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Posts Tagged: 'natasha+romanoff+/+black+widow+%28mcu%29'

Mar. 20th, 2017



[No Subject]

Logan, you were great and all, but I hope you won't mind that I'm glad to not be stuck with you any more.

I know you're inconsolable, but I promise we'll get together for drinks again soon.

Romanoff, I feel like sparring to celebrate my freedom. You busy?

Hey, stranger.

Jun. 8th, 2016



[No Subject]

You know, I figured the likelihood of ending up in a place with dinosaurs went down when I moved from SHIELD to the CIA.

Someone want to brief me on what's going on here?

Jun. 4th, 2016



[No Subject]

Well, that was terrible.

Luckily, I'm used to being on the run.

Feb. 1st, 2016



[No Subject]

So I guess I've been kidnapped. And there are probably dinosaurs.

What could possibly go wrong?

Dec. 7th, 2015




So, someone be honest with me.

Judging from that trailer, it looks like things are going to get bad for us again. Exactly how bad should we be expecting? Tony and I vs Steve and the others?

That's a scenario I never imagined humanly possible. Me? Siding with Stark?

Nov. 5th, 2015



[No Subject]

I'm terrified for when this urge to unburden my soul is going to hit me. I don't have many secrets left after dumping the SHIELD network onto the internet. My entire history is laid out there in black and white. All the things I've done.

So it's going to be the more intimate parts of my life. The things I keep hidden down further than the rest. I don't want that coming up. It would serve me no purpose.

Nov. 3rd, 2015



[No Subject]

I know I should want to go home. That should be the normal reaction for someone trapped in an alternate reality that seems to involve dinosaurs and a city in the middle of nowhere. But I don't. I don't because home is going to shit, everything I've ever known is in tatters and resurrected as a laughable ghost of itself, and the world is about to implode on itself because it's not equipped to handle the monstrosities about to be unleashed on it.

And the only people who might be able to do something about keeping it all in check are too busy dropping cities from the sky.

Sep. 24th, 2015



[No Subject]

Open letter to Dinosaur City:

Please stop sending the weird alternate universe Avengers who have known each other about two weeks and are awkward and sad. Please send actual Avengers. Yes, my sidekick and her band of teenage vigilantes are here. Yes, my smoking hot girlfriend is here. Yes, Luke and every white Hero For Hire is here. Yes, Deadpool is here. He's going to say something now. Speak his name and he appears or something And, most importantly, yes, twelve year old Bucky Barnes is here. But we really need actual Cap and Stark. Not the weird bargain bin versions. Note - I'm not calling their Widow bargain bin. I know better. Still, our Nat would be nice.


PS - Don't send our Hank. The old guy is fine.
PPPS - Special request for Peter Parker.



[No Subject]

I think we should have a party.

A "We Survived The Dino Invasion" Party. I know it could happen again but we should celebrate anyway. I'm not just saying that because I nearly got eaten by a dinosaur and I'm feeling pretty invincible.

Aug. 27th, 2015




Anyone itching to rescue a damsel in distress? This is a one time thing.

I've been bitten and I'm stuck in a tree. There is an injured raptor nearby and a dying pterodactyl.

Aug. 12th, 2015



[No Subject]

Kara Palamas is here. I just wanted to warn you. She seems wrapped up in the situation right now.

Lets get drinks soon. You, Skye and I.

What does it say about our friendship that I am very surprised Clint isn't here during my life's recent turn to the weird?

How long is an excusable amount of time in a new place to not get a job? I know I should get one but for the first time in my life, I'm really enjoying just hanging out with Steve and Sam.

Aug. 13th, 2015



[No Subject]

No, no. I'm not falling for it. It doesn't matter what you do, I won't believe these lies.

Just let me go. I won't cause any trouble if you just let me go.

Aug. 11th, 2015


[No Subject]


That is certainly strange and unexpected.

Steve? Natasha? Sam? They told me you were all here.

Aug. 7th, 2015



[No Subject]

For fuck sake.

It's not that I don't understand that this situation is out of anyone's control, and I absolutely respect that.

But I really don't have time for this shit.