July 2013



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July 1st, 2013

[info]fearfactors in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Devon Dackers.
WHAT: What happens in permanent solitary stays in permanent solitary.
WHERE: Solitary.
WHEN: Recently.
WARNINGS: Well, Devon's gory thoughts, mainly; swearing, violence.
STATUS: Complete.

Something in her feels different. )

[info]elusive_control in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Edwin Seabeck and Hunter MacKenna
WHAT: Hunter checks in with Edwin. All the feels in the world ensue. Part 1 of 2
WHEN: After Edwin’s Team Training Session, Wednesday June 26
WHERE: Secret space at the Boulders
WARNINGS: nearly 13K words
STATUS: Novella complete

How was it worse, somehow, to get scolded in a British accent? )

[info]elusive_control in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Edwin Seabeck and Hunter MacKenna
WHAT: Hunter checks in with Edwin. All the feels in the world ensue. Part 2 of 2.
WHEN: After Edwin’s Team Training Session, Wednesday June 26
WHERE: Secret space at the Boulders
WARNINGS: nearly 13K words
STATUS: Novella complete

Everyone I care about wants different things. No matter what happens, I'm gonna lose something one way or another. )

[info]cyberblonde in [info]invol_rpg

Undernet messages.


Hey. You okay?

[ACE (Carter)]

I'm really worried about Hunter. He and Vic had a fight. Like, a serious one. I might need to stay with him tonight. I hate being away from you, though. Getting up for training this morning was like, the hardest thing I've ever had to do.

I also hate lying to people about Dorothy. Honestly, I wish I didn't know. Is that awful?


Hey. Just wanted to say that I ♥ you.

[ORION (Hunter)] [While they're at training together.]

You wanna talk about it?


How are things going?

[info]frattastic in [info]invol_rpg

TO: Mikael
FROM: Michael
MESSAGE: i'm so fucking sick of this crap, man. lydie's this close to throwing up every fucking day, and my team's batshit, and everything sucks.

[info]gravitar in [info]invol_rpg

TO: Vic
FROM: Omar

TO: Carter
FROM: Omar

TO: Lo
FROM: Omar
hey girl

[info]digletts in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Betty Weathers and Odd Bjarne Nielsen.
WHAT: The moment you've all been waiting for. Right?
WHEN: Monday afternoon.
WHERE: A cavern in Odd Bjarne's tunnels.
WARNINGS: Dust allergies beware.
STATUS: Complete.

Who'd ever want to kiss a human Dust Bunny? )

[info]c6h12o6 in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Jimmy Boudreaux, Davi Alizadeh
WHAT: Jimmy finds out about VU.
WHEN: Friday, June 28, evening (backdated)
WHERE: Down by the lake...in one of those secret spots...
STATUS: Complete

His roommate had asked him to meet him but hadn’t said why he wanted to meet him. )

[info]cognisance in [info]invol_rpg

Undernet: Posted by Replay

[Filter: VU Blackbirds, VU leader types, Rianne + Hailey because Hailey has to know everything]
So I was talking to Ansel the other day and we started talking about powers. It turns out that his isn't the same as Yael at all. It's knowledge extraction. If he touched any of us he could probably pull out info about VU, so everyone be careful. I've, um, seen him do it in a vision once (with permission), and it looked painful, so if he brushes against you and it doesn't hurt you're probably safe.

It's a kind of awkward thing to announce about a sort-of-friend and I don't know how many of us actually talk to him on a regular basis (apart from me), but I thought I should pass it on just to be safe.

[info]understander in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Coralie Bouchard, Fred Delacroix, & Understanding Jones.
WHEN: 1 July 2013, sometime after training ends.
WHERE: Campus grounds.
WARNINGS: This log is funny, which just makes it sad.
STATUS: Complete.

A little prank like this wouldn’t have any bearing on anything, would it? )

[info]catalunar in [info]invol_rpg

undernet post by codename: rabbit

We have had a lot of new additions to the Undernet recently, and I want to welcome everyone. In spite of the circumstances that brought us to this point, we're glad to have you joining us in our effort to gain some distance and privacy from IVI and their policies. There has been a lot of new information thrown at us all. If anyone has questions or is unclear about anything we've learned recently, please ask and we'll do our best to answer.

On our last post, we asked who was interested in using their powers offensively or defensively to start working on protective strategies, as well as anyone who is interested in using their powers to gather information, and anyone who wants to learn basic non-powered defense maneuvers. You all know who you are. Right now, the offensive power group will be supervised by Spartacus and Duke, the defensive power group will be supervised by Shepard and Ace, we have a variety of teachers who volunteered for the non-powered self-defense groups, and Dorothy, Linden, and myself will be handling the surveillance strategies. We'll be breaking these up into smaller groups so that we're not all meeting at the same times for the sake of security, so please pay attention to the Undernet in case you are contacted by one of the leaders for a meeting.

Regular powers training will still be ongoing, for anyone who is still interested. If you are new to our group and want to volunteer or join the training, please arrange a time to meet with Orion, whose power allows him to assess your progress and capabilities for your own and your power trainer's insight. Right now, we strongly advise that all 95/96 members join training -- not that we think any less of you, but given that you've had your powers for the least amount of time, we'd like to make sure all of you have the opportunity to work with other Vols and make some non-IVI marked progress.

Last but not least, the Undernet has a new feature: emergency alerts. In case of an emergency, we're setting up an option on your phone to mark new posts as High Priority. Please only do this if something serious occurs and you want everyone to know about it ASAP, because it will cause every phone with our modified chip in it to start vibrating non-stop until you open the Undernet and check the post.

That's all for now, and thanks for your patience. We're glad to have you all here.

[info]gotluck in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Carter Gray.
WHAT: Carter's lucky streak ain't so lucky.
WHEN: Sometime after training.
WHERE: Carter's dormroom.
STATUS: Complete.

How do you describe the world of chance? )