July 2013




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Jul. 13th, 2013


I stg I really was going to do this before Cairo posted her narrative.

TO: "Mo" <mbenhamou@ivi.edu.au>
FROM: "Sonia Granville" <sonia.ann.granville@gmail.com>
SUBJECT: I don't expect you'll ever read this )

Jun. 30th, 2013


UNDERNET POSTS [from codename: Figaro]

do you still have the camera, from when we made the video? can i borrow it?

[in Arabic] i have the room to myself for a few hours, i think...do you want to come here? if sonia lends me her camera, i think we can make it so nothing but the sounds of midori's carmen fantasy will be heard...

TO: elias
FROM: muhammad
[1/2] i need the room for tonight....not all of tonight, just maybe a few hours
[2/2] [...] for sex. ok?

Jun. 27th, 2013


Who: Families of assorted students
What: Various reactions to the IVI Hunger Strike
When: Yesterday
Warnings: Hunger strike references/swears
Status: Mostly complete - PLACEHOLDER for Understanding
Did you see the new video from IVI? )

Jun. 26th, 2013


The below video was leaked onto the internet 26 June 2013. )

Jun. 25th, 2013


Texts; sent around 9 pm Tuesday

[Because Nelly is a good girl and eating and will leave tomorrow morning she gets to have her phone in the med bay.]

To: Hailey
From: Nelly

(1) So I'm eating again.
(2) And I might've passed out in training and I'm in the med bay rn BUT I'M EATING.
(3) So don't freak out please.

To: Mímir, Hero of the Day
From: Nelly

(1) Hi, it's Nelly. I just wanted to say thanks. For getting me here.
(2) [...] It was you, right?

To: Sonia (who is the only one she can think of still standing)
From: Nelly

(1) Hi, it's Nelly. I'm really really sorry but I started eating again. I had a power mishap and those make me feel pretty awful and I just couldn't do it anymore. I hope the rest of you are stronger than me can stick it out though, so, best of luck I guess?

Jun. 24th, 2013


WHO: Hunger strikers, one-day-fasters.
WHAT: Various goings-on throughout the day.
WHEN: Monday June 24 2013 (Day 7).
WHERE: The quad, mostly.
WARNINGS: Hunger. Melodrama.

Other people, correct me if I'm wrong about any of this.

Per Val's post yesterday, the Hunger Strikers gathered on the quad during meal times to show solidarity with Understanding. Anyone who also decided to partake of a one-day fast was also encouraged to join them, and basically just sit and look angry. They had their white board out again with their day count (it's seven now). During lunch, when the most people would be around, Sonia got up and gave a tiny speech saying how grateful they all were for the support, and how the IVF has the option of returning them all to good health and ending the strike by ceding their demands. It was very "solidarity, yay." Anyone else who wanted to get up and say something was welcome to.

Also of note, today after training, Nawal stood on the quad and lit fire to an IVF flag. I am assuming that guards came and put a stop to that pretty quickly, but feel free to remark on this. Of note: the flag-burning didn't occur during one of the meal get togethers, it was a separate occasion. Sorry for the confusion!

Finally, Sonia would have discreetly tried to talk to Nawal and Caleb to try and set up a meeting to give Caleb and whoever else is playing whistleblower the info they need and lay out their plans tonight. Sonia's got a flash drive, and she knows how to use it.

Comment if you have any reactions/conversations/discussion/etc.

Jun. 21st, 2013


WHO: Hunter Hunger Strike participants
WHAT: One meeting in two parts
WHEN: After training, Friday, June 21 (Day 4)
WHERE: The quad, then by the trees

I volunteer as tribute! )


undernet post by codename: kincaid.

