July 2013




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Jul. 14th, 2013


WHO: Alex Katz [USA] and Valya Zhiglov [POLAND].
WHAT: Shutting the door on Room 2E.
WHEN: The last day. Whenever that is.
WHERE: Room 2E.
STATUS: Placeholder.

I guess that's it. )


we are ugly but we have the music

WHO: Vi Harper [AUSTRALIA] and Alex Katz [USA]
WHAT: Something.
WHEN: The evening before departure.
WHERE: IVI Boys' Tower.
WARNINGS: References to character death.
STATUS: Complete!

It was hard to tell what was worth keeping. )

Jul. 12th, 2013


[ Edwin, Nawal, Rianne, Remy, Alex, Seth, Vic, Hunter, Damien, Silas, Marty, Hailey, Rose, Valya, Alejo, Understanding, Max, Filipe, Cati, Fred, Jamie, Lilja, and Moa ]
I know a lot of people are doing as much as they can to say goodbye now. I would really like to make dinner for you all Saturday night, but if you can't make it, please find me before we have to get on buses and planes and everything?

Also, if anyone wants to get away for a while or needs somewhere to go, there's spare bedrooms in my house in Victoria, and you're all invited to visit any time.

Jul. 9th, 2013


WHO: Jack and Alex
WHAT: A snippet of cheerful conversation
WHEN: Night #1
WHERE: The Library
WARNINGS: Swears, booze
STATUS: Complete!

When did any of this ever have a good end, Jack? )

Jul. 8th, 2013


TO: Canadians, Magpies, Allegra, Ashton, Caleb, Claudia, Immy, Jordana, Omar, Remy
hi, check in please? (those of you not at the warehouse, at least)
TO: Nate
hi i'm so sorry i'm okay i was tased and we had to fight the guards but i'm okay where are you?


Who: Some of the Library group
What: Two VR Vols arrive wanting medical care and the library group decides what to do with them
Where: The library
When: 7 July 2013; in the middle of the night
Status: Completed dia-log
Warnings: Talk of murder sort of

I didn't know you and Ernest were brothers. How quaint. )

Jul. 7th, 2013


undernet post by codename: turandot

Filtered to Codename: Meursault

i am so tired of everyone

Jun. 27th, 2013


Who: Families of assorted students
What: Various reactions to the IVI Hunger Strike
When: Yesterday
Warnings: Hunger strike references/swears
Status: Mostly complete - PLACEHOLDER for Understanding
Did you see the new video from IVI? )

May. 17th, 2013



TO: Saraswati.
FROM: Nolan.

i hope your team isn't imploding. send an "sos" if you need rescuing.

TO: Alex.
FROM: Nolan.

(1/2) i believe it's time for some sort of "man date." bro date. mate melee?
(2/2) that last one really does not work at all.

May. 10th, 2013


TO: Wilford
FROM: Kimmy
You're dead to me.

TO: Peacocks
FROM: Kimmy
Good fucking job guys

TO: Alex
FROM: Kimmy
What are you doing tomorrow?

TO: Damien
FROM: Kimmy
(1/2) Hi this is Kimmy
(2/2) Is this a bad time and should I wait until after playoffs to try and talk to you?

Apr. 24th, 2013


emails and texts

Welcome back Jake! You have two (2) new messages )

Texts to Alex, Pad, and Wilford )

Apr. 19th, 2013


WHO: Alex Katz [USA] (and Alex Katz [USA], and Alex Katz [USA]...). Mentions of Marine van de Velde [BELGIUM], Jack Fuller [USA] and Valya Zhiglov [POLAND].
WHAT: "Solitary confinement" is a bit of a misnomer for Alex.
WHEN: Wednesday, April 17 - Friday, April 19.
WHERE: A cell.
WARNINGS: Language, violent imagery (including references to Boston), dark thoughts, references to suicide. Also this is long and bad.
STATUS: Complete.

I want to go home. )

Mar. 25th, 2013


WHO: Sadie Thompson [USA] and Alex Katz [USA].
WHAT: Two depressed and angry young persons have a chance encounter.
WHEN: Backdated to the evening of Friday, March 1st.
WHERE: The memorial wall.
WARNINGS: Language, Holocaust references, angry and depressed youths.
STATUS: Complete.

Night at IVI seemed to fall swiftly )

Mar. 20th, 2013


emails out his ears

Fuller Family )

Mason, Alex, Sam, Ethan )

Daisy )

Mar. 15th, 2013



TO: Jack
FROM: Jodi

your ~*~friend~*~ fin doesn't smile much. she makes a >:{ face a lot

TO: Brad
FROM: Jodi

i think we should have some sort of prize for winning our bracket. thoughts?

TO: Alex
FROM: Jodi


TO: Daisy
FROM: Jodi

i think i'm going to be gone this weekend so the room is all yours. if you want i can probably stay, though

Mar. 9th, 2013


(1/2) So, I'm trying not to Jewmom you because it seems like it drives you crazy.
(2/2) But it's been a while, and I'm worried ab I wanted to see how you're doing. Dinner, maybe? Or we can get drunk?

Feb. 26th, 2013


An email and some texts.

TO: "elias kazan" <ekazan@ivi,edu.au>
FROM: "jodi" <jduncan@ivi.edu.au>
SUBJECT: power swap, apology, etc


this email is a little belated, but it took me like a day to recover from this weekend's craziness. (ivi is usually weird, but it is usually not THAT weird.) anyhow, this is the girl who got your power sunday. i don't think i introduced myself properly, but my name's jodi duncan, i'm american generally and from south dakota specifically, and my usual power is enhanced synesthesia. i just wanted to apologize for outing you to the entire student body, as that wasn't really my intention - not being aware of everyone here's abilities at any given time, it was hard to know if it was something secret or i was just ignorant.

your power kind of sucks. thanks for the help though. if you ever want to get away from the dull roar of ivi's inane thoughts, i would recommend the hiking trails. there's rarely anyone out there and the sunsets are nice. ivi can even give you a tent, if you want to stay the night.

i think that's all. hope you're adjusting well and everything.


TO: Ethan

i'm not needy, am i?

TO: Alex
FROM: Jodi

(1/2) so we don't have to talk about this but
(2/2) did you see what the fox sister said about seances?

[ After this ]

TO: Daisy
FROM: Jodi

omg daisy my male self hates me he totally left me logged into pinterest on ethan's laptop and he totally discovered my super secret wedding board

Feb. 19th, 2013


TO: Alex
FROM: Ophelia
[1/2] apparently that silas boy threw up some weird things
[2/2] maybe you can go reclaim your gallbladder
TO: Monty
FROM: Ophelia
did you paint my door.


[ Roosters - Group Text ]
Who needs toast and apple juice?

[ Daisy, Kier, Damien, Brad, Jordana, Miyu, Alex, Nolan, Ethan, Savannah - Individuals ]
Do you need toast and apple juice?

[ Finlay ]
Ditched or sick?

Feb. 14th, 2013


TO: Alex.
FROM: Nolan.

(1/2) how're you doing to bloody powers have been on the fritz today. 99 hearts that say "LOVE U."
(2/2) i imagine you're not a fan of chalky candy hearts.

TO: Saraswati.
FROM: Nolan.

we're still hanging out after the dance, correct? :]

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