted me to. God. Fuck. I didn't know she'd take it so badly she'd get herself killed.

Or not killed. Worse. Fuck.

If I'd just said no... Or if I'd gone after her like I wanted to. Both of them. Maybe none of it ever would have happened.

Oct. 17th, 2016



[No Subject]

Hey. So. I saw discussions of a Halloween party on here earlier, and I have to say, that's all well and good for you thirty-somethings. But I think it might be better if the younger ones here broke off and went our own way. Save ourselves from all the creepiness before it even gets started.

What do you guys say?

Sep. 17th, 2016




Whoever brought me to this place, I demand you take me home at once.

There are things that I must attend to.

Jul. 24th, 2016



[No Subject]

This place certainly takes a little getting used to but at least I know what it is trying to kill me when I go beyond the barrier.

Thank you for looking after Newton for me. I will have to repay the favour somehow.

Jul. 11th, 2016



[No Subject]

Okay. No. I'm calling bullshit. What the fucking fuck? Someone get me the fuck back to civilization. Or at least tell me what the fuck you've done with my friends.