I haven't slept a full night since Havenrock. I close my eyes and I see those nukes and I hear the alarms and I can't make it go away no matter what I do.
Truth serum be damned this party is still happening. I need this. Throwing and attending these things is the only thing I'm actually good at. So it's happening.
So a Halloween party is happening whether everyone wants it to or not. We've had a ton of new arrivals or a lot of us have turned into recluses who stay inside and binge watch Netflix. What better way to meet everyone else or get out of the slump we've fallen into than with a party?
Before I begin scouting out a venue and then decorating it... are there any hard "no's" here about certain things usually associated with Halloween?
I need someone to come with me outside the barrier tomorrow. I'm working on something and this is the last little bit that will finish it up. I will pay you in beer and owe you.
I need more halloween candy. It's all disappeared.
Here's a tip for the kids. If you're going to be working on something that could backfire on you, make sure you aren't the only one in your lab. I'm fine. Just bruised and my hand is burned.
[LADY FRIENDS] We should have a slumber party. I can kick Oliver out of our place for the night. Booze, junk food and some god damn fun for once. Whose in?
Someone needs to be a friend and take Netflix away from me. I don't care if we've never met. You can by my new best friend and I'll even buy the drinks.
After one conversation, I'm starting to think I need a flow chart of the people in Ollie's life. Or a flow chart of his past relationships at the very least. Was his life always a soap opera and I just never noticed?
In case anyone was curious, being hungover is not a good time to go out and take pictures of dinosaurs by yourself. I nearly fell down a hill. I'm so embarrassed about last night
That being said, I have an appointment with the mayor tomorrow about the new system. See if it passes and gets approval. Then I need some help installing it if anyone is interested.
Which brings me to a very important question. Who do we think is bigger? Mick or Ray? Because I have heard stories, Ray. So many stories. From Felicity and Kendra. Apparently you are hung. But Mick has got to be proportional, don't you think? I mean, look at him. So who do we think it is? This is majorly important. Rip, weigh in on this. You had all of our scans on file. Who is it?