July 2013




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Jul. 15th, 2013


WHO: Claudia Corbett, Noah Maloney
WHAT: Saying Goodbye for now
WHEN: The day everyone left
STATUS: Complete

I think it’s going to take a while for any of this to feel real )

Jul. 12th, 2013


WHO: Claudia and Noah
WHAT: Claudia finds out about Anthony
WHEN: Immediately after this
WHERE: Claudia's room
STATUS: Complete

If anything happens to me, could you make sure Claudia will be okay? )

Jul. 10th, 2013


WHO: Oscar and Betty
WHAT: Oscar and Betty do some spring cleaning.
WHEN: Day 2
WHERE: Around random warehouses.
WARNINGS: Betty being a (very polite) bad-arse.
STATUS: Complete!

a broom and a pile of dust were, after all, a match made in metaphorical heaven )


WHO: Noah and Anthony
WHEN: SUPER BACKDATED right after the VS arrived to IVI after their mission
WHERE: Noah’s room
STATUS: Completed

They’d deport you from Liverpool in about five seconds. )

Jul. 9th, 2013


WHO: Jimmy Boudreaux, Noah Maloney
WHAT: Collecting supplies
WHEN: Day #2
WHERE: Outside
STATUS: Complete

Unless Noah had a good reason to be out and about, he was taking the other fella to the ravine with him. Those chairs might come in handy for fetching the backpack.  )


WHO: Noah Maloney and Matthew Poole
WHAT: Matty’s anxious and gives Noah a special kind of boost
WHEN: Backdated to their time together in the library. Sorry! I meant for this to go up last night.
WHERE: The library
WARNINGS: language
STATUS: placeholder

Three days after his eighteenth birthday and his life seemed to be spiraling into an absolute crapfest )


WHO: Noah Maloney, mentions of Julian Kane.
WHAT: Someone pays the piper.
WHEN: Night 1
WHERE: Library
WARNINGS: Character Death.
STATUS: Complete narrative.

His fingers brushed over a well-worn copy )

Jul. 8th, 2013


Who: Some of the Library group
What: Two VR Vols arrive wanting medical care and the library group decides what to do with them
Where: The library
When: 7 July 2013; in the middle of the night
Status: Completed dia-log
Warnings: Talk of murder sort of

I didn't know you and Ernest were brothers. How quaint. )

Jul. 9th, 2013


WHO: Noah Maloney and Claudia Corbett
WHAT: Noah and Claudia attempt to distract each other through... dictionary games.
WHEN: Night One, Library, from about 9/10 pm and leading up to the VR members coming in. Handwave this if it's not when they "officially" enter, as it's about the only time I can post it before work.
WHERE: Library
WARNINGS: You will learn some new vocabulary.
STATUS: Complete!

I still won the game though )

Jun. 24th, 2013


Open Undernet post: Puck

Don't know if this has been done before, or how worthwhile it is since they have limited pull, but Jace Jacobs from Toucan had a recent post speculating about his team leader and how Trask seems at a bit of a loss/doesn't really know what to do/is perhaps conflicted about stuff that likely concerns us but we'll only find out about an instant after it happens and whathaveyou. So I was wondering if it was worthwhile to maybe pool our takes on the team leaders in terms of general disposition, how sincere they seem, whether they seem to be looking out for us a little bit or not at all, and so forth. Especially since there's a few people whose powers give them a boost in that area (I'm not saying to use them; just whether you've inadvertedly gained some insight.)

I don't know how worthwhile it would be to do this, but any scrap of information is potentially valuable, I suppose?

Jun. 19th, 2013


WHO: Jana Jezeršek [SLOVENIA] and Noah Maloney [IRELAND]
WHAT: Jana accidentally teleports in on Noah taking a shower. Oops.
WHEN: Wednesday, June 19th sometime after training.
WHERE: The boys bathroom on the 6th floor.
WARNINGS: Implied nakedness, wet t-shirts, and talks of fetish clubs.
STATUS: Complete


Jun. 15th, 2013


Undernet Post: Puck

After this, this, and Daisy gives him a new account/chip.

[Wraith (Jace), Echelon (Moa)]


Jun. 14th, 2013


WHO: Noah Maloney and Oscar the Broom.
WHAT: Um, I'm avoiding all variants of the phrase "Noah talks to his broomstick" because there's no way I can not make it sound dirty. Essentially Oscar is a jealous hausfrau.
WHEN: Wednesday evening just before Vol Underground training.
WHERE: Noah's and Taki's room, 6F.
WARNINGS: Broom angst? Household objects being mean to each other?
STATUS: Complete

You're not going... )


Undernet Post by Codename: Puck

Newbie here, apologies if I'm jumping ahead of myself and so forth. Was thinking about that plant kid (Petr). Does anyone know him well enough to have a read on him? I'm just thinking that if he fits the criteria, he could probably benefit from the support of a group like this.

Jun. 8th, 2013


PLACEHOLDER my characters love their mummies and daddies okay

(Also here Noah will be speaking to his journalist parents, so if there's something your character wanted to make known to the outside world, would have mentioned ICly - or something Noah would have picked up which you're happy for me to know and share OOCly - lmk)

Jun. 2nd, 2013


WHAT: Hailey & Jimmy's fish fry!
WHEN: Sunday afternoon, started around noon and went until everyone left
WHERE: By the lake


May. 31st, 2013


WHO: Noah Maloney [IRELAND] and Claudia Corbett [AUSTRALIA]
WHAT: Claudia comes by to wish Noah a happy birthday, thinks that there are lessons to be learned from Kerouac on studying.
WHEN: Tuesday, May 28 [backdated]
WHERE: Noah's and Taki's room.
STATUS: Complete!

A few extra hours studying is nothing compared to three weeks at a typewriter! )

May. 25th, 2013


WHO: Rose Walker [USA] and Noah Maloney [IRELAND]
WHAT: Noah uses his power to try out Rose's gismos. Backdated sometime before the Vol Squad left!
WHEN: IDK. Backdated.
WHERE: Rose's and Mette's room.
STATUS: Complete!

How long have you been active, if you don’t mind my beeswax? )

May. 23rd, 2013


email home )

May. 15th, 2013


WHO: Hailey, Damien, Nelly, Noah, Nate, Fin, Savannah
WHAT: The hockey crew prank the hockey widows
WHEN: Backdated to during Red Wings' game on in-game Monday!
WHERE: The hockey lounge
STATUS: Complete

Becoming a Leafs fan for the night had paid off )

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