July 2013



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July 14th, 2013

[info]detections in [info]invol_rpg

undernet: posted by orion.

What do you guys want to do with the server? Ceremonially burn it tomorrow or something?

[info]fearal in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Nathan Mitchell and Hailey Hamilton
WHAT: Hailey informs Nate that she's coming home with him.
WHEN: Today, July 13th
WHERE: Hailey and Coralie's room
WARNINGS: Possibly barfier than Jethan. Yes, I said it.
STATUS: Complete

“You’re coming with me? When were you planning on telling me that?” )

[info]fearal in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Nate, Hailey, Allegra, Caleb, Claudia and Ashton
WHAT: Post pub night camping for the very last time. No sleeping allowed!
WHEN: Tonight!
WHERE: wherever Hailey does these things I'm posting this for Steff I hae no idea

The final (for now!) get together between Hailey and her Australians )

[info]moquist in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Moa Enquist and Karim Bissoondath
WHAT: Karim... apologises.
WHEN: Thursday, probably? Before Neve wakes up.
WHERE: Parakeet Garden
STATUS: Complete!

But this doesn't mean we're, like, besties or anything. Don't add me on Facebook or anything weird. )

[info]violetsarered in [info]invol_rpg

we are ugly but we have the music

WHO: Vi Harper [AUSTRALIA] and Alex Katz [USA]
WHAT: Something.
WHEN: The evening before departure.
WHERE: IVI Boys' Tower.
WARNINGS: References to character death.
STATUS: Complete!

It was hard to tell what was worth keeping. )

[info]understander in [info]invol_rpg

because understanding doesn't know what "appropriate timing" means

TO: Mason My Meditation Man, Donovan Whom I Now Know Better
FROM: Understanding
(1/2) Thank you for sharing your hearts and your bodies with me last night. Human connection is linked to physical connection and I really believe we needed that last night.
(2/2) I also never imagined those uses of your powers, Mason.

[info]truthstold in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Shannon Reid and Stephen Knight
WHAT: Talking before leaving IVI
WHEN: Today. Morning.
WHERE: Outside the dorms.
WARNINGS: Language. Talk of character death.
STATUS: Complete.

Nothing she did, nothing she could claim as hers would be left in this God forsaken place. )

[info]primemover in [info]invol_rpg

undernet post by shepard.

This past week has been hard for all of us. We've suffered deaths, maimings, depowerings casualties because of two groups that thought they knew the best for us. The Vol Underground was created because we reject that. We did things for ourselves and no matter what else, no one can take that away from any of you.

You're a great group of smart, resourceful, lovely people. I'm honored and humbled that you worked with us to not only expand your powers but solidify us IVI Vols as a community. The VR attack would have been an even greater disaster without it.

Arrow, Valkyrie, Howler, Skip, Anonymous, Violet, Playboy, Mulder, Enely, Lidia, Lydie, Matty: We're going to miss you greatly. You all touched our lives in so many ways. Thank you so much.

Enjoy your trips. Be safe.

P.S.: We're going to be destroying the server in a few hours. Hopefully we won't ever need something like this again.

[Rabbit (Cati), [...], Orion (Hunter), Valentine (Daisy), Lighthouse (Edwin), Linden (Damien), Kincaid (Sonia), Spartacus (Vic) Gryphon (Rose)]

That was fun, eh?

Edwin mentioned making a chatboard for OUTback, and I think it might be a good idea to do something like that for the Vol Underground? The only difference is I think it should be open to all IVI Vols this time. And then more kids as we go along. Thoughts?

[info]cyberblonde in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Daisy Hughes, Hunter MacKenna, and Vic Reyes.
WHAT: Vic & Hunter try to talk to Daisy.
WHEN: Backdated to the day after the force field lifted. (Friday in game time.)
WHERE: Daisy's (and Jodi's) room.
WARNINGS: None? Hunter swearing silently in his head a lot?
STATUS: Complete log.

He would rather have her screaming and throwing things and crying and swearing. Her silent, hopeless stare was a thousand times worse. )

[info]alcokinetic in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Sel Sarin.
WHAT: You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here.
WHEN: The last few days at IVI.
STATUS: Complete.

He was just Sel. And he was still here. )

[info]allegs in [info]invol_rpg

PLACEHOLDER: Davi/Allegra?

[info]detections in [info]invol_rpg


TO: Hunter MacKenna
FROM: Hunter MacKenna
SUBJECT: Kimmy )

[info]facebookaholic in [info]invol_rpg

lanessa placeholder

[info]detections in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Vic Reyes and Hunter MacKenna.
WHAT: Packed and almost ready to go.
WHERE: Hunter and Hugo's room.
WHEN: The last day (Sunday).
WARNINGS: Just a bit of swearing and sauciness.
STATUS: Complete.

It wasn’t lost on Vic how lucky they were, really. )

[info]philodendron in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Karim Bissoondath and Petr Láska.
WHAT: Roommates say good-bye.
WHEN: As they leave IVI.
WHERE: Their room, 3a.
WARNINGS: Ridiculousness.
STATUS: Completed log.

Make a Lifetime movie why don't you? )

[info]cobratalk in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Saraswati Shah.
WHAT: Saraswati goes home.
WHEN: Sunday night? I don't know, timing.
WHERE: The IVI campus; up in the air; Gujarat, India.
STATUS: Complete.

