Jurassic City - Network

July 2017



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Posts Tagged: 'peter+parker+/+spider-man'

Feb. 15th, 2017



[No Subject]

My powers are back!

Which is great because the ceiling is a perfect vantage point to stare down at this guy I don't know and question my life choices.

Feb. 10th, 2017



[No Subject]

You gotta' be kiddin' me....

Feb. 1st, 2017



[No Subject]

Maybe it's a good thing Gwen's vanished. She didn't have to see me embarrass myself because the spider-sense isn't working...

Oct. 21st, 2016



[No Subject]

So. Dinosaurs. Let's just all agree we're squealing on the inside, at least a little bit yes?

Also. Halloween. Maybe not the best thing to put into an equation with dinosaurs, but hey. I'm not going to argue considering it's the best day of the year after Thanksgiving. As per usual, which okay, maybe a lot of you don't know, I'll be doing the traditional handing out of cupcakes instead of candy things -- because who doesn't like cupcakes? I'm also taking special requests if people would like their own half dozens, and I'm more than happy to volunteer taking some of the younger people out to do the traditional knock on doors, get candy, thing. This is especially true if you've never been trick-or-treating before.

Aaaand because I tend to be a bit of a failwhale when I'm not distracted by extinct creatures and whole new kinds of sciences -- and because this place has provided me with a bunch of both -- Hi everyone. I'm May, my friends call me Mayday, and my favorite dinosaur is an Apatosaurus -- because Littlefoot. Though, Duckie was pretty sweet too. Kind of hard to say...

Sep. 27th, 2016



[No Subject]

Eww. More dimension hopping.

Okay. Parker family (and honorary family roll call! Spider-twins plus spider-baby? Spider-Gwen?

Has anyone seen the Murdock-Castle family or my Skywalkers?