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July 2017



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Posts Tagged: 'hartley+rathaway+/+pied+piper'

Jun. 22nd, 2017



[No Subject]

That... was a very long year. Just when I think I'm out, you guys pull me back in.

Everyone still here? Please tell me the rest of you already remember it all and have informed Hartley he's been replaced as the resident blond asshole.

Mar. 16th, 2017



[No Subject]

Glad that's over and done with.

Jilly, you were actually tolerable. Come by the lab sometime, and we'll be gay and blow things up.

Vax, you useless bisexual, I heard you died. We need to go have a drink now that you're a member of the club.

Feb. 19th, 2017



[No Subject]

I don't have any idea what's going on either, and it's weird, but everyone else has the complaining about that covered, so I'm gonna complain about something else.

If I had a ring, it would have way more bling. This is some boring, perfunctory, no-imagination suburban looking crap.

Also sorry about the forced wedding thing, Obi. Ben? Help. What do you call an unexpected Jedi husband?

Feb. 15th, 2017



[No Subject]

I'm too gay for this.

Feb. 6th, 2017



[No Subject]

If any of those who have found themselves without their abilities/powers would like to help myself and other scientist try and understand what is going on then please could you let me or them know so we can arrange for some tests.

Please could one of you tell me what he means here because I do not trust him to tell me everything.

[ WILL ]
I seem to have accidentally gotten into a conversation with someone I shouldn't have. I think maybe you should take this thing away from me when I'm sleep deprived.



[No Subject]

This is so BORING!

Oct. 30th, 2016



[No Subject]

Well. That happened.

[Filtered to Friends and Non-Murderous Flarrowgirl of Tomorrow types]
Someone who likes me get me drunk.

[Filtered to Barry]
Hey, could you go speed around or ask your superfriend or Lurky the Roof Archer to keep an eye on Hartley? He definitely does not want me to do it right now but considering what happened last time he took off, I think there should be someone watching out. Just in case. Someone with superpowers specifically.

Oct. 1st, 2016



[Filtered to Hartley]

So maybe don't come to the lab.

I'll explain later, just steer clear for a while.

Nobody is being attacked or anything.

Sep. 13th, 2016



[No Subject]

So apparently we just let anyone hang around the labs these days, which is great.

Clearly we haven't learned from any past mistakes.

How many weeks before everything goes to shit because of this? Or are we going to pretend that every time we trust people it doesn't eventually stab us in the back? Sometimes literally.

So, I've thought about it long and hard.

And I've decided it doesn't matter why what happened happened.

I don't care if you have a hard time with emotions. I don't care if I caught you off guard and you didn't mean to hurt me and you feel really bad about the whole thing.

I told you I loved you and you killed me.

You have a lot to sort out before you can be a person, if you even can. And I'm not going to tear myself apart trying to help you do that.

I need you out of my life completely.

There's not enough alcohol in the world to deal with this place.

Sorry about Mick. Should have said that before.

Aug. 14th, 2016



[No Subject]

Well, that was decidedly unpleasant.

Jul. 9th, 2016



[No Subject]

Descensus in cuniculi cavum.

This is certainly something.