July 2013




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Jun. 25th, 2013


WHO: Caleb Tate and family
WHAT: Calling home from London
WHEN: London Vol Squad mission
WHERE: ...London
STATUS: complete

Yeah. I got your... the postcard. )

Jun. 18th, 2013


WHO: Hailey Hamilton & Léo Villeneuve
WHAT: A phonecall about a mutual friend
WHEN: Post-training today
WHERE: Somewhere around campus
WARNINGS: Lots of swears... Hailey has some anger issues
STATUS: Complete!

Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. )

Jun. 17th, 2013


TO: Daisy
FROM: Carter
MESSAGE: (1/2) not coming over
(2/2) gonna go find o. guessing you saw your email

TO: Omar
FROM: Carter
MESSAGE: (1/3) you saw your email?
(2/3) stop fucking around and answer your damn phone already
(5/5) im not gonna keep calling, asshole

Angrily, Carter punches in Omar's number for the third and final time. If it goes to voicemail again --

[after the above phone conversation]

TO: Javier
FROM: Carter
MESSAGE: they didnt even give him a fucking trial

Jun. 13th, 2013


WHO: Ethan Young and his father, Dr. Richard Young
WHAT: Ethan calls home to check in.
WHEN: Wednesday evening in Japan, morning in Utah
WHERE: Tokyo, Japan/Ogden, Utah
WARNINGS: Republicans.
STATUS: Complete!

They're probably wiretapping this call, this very minute. )

Jun. 12th, 2013


WHO: Léo Villeneuve and Eulalie Desjardins.
WHAT: A telephone conversation. (En français, bien sûr.)
WHEN: Evening (Tokyo), morning (Paris).
WHERE: Paris, Tokyo.
WARNINGS: Swearing, crudeness, NPCs being mean about Coralie.
STATUS: Completed narrative.

I intend to survive all of this. )


WHO: Jenni Lynn Cooper AKA Davi's Mom [Texas] and Leona Turner [New Zealand]
WHAT: True to her word, Leona takes a little time to call Davi's Mom with an update. PS -- She totally emailed Jack's Mom with this new information.
WHEN: Sometime on Wednesday.
WHERE: Austin, Texas and Tokyo, Japan.
STATUS: Complete.

Oh, please don’t cry. I can turn into a polar bear! )

Jun. 9th, 2013


WHO: Leigh and her father, Bo Tharp (NPC)
WHAT: A conversation about emergency preparedness, preceding this log with Jimmy.
WHEN: backdated to yesterday. I gave up on IJ and went to bed.
WHERE: Leigh's room
STATUS: Complete.

IVI’s gonna see some action )

Jun. 8th, 2013


Phone Log & Texts.

WHO: Stephen & David Knight.
WHAT: Stephen has had it trying to find things on the internet and recruits his old 'sidekick' to do it for him.
WHEN: Very early Saturday morning.
WHERE: Stephen & Silas' room.
WARNINGS: Paranoia, it's the Knight boys.

Fun group you guys have over there. )

TO: Fin
    How much control do you have of your power?

TO: Savannah
    So you went to the media, then.

TO: Hailey
    Am I making you depressed?

TO: Rashida
    So, it looks like we may be getting company soon.

TO: Devon
    You generally get in trouble a lot. Have you ever had to meet with the Colonel?

Jun. 2nd, 2013


WHO: Leona Turner [NEW ZEALAND] and Leigh Tharp [USA]. Brief phone call with Padraig Flanagan beforehand.
WHAT: One Squad member isn't enjoying her five star hotel room. This was finished ages ago, but I was lame and forgot I hadn't posted it.
WHEN: Thursday night, Late April [backdated]
WHERE: Set during the Vol Squad trip to Sydney.
STATUS: Complete!

It’s ridiculous. I can’t even turn the TV on because I’m worried the noise will disguise someone approaching... )

May. 28th, 2013


WHO: Edwin Seabeck and Max Hammersmith
WHAT: After sitting through his court appointment, Edwin calls his best friend for some consolation.
WHEN: Tuesday 5/28, just before midnight
WHERE: Room 3G

I guess it'd better be black. )

May. 27th, 2013


WHO: Dante Cavalli.
WHAT: A phone call.
WHEN: Saturday early early early morning, 25 May.
WHERE: Over the phone.

He wonders how long until his peace would be snatched back from him. )

May. 22nd, 2013


WHO: Padraig & Rashida
WHAT: Phonecall
WHEN: Backdated to yesterday evening
WHERE: idk their respective rooms?
STATUS: Completed

I was thinking about starting a fire. )

May. 19th, 2013


WHO: Coralie Bouchard and Marise Bouchard.
WHAT: A phonecall that doubles as a long overdue reunion between a mother and daughter who hate each other.
WHEN: The afternoon of Saturday the 19th.
WHERE: IVI and France.
WARNINGS: Swearing. Also, they’re both actually the worst, so.
STATUS: Phone log/complete.

What have you been doing these past five years, Coralie?  )

May. 15th, 2013


WHO: Enely Must & her father Elmar
WHAT: A series of phone calls
WHEN: February through May, 2013
WHERE: IVI & Tallinn
STATUS: Complete phone log.

Issi. Emme. It's Enely. Are you home? No? )

May. 14th, 2013


Phone log.

Who: Solène Taylor & Stephen Knight
What: Mother-son chatting about relationships.
When: This morning
Where: Stephen's room
Warnings: None!
Status: Complete.

Stephen Henry Knight, don't you dare hang up on me. )

May. 1st, 2013


WHO: Ingrid Song [SWEDEN] + NPC family members.
WHAT: A (very short) phone call!
WHEN: Around 1:40PM.
WHERE: Room 8F.
STATUS: Complete.

Bye Ingrid! Facebook you soon!  )

Apr. 29th, 2013


WHO: Sadie Thompson, Julieta Jimenez, Rashida Mazibuko, Libby Ross, Sol Tyler, Omar Calderón, Jack Fuller, Yael Shafir, Shannon Reid
WHAT: Conversation and phone calls
WHEN: Friday, April 24 to Monday, April 29
WHERE: IVI Campus.
WARNINGS: Language.
STATUS: Complete.

I don't know what the fuck to do anymore. )

Apr. 23rd, 2013


WHO: Sadie Thompson and John Hearne
WHAT: A phone call between parents.
WHEN: Tuesday, April 23rd. 7:30 am in Maine, 8 pm in Australia.
WHERE: Room 4D.
WARNINGS: Language, feels.
STATUS: Complete.

No. No, he's *my* son. )

(1) Voice Message )

Text messages for Sam Thompson and Julieta Jimenez )


WHO: Understanding Jones [USA] and his mother, Patty Lefevre
WHAT: Understanding returns his mother's frantic calls
WHEN: 23 April, 2013; evening
WHERE: Understanding's room.
STATUS: Completed Phone Log

What's wrong? You didn't call me four times today just to tell me that I'm not calling you enough. )

Apr. 20th, 2013


Who: Lilja Agnarsdottir, Brad Swartz, Joon-ho Park, Finlay McCracken, and Valeska Protz
What: A series of narratives from the last five days - some are not quite phone calls
Where: Around IVI campus
When: 17 - 20 April
Warnings: This might be secretly terrible? But I was inspired and also trying to pick out my character's brains.
Status: Complete

'I love you mom but hang up the phone so I can leave Dad a message.' )

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