Jurassic City - Network

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Posts Tagged: 'jake+jensen'

Nov. 14th, 2015



[No Subject]

So, stuff that doesn't work when it comes to some kind of freaky truth telling syndrome - turning off electronics.

Things that DO work - talking about how often you masturbate and what turns your crank and how many places you've gotten food poisoning in with people who don't care and probably have headphones on. Just wander up to people and talk for like four hours until you lose your voice and then boom. Out of your system enough to sleep for like a day.

Plus booze, because hey, what could it hurt by then?

There's one guy who was sweeping floors who I'm pretty sure thought I was hitting on him though and ran out pretty quick.

Oct. 29th, 2015



[No Subject]

We can't lie? I can't decide whether to hire more buncers or close down until its over. Hiding sounds best.

Oct. 28th, 2015



[No Subject]

So...I get to take an unexplained trip to another universe where there's dinosaurs. And I don't have to be in charge? I don't have to sit around and do emperor things? Because I hate emperor things.

Be better if my fiance was here, though.

Yeah...I'll definitely take this over Spartax. I could use a vacation, anyway.

Oct. 25th, 2015



[No Subject]

not locked, just cut to spare people from roman's personality if they don't want to deal with it: warning for misogynistic slurs )



[No Subject]

I can't lie.

Seriously. It's annoying.

Oct. 11th, 2015



[No Subject]

Yeah. No. I refuse.

Oct. 7th, 2015



[No Subject]

You know... this place was a lot more fun when we had dinosaurs to hunt. Now they're all back on the right side of the fence and people look at you funny when you say you want to go out there.

Sep. 8th, 2015



[No Subject]

Dinosaurs are gone and that's good but Gwen seems to have disappeared. That's not as good. Granted, she was keeping a pretty big secret but... I think I liked this place better when I knew she was here.

Need to take my mind off things. Who wants to start a band?

Aug. 20th, 2015



[No Subject]

Look, I don't want to say I told you so.

But I fucking told someone so.

Because something tall and toothy lumbered by my window and there's been a lot of screaming. So safe border my ass.

Aug. 17th, 2015



[No Subject]

I'd like to say hello to all of the new arrivals. I was meaning to do this a lot sooner, but there was such an influx of new people, I wanted to wait until it slowed down a bit.

My name is Felicity Smoak. I work at City Hall, helping Mayor Dearing wherever I can, and I helped set up the network here. I've been here for three months, so I have a basic idea of how things work around here. Very basic. I like to think I know what's going on, and then...something crazy happens. Kind of a regular thing around here, strange things happening without warning.

Someday, I'll come up with a handbook to this place or something. But for now, there's really not much for me to go off of, other than we have no idea where or when we are, if we're still even on some variation of earth so far, or how this place came to be. But I do have what we've managed to figure out so far. I'll try and update this as we get more information. These past couple of weeks have been good in gathering some more intel.

cut to spare f-lists )

For now, that's about everything, I think. I'll try and keep this updated as a guide of sorts for people to reference when they want to.

Aug. 13th, 2015



[No Subject]

Holy shit dinosaurs. I'm gonna need a gun bigger than my torso and about ten people who taste better than me to all sit near me right now. Some beefy, slow types. Help a bro out here. My survival is good for the human race.

And what the fuck, how much did I drink last night and who are all of you and what was with the white room and the chick in it who didn't tell me squat about the answers to any of that?