July 2013




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Jul. 14th, 2013


WHO: Everypony
WHAT: The last memorial service of IVI
WHEN: Sunday afternoon
WHERE: Parakeet Garden

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here... )

Jul. 10th, 2013


WHO: Carter Gray and Javier Diego Amaya.
WHAT: Swans are loyal. Until the very end.
WHEN: Before dawn on Day 3, after the forcefield has come down.
WHERE: Somewhere between permanent solitary and the forcefield.
WARNINGS: Character death, violence, feels.
STATUS: Complete.

He was no medic or miracle worker, and he was no Anthony. )

Jul. 11th, 2013


yet another check-in series of texts

[TO] Caleb, Immy, Jade, Pad, Taki, Rashida, Libby, Vanessa, Jace, Davi, Callum, Nate, Marty, Shannon, Eli, Liam, Edwin, Audra, Bryn, Stephen, Mette, Sara, Leigh, Jimmy, Raphael, Cati, Javier, Julian, Allegra, Nate, Mike, Hailey, Kier, Dagmar, Anke, Claudia, Damien, Kyungmi, Sunny [pretty much everyone Leona is on remotely friendly terms with, if I've left you off just jump in]

    I don't know when I'll next be able to have my phone with me again due to all the shifting around, so oh my gosh, please let me know that you're okay.

Jul. 9th, 2013


WHO: Leona Turner and Javier Diego Amaya
WHAT: Leona plays hide and seek.
WHEN: Day 1, as the Vols are being herded into the warehouse.
WHERE: Warehouse.
STATUS: Complete!

Was it a little strange that he had another student in his pocket? Yes. Absolutely. )

Jul. 7th, 2013


WHO: Mariana Bezerra da Silva and Javier Diego Amaya.
WHAT: Solitary visit.
WHEN: Backdated to Thursday July 4th.
WHERE: Solitary!
WARNINGS: Freakiness & nightmares mostly.
STATUS: Complete log.

A stint in here could roll off the back of some of the other students, but not Javier. She couldn’t let them keep him in here for much longer. )

Jul. 6th, 2013


WHO: Javier Diego Amaya.
WHAT: Experiments in solitary. Prevention and consequence.
WHERE: Solitary.
WHEN: Between the 5th and the 7th.
STATUS: Placeholder, sorryyyy.

to be filled )

Jun. 26th, 2013


WHO: Team Leader Li and Javier Diego Amaya.
WHAT: Javier buys his team leader a drink in an effort to get to know her better.
WHEN: Tuesday night.
WHERE: Heathrow Airport, UK.
STATUS: Complete.

Why did you pick this assignment? )

Jun. 23rd, 2013


TO: Julieta
FROM: Javier
Are you okay, loca?

Hello. Is anybody out Am I doing this right? I am new to your group. I am also a member of Vol Squad. I don't know if anyone has told you yet, but we were just informed a little while ago that on Tuesday, we are being flown to London for a comem comemer memorial event for the Olympic Bombing and the London Underground attack.

Wolfe and Li both more or less told us that if we should keep our mouth shut and "toe the line" if we wish to stay part of the Squad. Of course. We are not surprised at this point, eh?

Anyway I thought you all might want to know that.

Jun. 22nd, 2013


WHO: Carter Gray and Javier Diego Amaya.
WHAT: Carter finally gets to recruit his other best buddy into the VU.
WHEN: Saturday afternoon, directly after this.
WHERE: That stand of trees by the far end of the lake that Carter loves so dearly.
WARNINGS: Swearing mostly.
STATUS: Complete.

Jav, we gotta do what we can. Whatever the hell we can -- and if this is it, then this is it, yeah? )

Jun. 14th, 2013


texts → friday morning.

TO: Mike
FROM: Javier
Your sister sounds like a tiny lottie, she was sweet. She wanted for me to pass on the usual sisterly love

TO: Carter
FROM: Javier
(1/2) The counselor said that he would pass on your message to peg, by the way, and i will call again next mission that we have
(2/2) I spent the rest of the trip in the hotel getting drunk at the minibar with leona, it was strange

TO: Mariana
FROM: Javier
I called my family before hola, novia preciosa

Jun. 8th, 2013


WHO: Javier Diego Amaya.
WHAT: Javier calls home for the first time since he was eighteen.
WHEN: Saturday afternoon.
WHERE: His room (3H).
WARNINGS: Sads, mentions of the attack.
STATUS: Complete.

You have reached the Amaya de Jerez household, leave a message. )

Jun. 6th, 2013


WHO: Javier Diego Amaya & Mike Fitzgerald.
WHAT: A grim discovery turns into a perhaps even grimmer realization.
WHEN: During the Melbourne incident.
WHERE: A lecture hall on the Melbourne campus.
WARNINGS: Death, (implied) violence, sads.
STATUS: Complete.

No one was moving. )


text → thursday morning.

TO: Carter
FROM: Javier
(1/2) They just woke us up at the crack of dawn to go "clean up an inter-city neighborhood"
(2/2) So i guess now our job is to go shake out flophouses?

Jun. 5th, 2013


WHO: Carter Gray and Javier Diego Amaya.
WHAT: Half-drunkenly discussing Vol Squad, the IVF resolution, and the future.
WHEN: Last Saturday during pub night (backdated to June 1st).
WHERE: Outside of the pub warehouse.
WARNINGS: n/a swearing really.
STATUS: Complete.

You ever wonder if there was, you know, another way? )

May. 7th, 2013


TO: Vol Squad Swans
FROM: Lilja
[1/2]ummm does anyone else think it's weird how we're suddenly training all day on fridays?
[2/2] also someone should probably try to calm claudia down before she gets into a fist fight

TO: Harlow Hart
FROM: Lilja
[1/2] hi this is Lilja Agnarsdottir.
[2/2] I think I forgot to tell you that the food and everything for the party was really great. So thank you :)

May. 4th, 2013


Left on Mariana's bed in a box wrapped with a silver ribbon. )

Apr. 26th, 2013


TO: Lilja, Chris, Javier, Savannah, Sel, Leigh [and anyone else who saw Iron Man 3]
FROM: Miyu
[1/5] I am so sorry! m(_ _)m
[2/5] Please do not worry about me!
[3/5] Isla teleported me, I am not kidnapped.
[4/5] She thought the movie was over (*´ο`*)
[5/5] I will have to see the ending when it comes to IVI.


text → friday morning.

TO: Carter
FROM: Javier
(1/2) Carter, mi hermano, they are letting us spend time in sydney and i wish you could be here with us!
(2/2) I can't understand anyone.

Apr. 18th, 2013


after seeing the solitary visit sign up list...

TO: Karim
FROM: Omar
hey gimme javiers number

TO: Javier
FROM: Omar
isnt there some one else u wanna see?

Apr. 9th, 2013


WHO: Javier Diego Amaya (with a sleeping Mariana).
WHEN: Early Tuesday morning.
WHERE: His room. Sorry Ashton.
WHAT: Javier still has something weighing his conscience which fills his dreams.
WARNING: Violence.
STATUS: Complete narrative.

I'm responsible. This is my sin, I have to look my sin in the eyes. )

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