July 2013



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January 2nd, 2013

[info]detections in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Lilja Agnarsdottir and Hunter MacKenna.
WHEN: Very very late or very very early in the morning in America, mid-afternoon in Europe.
WHERE: The American safehouse/the European safehouse.
WARNINGS: Hunter swears a lot as usual.
STATUS: Complete log.

Do you think it’s a trap? )

[info]understander in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Understanding Jones [USA] and NPC! Patty Lefevre
WHAT: Angry Chet and Sad Understanding
WHEN: 1 January 2013
WHERE: Americas Safehouse
WARNINGS: i know i just posted dwi. also the song linked has questionable lyrics.
STATUS: Complete

Sweet lovely death I am waiting for your breath )

[info]understander in [info]invol_rpg

TO: Mo Who Has Much Pain
FROM: Understanding
I'm sorry I'm not there.

TO: Mason My Meditation Man
FROM: Understanding
I know it doesn't mean much now but congrats on the game.

[info]nawal in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Enely Must and Nawal Bechara
WHAT: Nawal says hi to the new girl, they talk about how it sux 2 b a Vol.
WHEN: 4 December 2012, immediately after this. Today is Backdated Nawal Log Day.
WHERE: Enely's room, 4th floor girls' dorm
WARNINGS: We started this before Logan dropped, dwi (sorry Clare).
STATUS: Completed log

Maybe wanting to get to know people now was a stage of acceptance that she would be here at IVI indefinitely. )

[info]lyve in [info]invol_rpg


WHO: Mette Skoglund & kidnappers.
WHAT: Her turn.
WHEN: A while after Padraig was taken. Late night of the 1st into early morning of the 2nd.
WHERE: The European cell.

And then there was one. )

[info]frattastic in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Mike Fitzgerald (and NPC Seth Fitzgerald).
WHAT: A phone call.
WHEN: Sometime early morning, January 2nd.
WHERE: North American Safe House.
STATUS: Complete!

There is still danger in his future, bullet-proof vests and weapons training, and more of Sam Thompson yelling, 'Drill! Drill! Drill!' )

[info]snowglassapples in [info]invol_rpg

[After this, note left outside Lottie's door along with a bowl of risotto.]

Ciao. As you may know, I can use my powers to put myself to sleep. If you need some rest, I can ask Dani to switch mine with yours for a while.

- Neve

[info]tigers_andbears in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Im Kyungmi and Leona Turner.
WHAT: Kyungmi sees if Leona can talk to her in animal form.
WHEN: January 1
WHERE: European Safe House
STATUS: Complete!

A male cat. He stalked me home, rubbed himself against me and told me that I was his type even though I wasn’t a feline. )

[info]synergistic in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Caleb Tate & Leona Turner
WHAT: Caleb learns Leona's powers
WHEN: morning of Wednesday, January 2
WHERE: European safehouse
STATUS: complete

Work on animals which could be used as recon, they had told her.  )

[info]moquist in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: ugh I'm sorry but it's Moa again
WHAT: misery porn, plain and simple
WHEN: January 2nd
WHERE: her room, the European safehouse
WARNINGS: grief, sadness, references to almost-suicide attempt
STATUS: Completed narrative of awfulness

Freedom is fucking overrated. )

[info]shadowbinder in [info]invol_rpg

TO: Carter.
FROM: Savannah.

[1/2] every freaking part of my body's wound like a coil
[2/2] i've never been so ready to do something

TO: Ethan.
FROM: Savannah.

i bargained with God and said i'd be a better christian if they came back alive

TO: Saraswati.
FROM: Savannah.

hey <3

[info]dislocation in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Kieran Keaveny and Damien Harrington
WHAT: Talk of plans once made. And then...
WHEN: January 2nd, 2013, afternoon
WHERE: ????
STATUS: log complete

Maybe it would become it’s own metropolis. Voltropolis. )

[info]modulations in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Jack Fuller
WHAT: Bad things sometimes happen to good people
WHEN: 2 January, 2013; afternoon, evening, late night
WHERE: Terrorist camp #2, North America
WARNINGS: Violence, pain, threats, a swear. It’s long? Sorry in advance for the ending?
STATUS: Complete

Whatever this was, Jack could feel it gnawing its way from the inside out )

[info]chargeup in [info]invol_rpg

texts sent wednesday afternoon.

TO: Carter.

[info]elusive_control in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Edwin Seabeck and Kiara Albury
WHAT: Two intelligence agents wonder what the hell they’re doing
WHEN: BACKDATED Dec 29th, evening
WHERE: European safehouse
STATUS: log complete

I think I may need a higher octane soon enough. )

[info]sparky in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Tanja Roze, Enely Must & mentions of Petr Láska
WHAT: Two friends catch up
WHEN: 28/12/12 (backdated)
WHERE: European safehouse
STATUS: completed log

She'd been scared at first when the men in IVF uniforms showed up to usher herself and Tanja, philodendron in hand, to the safehouse.  )

[info]dislocation in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Kieran Keaveny
WHAT: The third male captive has a bad reaction to the injection
WHEN: Jan 2nd, 2013 concurrent to this and this
WHERE: ????
WARNINGS: violence, terror, pain
STATUS: narrative complete

I'm not going to let you fall back asleep until you do what I ask. )

[info]sparky in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Tanja Roze & (mentions of) Petr “Plantr” Láska
WHAT: Conversations with a plant
WHEN: Night, January 1st 2013
WHERE: Tanja’s room at the European safehouse

“You know, I miss Prague,”  )

[info]irishdragon in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Padraig Flanagan [IRELAND]
WHAT: Him in the cell, feeling emotions.
WHEN: Evening, Jan 2nd.
WHERE: Somewhere in Europe.
WARNINGS: None, really.
STATUS: Completed.

He couldn't burn their faces off and run away )

[info]facebookaholic in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Jesse Dean & Vanessa Upton.
WHAT: Jesse at his awkwardest.
WHEN: 2 January, sometime during the day.
WHERE: C-Store, IVI.
WARNINGS: Apologies and crying.
STATUS: Complete.

How was it that the most annoying girl on the compound in the history of, like, ever could make him feel this way? )

[info]synergistic in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Allegra Hawke and Caleb Tate
WHAT: Insomniating
WHEN: Some time in the wee morning hours of Thursday, January 3
WHERE: European safehouse

Caleb hadn’t gotten much sleep since the news about Erik and Alyosha had come out, though he suspected he wasn’t alone in that )

[info]fanimal in [info]invol_rpg


TO: Savannah, Mason, Sam, Richie, Understanding, Leigh, Carter (individually)
FROM: Jodi

good luck, stay safe. i'll be thinking of you