[ Locked to: Wilford (Bacardi), Eli (Interlock), Taki (Ronin), Callum (Passport), Immy (Hekate), Cati (Rabbit), Hunter (Orion) ]
Hey you lot. Since Valentine wipes the server so often, I feel comfortable making an actual introduction, especially since I don't much know most of you. Just keep in mind that this is a special case and use real names/identifying info as little as possible here. I'm Sonia, I'm Jamaican, and my power is psychokinesis. (I move things I can't see.) I'm your group leader here at the VU, and I apologise profusely for the fact you got stuck with the group leader who's on a hunger strike.

Our first meeting is tomorrow, and surprise, it's my first meeting as a leader, too. I'm going to ask Rabbit to come with me to help some if that's cool with her. I'm hoping very soon I'll be back in prime form but right now I'm just very tired.

Now, I don't really know many of you very well, and I doubt you really know me, so I'll lay out a little bit of my philosophy in terms of leading you. I'm not an IVF team leader. I'm here to facilitate you. If there's something you don't want to work on (or if you don't want to train with your powers at all), that's swell. I have some ideas, but you're not shackled to them, they're just suggestions. Hopefully, we'll be able to get a lot accomplished and have as much fun as possible here at IVI these days.

[...] If you could please comment here and let me know a few things:
-- If you have any particular long-term or short term goals you'd like to accomplish.
-- If you have any ethical qualms regarding your powers.
-- If you feel that what you've done in IVF training has been useful to you or no, and how much you feel you've accomplished.

I realise I talk a lot. SORRY. But I'm excited to meet with you.

Jun. 17th, 2013


undernet posts.

[ Open Undernet Post by Codename: Kincaid ]
I feel as though it would be remiss if something weren't said about this new apparent reward for snitches the IVF has cooked up. I think after what happened last night, we all can appreciate the seriousness of our situation and aren't going to rat each other out but loose lips sink ships.

So I think we can all agree to continue to be extra careful, right?
[ Undernet Post locked to: Rabbit, Orion, Shepard, Lighthouse, Spartacus, Valentine, Dorothy, Ace ]
So, I was a little hesitant to bring this up because she's already been discussed to death as a recruit, but Valentine and Dorothy can both see it so I might as well, and I'd like to hear some thoughts on it. I know some of you have strong feelings about her but I'm hoping you'll see she's not an IVF flunkie hear me out.

Today, Nawal approached me and Caleb Tate about the topic of going on hunger strike in an attempt to restore some of the [...] rights privileges things that have been taken from us in the last few weeks. She says she doesn't really see any other avenues of accomplishing anything, as the Student Council has more or less been ignored and we have no communications with the outside. Hunger strikes have been successful in Israeli prisons, so it makes sense given her background.

She's obviously hesitant about taking such drastic measures but she's quite serious about it and I've been considering doing it with her but I just don't know if I can.

Additionally, Caleb has been expressing quite a lot of discontent lately and he seems sort of adrift in general.

Jun. 8th, 2013


open undernet post: codename kincaid.

I feel as though things have probably changed some in wake of what happened in Melbourne yesterday, and at risk of sounding bossy, maybe we should be reevaluating some of our potential recruits, and what it is we're doing?

In all honesty, I still feel in the dark and at a loss. Did the Vol Squad ever get any answers?

Can I ask you something weird?

May. 9th, 2013


WHO: Hunter MacKenna, Mason Laughlin, Cati Mendez Villanova, Edwin Seabeck, Jack Fuller, Sonia Granville, Audra Deroux, Elise van Leeuwen, Nolan Novak, Kim Ansell.
WHAT: The three founding members of the "Vol Underground" are just getting started with recruitment...
WHEN: Backdated to over the course of Sunday and Monday (5th and 6th).
WHERE: Various secure locations.
NOTE: Prepare for a soon-to-come OOC post about this, y'all!

And just what are these plans? )

Apr. 23rd, 2013


TEXT MESSAGES, sent about 10am

TO: eli
FROM: muhammad
i finished it. do you finish yours?

