July 2013




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Jul. 11th, 2013


WHO: Kelly Ansell.
WHAT: :(
WHEN: After the smoke clears.
WHERE: One of the buildings on campus.
STATUS: Complete.

The big sister of only a year, the one who got to go through things first-but-just-barely. )


WHO: Kim & Kelly Ansell
WHAT: Kim can't stay.
WHEN: Sometime Day 3
WHERE: Tased people's warehouse
STATUS: Completed

I can't go with you. You know that. )

Jul. 10th, 2013


WHO: Valya Zhiglov and Kelly Ansell
WHAT: Kelly's powers have been knocked out. Probably good because when was the last time anyone showered? Oh, and Valya tries to be comforting during this whole mess.
WHEN: After this
WHERE: some place where there isn't shooting!
WARNINGS: ... is really ...
STATUS: complete

Read more... )

Jul. 8th, 2013


WHO: Kelly Ansell & NPC Maria Moreno ("Bang Bang")
WHAT: Kelly runs into one of her sister's friends.
WHEN: Night #1, after the chaos breaks out.
WHERE: Admin building.
STATUS: Complete.

She had always hated hide-and-go-seek. )

Jul. 5th, 2013


WHO: Rianne Schulte, Kim Ansell & Kelly Ansell
WHAT: You can't hide a secret this big from Rianne's spidey-senses.
WHEN: Night / 5th July
WHERE: Kimmy's room.
STATUS: Complete.

Something’s going on, and you know what it is. You BOTH know. )

Jun. 26th, 2013


TO: Kelly
FROM: Kimmy
hope you dont have plans to do the dirty tonight because i'm sleeping coming over

so what can I do to convince you not to tell Ace?

and i'm guessing your and my training thing is off now?

Jun. 14th, 2013


WHO: Kelly Ansell & Valya Zhiglov
WHAT: A fun little chat about Kim.
WHEN: Friday afternoon, after training and before the Taki debacle.
WHERE: Valya's (and Alex's) room.
WARNINGS: Probably none.

So my sister's a terrorist. )

Jun. 13th, 2013


WHO: Kimberly & Kelly Ansell
WHAT: A moment of truth.
WHEN: Evening, 9:30 pm or so, 13 June 2013.
WHERE: In one of the tunnels.
STATUS: Complete.

Her sister was many things: headstrong, impulsive, a runaway. But a terrorist? )

Jun. 10th, 2013


TO: Conner, Rose, Val, Kelly, Nawal & Mo
[1/3] Everyone is so angry it's making my powers do all sorts of awful things
[2/3] If anyone needs me, then outside of this additional training nonsense I will be in the library
[3/3] Since they won't even let me read the news any more I will work my way through their books one by one

TO: Neve
[1/2] Hello
[2/2] This is Rianne. I'm still working on things in the library.

Jun. 5th, 2013


texts and undernet

TO: Dante
hey what are you doing tomorrow?

TO: Rabbit (Cati)
FROM: Dorothy
houston we have a problem. you're being watched

TO: Smith (Kier)
FROM: Dorothy
idc if this is weird but hi how are you i'm dorothy.

TO: Coda (Kelly)
FROM: Dorothy
you should come over after dinner because i have some amazing shit to read to you today involving what might be a panty raid

May. 31st, 2013



WHO: Kim and Kelly Ansell
WHAT: Kim brings up Vol Underground with Kelly. It doesn't go too well.
WHEN: Monday, May 27th
WHERE: somewhere IVI isn't listening
STATUS: Complete

This is about having an ace up our sleeve for when things get worse around here. )

May. 19th, 2013


TO: Kelly
FROM: Kimmy
(1/2) I can't sleep
(2/2) also maybe this is the tequila shot i did speaking but i sometimes i still can't get over the fact that i can text you whenever i want

Apr. 27th, 2013


WHO: Kim & Kelly Ansell
WHAT: Kelly has good news and bad news for her little sister.
WHEN: Friday evening, 26 April 2013
WHERE: Wherever.
WARNINGS: Language
STATUS: Complete dia-log.

So, I don't know how to say this that doesn't make me sound like an 8th grade girl. )

Apr. 25th, 2013


WHO: Kelly Ansell & Valya Zhiglov
WHAT: Kelly shares some important insight with Valya. You're welcome, Sadie.
WHEN: Thursday night, after dinner.
WHERE: The fine arts building, piano practice room.
WARNINGS: Gratuitous nudity, obviously.
STATUS: Complete!

I don’t understand why teen mom shows are so popular in America. )

Apr. 23rd, 2013


text messages

To: Kelly
From: Valya
How do you think Northwest tested their tasers and the force field before selling the concepts to IVF?

To: Rashida
From: Valya
I would like to try something on you during training today.

Apr. 19th, 2013


WHO: Kelly Ansell and Valya Zhiglov
WHAT: post protest debacle
WHEN: backdated to Wednesday evening
WHERE: Kelly’s room, 5a
WARNINGS: language. lack of kissing because solitary woes are mood killers.
STATUS: complete.

You could just start wiping their memories, one by one, until none of them remember )


WHO: Kelly & Kim Ansell
WHAT: Solitary Visit
WHEN: Friday, 4/19; 12:45pm
WHERE: Solitary
WARNINGS: This one is not just a picture.
STATUS: Complete

Their little secret. )

Apr. 18th, 2013


TO: Kim
FROM: Kelly

Texts sent over the course of Wednesday & Thursday, after Kim is taken into solitary confinement. )


sent early this morning.

To: Damien
From: Fin
(1/2) Happy birthday.
(2/2) We'll do something today. What do you want to do?

To: Savannah
From: Fin
(1/3) Hi. This is Finlay.
(2/3) Damien's friend.
(3/3) Sorry I know now is not a good time with everything, but Damien deserves to have kind of an okay day today. What do you have planned?

To: Kelly
From: Fin
Are you okay?

Apr. 13th, 2013


WHO: Kelly Ansell & Valya Zhiglov
WHAT: Following his altercation with Dante, Kelly checks in on Valya. Awkwardness, fretting, and feelings ensue.
WHEN: BACKDATED to Thursday, April 11, 2013.
WHERE: Valya's room (2e!) in the men's dormitory.
WARNINGS: language. also, it's a bit long.
STATUS: Complete.

What do you think would make you feel better? )

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