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Posts Tagged: 'loki+laufeyson'

Feb. 20th, 2017


Text post.

Who the fuck am I punching?

Feb. 2nd, 2017



[No Subject]

So people are losing powers huh? We're calling Shenanigans on that mess. In the meantime, I'm gonna take up keeping things safe. Time to Hawkeye Up.

You keep your butt outta' trouble, you hear? Without the high powered wife, I don't want you getting in trouble. Don't worry, I'll make the name look just as awesome as ever.

(OOC: This should have been here from the beginning but I am a space cadet))
[Young Avengers]
Speaking of shenanigans. Team check in. How's everybody? Aside from probably bored due to the slowness.

Oct. 16th, 2016



[No Subject]

So, I found out Bucky has a Tumblr.

And that Tumblr is made entirely of what, at first glance, look like shitposts. But they're very genuine. And it's the greatest thing ever.

Okay, not entirely not!shitposts. There are also 900 pictures of our dog.

He has a link to a poll he made about what her Halloween costume should be.

Also a series of pictures of the 4,000 POP figures of me he put around the apartment.

And pictures of various random animals he's seen and befriended.

My boyfriend best friend is such a nerd. (ooc: correction is an edit after the fact.)

edit: filtered to jemma, bobbi, felicity.
Oh god.

I accidentally called Bucky my boyfriend.

There's nothing else to be done. I have to kill myself. That's all there is to it.

edit: filtered to lance.
I need all the alcohol.

edit: filtered to mack.
I miss your stupid face.

We don't hang out enough.

Sep. 30th, 2016



[No Subject]

Okay. I'm not sure trading fairy tales for dinosaurs is an upgrade, but as long as I'm not here alone, I won't complain.

Which is to say, has anyone seen a lovely blonde with an equally lovely baby? Answers to the name of Stephanie, or Steph. I'd really like to know I'm not sans wife.

Aug. 27th, 2015




Anyone itching to rescue a damsel in distress? This is a one time thing.

I've been bitten and I'm stuck in a tree. There is an injured raptor nearby and a dying pterodactyl.

Aug. 14th, 2015



[No Subject]

Dead races outside the walls, and doomed ones inside watching them. It's an interesting prison.

They look different than I remember from when they were in their own time, but I doubt their presence here is any more natural or by choice than anyone else's. I wonder if they have mind enough to answer, if asked.