She feels nothing except a keen sense of loss -- amongst the devastation, she's lost herself. )

[info]yinned in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Wilford Brimley and Finlay McCracken
WHAT: Two Condors have their last bubble chat :(
WHEN: 14 July
WARNINGS: Swearing?
STATUS: Complete

Hard to believe this is the last we gern' see of this place, yeah? )

[info]enhancement in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Donovan Murphy [USA] and Mason Laughlin [USA]
WHAT: Going home.
WHEN: Just before departure.
WHERE: Mason's Dormitory, Boys' Tower.
WARNINGS: Schmoopy happy endings, sexy stuff, Donovan's tears of joy obvs.
STATUS: Complete!

'Mine.' 'Mine.' )

[info]fanimal in [info]invol_rpg

Jodi and Daisy: roommates say good-bye.

[info]gravitar in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Mariana Bezerra da Silva & Omar Calderón
WHAT: Omar goes to tell Mariana about Javier. He's come too late though.
WHEN: Day 3, a while after people are released from warehouses.
WHERE: Outside somewhere
STATUS: Complete


[info]modulations in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Jack Fuller, Mason Laughlin
WHAT: One last Aussie hangout
WHEN: Not sure, tbh? Last few days!
WHERE: Dorms
STATUS: Completed Log

I don't think anyone's ready to see me flying around in a spandex suit and a cape. )

[info]kikkoman in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Miyu Ogawa
WHAT: Reflects on the past year, says goodbye to her room.
WHEN: Last day, shortly before she has to leave.
WHERE: Girls Dormitory room 7A
STATUS: Complete narrative.

The memorial service was over and everything was packed except for the gifts. )

[info]nawal in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Everypony
WHAT: The last memorial service of IVI
WHEN: Sunday afternoon
WHERE: Parakeet Garden

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here... )

[info]jewplicate in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Alex Katz [USA] and Valya Zhiglov [POLAND].
WHAT: Shutting the door on Room 2E.
WHEN: The last day. Whenever that is.
WHERE: Room 2E.
STATUS: Placeholder.

I guess that's it. )

[info]sparky in [info]invol_rpg

text messages

TO: EAGLE [group]
I am going to Prague with Petr so please take his phone contact details. I am tanjaspark@hotmail .com and I would love to keep in touch

You are to take our fairy lights and paper flowers from the room. I love you :)

TO: ENELY [unsent]
It won't be the same without you. I love you and you'll always be my best friend.

Hi Taki, please make sure you get Petr's number and my email is tanjaspark@hotmail. com. Please remember you promised to never die again ♥

[info]cyberblonde in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Daisy Hughes.
WHAT: The end.
WHEN: The last day at IVI.
WHERE: What was once Daisy's & Jodi's room.
STATUS: Complete narrative! (AKA NOT A PLACEHOLDER, WOO.)

Every connection, ever person she'd loved -- they all seemed to end like this. )

[info]alizadeh in [info]invol_rpg

one final email home

TO: “Farhad Alizadeh” <farhad.alizadeh@gmail.com>, “Jenni Lynn Cooper” <mamabearchrist@gmail.com>
FROM: "Davi Alizadeh" <davi.alizadeh@gmail.com>
SUBJECT: re: (just please come home) )

[info]invol in [info]invol_rpg

Involuntary RPG is now closed.

July 13, 2012 - July 14, 2013

[info]snowglassapples in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Neve Simonetti Di Monda and Frédéric Delacroix
WHAT: A visit to the medbrary. Mentions of Remy and Elise.
WHEN: Saturday.
WHERE: Medbrary.
WARNINGS: None, considering it's Fréd. Also this would have been in French.
STATUS: Complete Dia-log.

I think she would say it was traumatic for her. Me, I was quite fond of her. )

[info]gravitar in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Omar Calderón
WHAT: It all comes full circle.
WHEN: Shortly before departure
WHERE: Outside the Administration Building
STATUS: Complete Narrative.

It was nearly time to go but Omar had one last thing to do. )

[info]mercenaire in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Léo Villeneuve.
WHAT: Leaving.
WHEN: Today.
WHERE: His room.
STATUS: Completed narrative.

Léo will be glad to give all of this up, glad to go home, even if he will feel lost without the tangled web of vols at his feet. )

[info]notactuallykali in [info]invol_rpg

To: Miyu
From: Sunny

(1) I just wanted to thank you for all your hard work with Vol Club.
(2) If you've got time, I'd like to see you before we leave.

[info]detections in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Hunter MacKenna (mentions of Vic, Daisy, and an NPC).
WHAT: Back to normal life. And yet...
WHEN: When they arrive home.
WHERE: Denver International Airport.
WARNINGS: n/a. Barely any swearing even from Hunter.
STATUS: Complete.

All joking aside, he's no Professor Xavier. For one brief period in his life, he had taken on some other role, but that's not who he is. )

[info]zvati in [info]invol_rpg

Placeholder for pending narrative.

[info]alizadeh in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Davi Alizadeh [USA] and Leona Turner [NEW ZEALAND]
WHAT: One last call for alcohol One last conversation before the two leave Australia forever.
WHEN: That standard “today”.
WHERE: The airport.
STATUS: Complete.

We’re getting out of here, kid. )