TO: ALL OF MO'S OTHER FRIENDS (who appreciate music, which i mean in a pedantic sense), ummm, THC, jada, nawal, fréd, joon-ho, ethan, (& jodi too, i guess), sonia, rianne, kelly, elise, shannon (etc??) (separately)
if you are not busy at the moment, i am playing a game. in the practice room 5b.

FOR YOUR OOC KNOWLEDGE: he's v. excited about his piano puzzler (that's the game! it's not anything dirty!) which is, ftr, "Carol of the Bells" in the style of Franz Liszt. Though a very pretty composition, it is extremely easy to guess. :(

Apr. 20th, 2013


super maths man is on the case;

Email to Nolan, Max, Silas, Leigh, Noah, Jade, Moa, Jace, Kitoko, Miyu, Tanja and Leona )

Email to Hailey, Jimmy, Seth, Mason, Sonia, Julieta and Santiago (SEPARATELY) )


[TO] Cati Mendez, Nelly Dupuis, Sonia Granville
[FROM] Noah Maloney

    Hey, not sure if we've spoken before but the name's Noah Maloney. 1993. Toucan. I've been keeping this on the quiet for most of the year, but both my parents are relatively well-known UK and Irish based journalists. (Nelly I linked them both to your Twitter.) Just say the word if you want me to exchange your respective contact details. They're Malcolm Maloney and Evie Saunders if you want to look up any of their work. Internet is being shite so I have published copies of some of their stuff too.

[TO] Jade McNulty, Jace Jacobs, Jesse Dean, Moa Enquist [separate texts]
[FROM] Noah Maloney

    Anything you need?

Apr. 19th, 2013


WHO: Catalina Mendez and Sonia Granville.
WHAT: Probably the IVI's most business-like solitary visit.
WHEN: Friday afternoon.
WHERE: Solitary confinement cells.
STATUS: Complete.


Apr. 17th, 2013


i got fury in my soul / fury's gonna take me to the glory goal

WHO: Vi Harper [AUSTRALIA], with various others. Features an interlude starring Sonia Granville [JAMAICA], written by Meg.
WHAT: She has had enough.
WHEN: The morning of April 17th, 2013.
WHERE: IVI Girls' Tower, then the quad outside the Administrative Building.
WARNINGS: Violence, sexual suggestions, threats of genocide, coercive use of powers.
STATUS: Complete!

I'm doing something. )

Apr. 3rd, 2013


TO: Members of the Student Council (Nawal, Allegra, Caleb, Rose, Claudia, Miyu, Tanja, Savannah, I THINK I REMEMBERED EVERYONE tell me if I failed)
FROM: Sonia Granville
SUBJECT: Vol policies )

TO: Mo
FROM: Sonia

Are you busy?

Feb. 21st, 2013


understanding texts all the girls in his phone - lmk if you should be in there

TO: Astrid Who Has Passion, Bryn Who Does Not Define Hirself, Cheska Who Knows Healthy Sexuality, Coralie Who Is Not Like The Sun, Daisy Whose Aura Is The Brightest, Fin Who Loves Earl Grey, Freja Who Is New, Hailey Who Values Real Communication, Isla Who Loves Back Rubs, Jodi Whose Trust I Treasure, Jordana With the Kind Smile, Lola Who Keeps Her Heart Close, Lorelei Whose Heart Beats With A Rhythm of Its Own, Lottie Whose Smile is Beyond Compare, Lydie Who Looks Good In Ray-Bans, Mette Who Seeks Enlightenment, Ophelia Who Cares, Sadie the Earth Mother, Silje Who Is Also New, Sonia Who Knows Mo, Vanessa Who Is Lost (separately)
FROM: Understanding
[1/2] hey girl
[2/2] what are you wearing today?

Feb. 16th, 2013


FROM: Sonia

Starting tomorrow please tell me to stop fucking mo.


after the orgy fails...

TO: ivan, fréd
FROM: muhammad
[1/2] guess.
[2/2] (this time i do not need pants.)

TO: sonia
FROM: muhammad
salut. how goes the night?

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