July 2013




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Jul. 14th, 2013


WHO: Donovan Murphy [USA] and Mason Laughlin [USA]
WHAT: Going home.
WHEN: Just before departure.
WHERE: Mason's Dormitory, Boys' Tower.
WARNINGS: Schmoopy happy endings, sexy stuff, Donovan's tears of joy obvs.
STATUS: Complete!

'Mine.' 'Mine.' )


because understanding doesn't know what "appropriate timing" means

TO: Mason My Meditation Man, Donovan Whom I Now Know Better
FROM: Understanding
(1/2) Thank you for sharing your hearts and your bodies with me last night. Human connection is linked to physical connection and I really believe we needed that last night.
(2/2) I also never imagined those uses of your powers, Mason.

Jun. 26th, 2013


undernet post by codename: otterpop

Hi guys.

I want to talk to everyone about in-depth augmentation practice, one-on-one, starting immediately.

I know some of you aren't comfortable with my power, and especially with being augmented directly. I have done my best to respect that, whether at training or when interacting socially, for the entire time we've been imprisoned here.

But I think there may come a time very soon when we simply won't have a choice, and will need everyone operating at their most powerful possible level. It's better for you to be prepared than surprised.

Jun. 22nd, 2013


WHO: Donovan Murphy [USA] and Mariana Bezerra da Silva [BRAZIL]
WHAT: Hypothetically speaking.
WHEN: Saturday, June 22nd.
WHERE: At one of the campus 'dead zones' the VU has identified.
STATUS: Complete dia-log!

Hey, can I ask you a weird question? )

Jun. 18th, 2013



To: Enver
From: Jimmy

Davi's in solitary

To: Mason, Understanding, Benjie, Donovan, Rashida, Leona (Group)
From: Jimmy

(1/2) Davi's in solitary
(2/2) Thought y'all oughta know

To: Leigh
From: Jimmy

Davi's in solitary.

May. 28th, 2013


TO: Donovan I Now Know Better
FROM: Understanding
I can't thank you enough for what you gave me. And watching the videos today excited me all over again, beyond belief.

TO: Hunter Who Does Not Yield
FROM: Understanding
Have you talked to Edwin today?

May. 24th, 2013


text messages.

TO: Sadie Thompson
FROM: Mason Laughlin

(1/2) What do you guys normally do for memorial day?
(2/2) This is Mason, btw.

TO: Jack Fuller
FROM: Mason Laughlin

I'm not doing okay.

TO: Don Murphy
FROM: Mason Laughlin

I don't I miss you How're things?

May. 23rd, 2013


TO: Donovan I now know better
FROM: Understanding
I know other people have offered but I woul rather ask someone I know better, so can I ask you a favor If you have some time to spare in San Francisco?

TO: Muhammad (UNSENT)
FROM: Understanding
I feel a lot of

May. 8th, 2013


WHO: Donovan Murphy [USA] and Vic Reyes [USA]
WHEN: Wednesday, after rugby practice but before OUTback.
WHERE: Men's locker room, IVI gymnasium.
WARNINGS: Nudity, farce, feelz.
STATUS: Placeholder! Coming soon~*~

Apr. 26th, 2013


text message

TO: Mace

i lvoe you :)


text message. thursday morning.

TO: Mace

Are you sure you're cool with me going?

Mar. 10th, 2013


TO: Donovan Murphy
FROM: Davi Alizadeh
[1/3] so.
[2/3] well.
[3/3] yeah.

Mar. 4th, 2013


WHO: Donovan Murphy [USA] and Mason Laughlin [USA]
WHAT: Donovan has some good news, but he isn't sure how Mason will react to it.
WHEN: During Pub Night on March 2nd.
WHERE: Outside the Boys' Tower.
STATUS: Complete!

I wanted to talk to you about something. )

Mar. 2nd, 2013


text message around 3AM

TO: Donovan Murphy
FROM: Davi Alizadeh
[1/3] well.
[2/3] i took your advice.
[3/3] and now i can't hear shit.

Feb. 27th, 2013


text messages

TO: Don, Mason, Understanding (separately)
FROM: Davi Alizadeh
[1/5] i wrote that note to omar.
[2/5] and i feel really bad about it.
[3/5] i wouldn't really do that.
[4/5] he just pissed me off.
[5/5] i tell you this because i trust you.

Feb. 15th, 2013


WHO: Donovan Murphy [USA] and Mason Laughlin [USA]
WHAT: Checking in after a week without Don's augmentation, and exchanging Valentine's gifts.
WHEN: Thursday evening.
WHERE: Mason's room.
WARNINGS: Innuendo, FTB.
STATUS: Complete!

They still hadn't really talked about it yet. )

Feb. 11th, 2013


text message

TO: Mason
FROM: Donovan

(1/2) Hey you. What's up? My homework is boring.
(2/2) How are you feeling?

Feb. 10th, 2013


WHO: Donovan Murphy [USA] and Mason Laughlin [USA]
WHAT: Mason has some concerns about Donovan's powers.
WHEN: Thursday evening.
WHERE: Mason's room.
STATUS: Complete!

I have something I want to talk with you about. )


text message (sent during pub night)

TO: Hunter
FROM: Donovan

(1/5) hey next time you have some concern
(2/5) s
(3/5) about my powers maybe talk to me
(4/5) before you freak out my bf
(5/5) thanks

Feb. 3rd, 2013



TO: Don; Mimir; Mike; Mason; Alejo.
FROM: Nolan Novak.

There is no awkward way to ask this, so I will just dive right in: you lot are like, the Adonis types of IVI. Meanwhile, back at the Hall of Justice, I have the body of an asthmatic thirteen year old on a good day. Please help. There's this girl who I would be willing to pay and/or do some of your homework for you.

Thank you for your time.

Nolan Novak.

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