July 2013




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Jul. 14th, 2013


we are ugly but we have the music

WHO: Vi Harper [AUSTRALIA] and Alex Katz [USA]
WHAT: Something.
WHEN: The evening before departure.
WHERE: IVI Boys' Tower.
WARNINGS: References to character death.
STATUS: Complete!

It was hard to tell what was worth keeping. )

Jul. 13th, 2013



TO: Hunter MacKenna
FROM: Edwin Seabeck
(1/2) Hi.
(2/2) Back to LA then?

TO: Understanding Jones
FROM: Edwin Seabeck
(1/3) I can't believe I'm going to say this
(2/3) It'll be entirely strange not having you snoring in my room
(3/3) I'm not sure I can sleep through the quiet.

TO: Violet Harper
FROM: Edwin Seabeck
(1/2) I'm sorry I got stroppy with you
(2/2) I wasn't in a very good place.

Jul. 9th, 2013


WHO: Vi Harper [AUSTRALIA], Lottie Pewter [USA], and Keely Mullan [IRELAND].
WHAT: Before and after.
WHEN: Throughout the afternoon and evening of Day 2, up through the time of the explosion.
WHERE: IVI Solitary Detention Compound.
WARNINGS: Character death.
STATUS: Complete!

Ants before gods. )

Jul. 8th, 2013


Who: Some of the Library group
What: Two VR Vols arrive wanting medical care and the library group decides what to do with them
Where: The library
When: 7 July 2013; in the middle of the night
Status: Completed dia-log
Warnings: Talk of murder sort of

I didn't know you and Ernest were brothers. How quaint. )

Jul. 7th, 2013


undernet post by codename: turandot

[Filtered to Rabbit, Shepard, Orion, Spartacus]

she said they were coming tomorrow

i was going to tell you tonight

another lie to add to her tally, i suppose


this is a placeholder for an intensely backdated log between vi and edwin we'll see if it happens!!!~*~*~


undernet post by codename: turandot

Filtered to Codename: Meursault

i am so tired of everyone

Jul. 5th, 2013


WHO: Vi Harper [AUSTRALIA] and Kim Ansell [USA]
WHAT: Kim has a proposition for Vi.
WHEN: Friday, July 5th.
WHERE: Peacock training.
WARNINGS: None yet!

coming soon~*~ )

Jun. 28th, 2013




rabbit brought me in because she felt i was in danger

you don't need to like it, but that's how it is

i'm impressed; rabbit thought -- quite rightly -- that i'd've been a dismissive cunt about this back when you started it, had i known. but good on you; turns out it's what we needed

non-violence has not been working -- alas, it so rarely does. i'm relieved someone's stepped up to put together a fighting force, even if that wasn't your initial goal

i am no mighty warrior, myself, but i am good at what i do, and at this point what i can do is far more than what i've been letting on to them. orion (the codenames are adorable) is going to figure this out the moment he touches me, so in the interest of full disclosure:

the riot

i did that

not on purpose, but i did it. and once i realized what i was doing, after the first punches flew, i didn't stop it from continuing. something had to change, i felt. our people were dying and no one cared. the woman i loved is dead, and all i have to show for it is a magazine cover.

the dreaming pollyannas needed to wake up and understand that these people don't care about us, don't even see us as human. it worked, and i don't regret it

i do extend an apology to those of you who wound up in solitary with me

i am telling you out of respect, because you are the leaders here, and because i imagine i am very much on the kill list should this intel reach the administration. i figure putting it on the table now is better than having you invariably discover it later

happy to be aboard, all my jaded bitchery aside -- i hope the feeling's mutual

May. 30th, 2013


IC/OOC: Vi's Box

Now taking question submissions for Vi's sex column. Post 'em here! They'll be physical messages placed in a box outside her dorm room.

May. 26th, 2013


WHO: Vi Harper [AUSTRALIA] and Miyu Ogawa [JAPAN]
WHAT: IVI's most sexual person and IVI's least sexual person talk about sex.
WHEN: Sunday, 26 May 2013
WHERE: An elevator.
WARNINGS: Sex talk. Slight continuity issues because we started this log in January. Just handwave ok.
STATUS: Complete.

I have become something of the campus sexpert, I think. )

Apr. 30th, 2013


WHO: Taki Tanaka [JAPAN] and Vi Harper [AUSTRALIA]
WHAT: Detective Taki is on the case.
WHEN: Monday, April 22nd.
WHERE: Vi's dormitory, IVI Girl's Tower.
STATUS: Complete!

Your powers let you to control or influence the actions of people near close by you, it is correct? )

Apr. 17th, 2013


i got fury in my soul / fury's gonna take me to the glory goal

WHO: Vi Harper [AUSTRALIA], with various others. Features an interlude starring Sonia Granville [JAMAICA], written by Meg.
WHAT: She has had enough.
WHEN: The morning of April 17th, 2013.
WHERE: IVI Girls' Tower, then the quad outside the Administrative Building.
WARNINGS: Violence, sexual suggestions, threats of genocide, coercive use of powers.
STATUS: Complete!

I'm doing something. )

Feb. 24th, 2013


text message, at pub night

TO: Joel

(1/2) alejandrA is in for a party
(2/2) are you bringing that little duckling?

Feb. 23rd, 2013


text → saturday afternoon.

TO: Hugo, Vi
FROM: Joel
i have kicked my roommate out for the day. ditch whoever you are with and come here, we have things to do. now.

TO: Sam
FROM: Joel
(1/2) hello. we should spar later. i want to see if i can kick your ass as well as yael can.
(2/2 also i need to borrow clothing, sam's will fit me.

TO: Sadie, Enely, Savannah (individually)
FROM: Joel
do you need clothing?

Feb. 3rd, 2013


text message

TO: Sadie

i don't know you, but i just thought i'd advise you there's nothing to be ashamed of

Jan. 29th, 2013


text message.

TO: Vi Harper
FROM: Lottie Pewter
(1/3) wut do we do w/ that stuff
(2/3) omg wut if it smells like her
(3/3) fml fml fml fml
TO: Alex Katz, Nolan Novak, Vi Harper
FROM: Lottie Pewter
we shud go. 2gether.

Jan. 25th, 2013


text message

TO: Mímir

(1/2) hello this is the tall gay viking yes
(2/2) i got you from the directory; it's vi


text message.

TO: Vi Harper
FROM: Silas Kennedy

Did you see Mímir's post about Man Day?

Jan. 7th, 2013


after getting some sleep, allegra texts a bunch of people.

TO: Jack
so glad you're back and alive i really missed you

TO: Roosters who helped in America
thank you for what you did this last week. i'm glad you're on my team

TO: Daisy
so glad you're ok

TO: Caleb
get enough sleep yet?

TO: Mette
picking some stuff up from the c store for you. what do you need?

TO: Vi
i'm sorry you weren't allowed to do more interrogations after zhou. are you ok? i'm sorry for your loss i'm sorry that it didn't save alsdja

TO: Carter
we should watch a movie sometime. it's been too long since we've done that.

TO: Hailey
swimming tomorrow?

TO: Isla
idk if you tried to talk to me at one point but i was so tired i thought i was dreaming. or i could have been dreaming idek anymore but i've rested now so when you're up for it we should hang out and eat too much frozen yoghurt or something.

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