July 2013




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Jul. 10th, 2013


WHO: Padraig, Rashida, and Remy (Rapademy)
WHAT: Escaping
WHEN: When the force field is down, a little after Remy's post
WHERE: Edge of campus somewhere
WARNINGS: Swearing and murder and mentions of injuries
STATUS: Complete!

Remy felt the panic of a wild animal rise up as the fire lit up behind them and he bolted )

Jul. 11th, 2013


yet another check-in series of texts

[TO] Caleb, Immy, Jade, Pad, Taki, Rashida, Libby, Vanessa, Jace, Davi, Callum, Nate, Marty, Shannon, Eli, Liam, Edwin, Audra, Bryn, Stephen, Mette, Sara, Leigh, Jimmy, Raphael, Cati, Javier, Julian, Allegra, Nate, Mike, Hailey, Kier, Dagmar, Anke, Claudia, Damien, Kyungmi, Sunny [pretty much everyone Leona is on remotely friendly terms with, if I've left you off just jump in]

    I don't know when I'll next be able to have my phone with me again due to all the shifting around, so oh my gosh, please let me know that you're okay.

Jul. 10th, 2013


[Shortly before this post.]

To: Sadie, Juli, Libby, Davi, Pad (separately)
From: Rashida

everyone okay?

Jul. 5th, 2013


WHO: Padraig & Shannon
WHAT: Making up!!! (Neither of us thought this would actually happen) watch out Stephen
WHEN: Earlier tonight? Sure.
WHERE: Outside at some undisclosed unbugged location
WARNINGS: None!!! Well, swearing
STATUS: Completed

but he looked better than he had in ages and that was all it took to get her to nod )

Jul. 6th, 2013


Sent Thursday

[Undernet Texts: Artemis/Paiste]

    How was she? I know that I'm not going to like the answer, but I need to know.

Jul. 5th, 2013


WHO: Rashida and Pad, WHO ELSE
WHAT: Solitary visit. Before they knew Eli got out Thursday because we got our days mixed up and are too lazy to edit.
WHEN: Thursday July 4th
WHERE: lol
WARNINGS: Sad, sad, pathetic hugs because cuddles are awesome
STATUS: Complete

“First time I’ve been stood up by a lesbian, what the hell happened to me?” )

Jul. 3rd, 2013


[TO] Toucans
[FROM] Leona Turner

    I got a roommate notification saying Jade is in solitary. Just so you know. I'll let you know when/if I have more information and if it's stuff I can share.

[TO] Padraig

    [1/2] Rashida's roommate told me she's back in solitary. Jade is too.
    [2/2] I know you're probably angry at me still and stuff, but if you need me just head outside and in the direction of the timber wolf.

Jul. 2nd, 2013


WHO: Pad & Kim
WHAT: Recruitment
WHEN: BACKDATED to Monday after training!
WHERE: Outside somewhere
STATUS: Complete

Excitement wasn't exactly something she had been expecting, not after the last few experiences.  )


WHO: Padraig & Leona
WHAT: A fight, sort of break up
WHEN: BACKDATED to Sunday evening
WHERE: Leona and Jade's room
WARNINGS: Lots of swearing
STATUS: Complete!

You’re trying to make people afraid of you, because you are afraid. This is what’s motivating this all, fear. You don’t really want to hurt people; you just want to feel safe )


TO: Rashida
happy birthday. i need to talk to you.
TO: BROS (unsent)
so I am now a terrorist and I think I don't have a girlfriend* so if you want out now's the time
TO: Laurel
I'm in*
TO: Remy
hey. let's burn something tonight.

*Pad/Leona & Pad/Kim logs will be posted SOON, I promise

Jun. 29th, 2013


WHO: GUESS THREE TIMES. Why yes, Rashida and Pad, you are so right.
WHAT: Someone wanted to figure out if Pad knew about the experiments. Spoiler: he didn't. Um, sorry Leona.
WHEN: Last night, June 28th
WHERE: Rashida's literal cave
WARNINGS: Swearing, mention of self harm
STATUS: Completed dia-log

this one didn't end nearly as badly as it could've )

Jun. 27th, 2013


TO: Ivan, Kaz, Pad, Remy, Jo, Coral (GROUP)
FROM: Laurel
(1/3) how about a solitary reunion?
(2/3) you know the place. after training?
(3/3) and it's not a fucking free-for-all, so don't invite friends. :*


Sent Wednesday

Note for Padraig Flanagan, left on end of bed )


    Took your advice. Back in my room. Less tense there anyway.


    Thanks for your bed. I owe you one. You can have it back now, and my drink tickets for this Saturday too, if they don't take that away as well.


    Coming back tonight. Let's watch The Hobbit and bake something.


    Going flying?

Jun. 26th, 2013


WHO: Rashida Mazibuko and Padraig Flanagan
WHAT: Another of their tl;dr talks. This is the saddest, most epic bromance ever.
WHEN: Backdated to Monday the 24th, very late.
WHERE: Somewhere outside, idk
WARNINGS: Swearing, feels, tl;dr, vague references to rape culture towards the end because I'm weird.
STATUS: Complete

“I know, I know it’s fucking wrong and I should just let it go and forgive and all this resentment is darkening my soul or whatever, but I just fucking can’t.” )

Jun. 25th, 2013


TO: Remy
hey can i ask you something?
TO: Eli (unsent)
when you possessed me did anything seem weird


WHO: Padraig & Leona
WHAT: Basically Padraig being incapable of love...
WHEN: Backdated to Sunday evening!
WHERE: Padraig & Raph's room
STATUS: Complete

Shan is a wise woman. )

Jun. 24th, 2013


[TO] Padraig

    [1/2] I'll be staying in your room tonight. I made you a breakfast roll.
    [2/2] I'm sorry, I don't know what you need me to say

[TO] Raphael

    Thanks for the room. Are you sure you can't stay? It would be less awkward

[TO] Jade

    I'm staying in Pad's room tonight. And probably until he's semi-okay again. [...] I don't want to freak you out or anything, but maybe it will be better to stay with Leigh or one of your other teammates. IDK, I don't like the idea of any of us staying by themselves right now.

[TO] Rashida

    Stupid question, but how are you?

Jun. 23rd, 2013


more texts than anyone needs to send

TO: Elise van Leeuwen
FROM: Remy Duchamp

TO: Hailey Hamilton
FROM: Remy Duchamp
still up for guitar?

TO: Astrid Marquette
FROM: Remy Duchamp
thank you.

TO: Eli Rebreanu Graham
FROM: Remy Duchamp
thank you.

TO: Padraig Flanaga
FROM: Remy Duchamp
... let's get together again sometime.

TO: Condors
FROM: Remy Duchamp
are we still having a party?

Jun. 24th, 2013


Very late Sunday night

To: Juli, Sadie, Dagmar, Molly, O.B., umm whoever else was solitaried because of the protest, comment and I'll add you. Oh and BETTY! (group)
From: Rashida

everyone okay?

To: Libby
From: Rashida

fun weekend?

To: Eli
From: Rashida


To: Davi
From: Rashida


To: Pad
From: Rashida

are you still in there? i just got out and. well. i thought i'd see if you did too.

Jun. 23rd, 2013


WHO: Padraig & Shannon
WHAT: A fight, fallout, whatever
WHEN: A bit after he gets out of solitary
WHERE: Padraig & Raph's room
WARNINGS: Swearing!
STATUS: Complete

that's the stupidest fecking thing I've heard this week and I'm on a team with Raph )

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