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Posts Tagged: 'marvel:+comics:+tony+stark'

Jul. 11th, 2017



I fought Gambit and survived. Anyone else want a go at me?

Jul. 10th, 2017



[Hank McCoy, Charles Xavier, Sharon Carter (616)]
I've started putting down on paper a framework for a constitution. Just to start us off. As per my other comments, my emphasis here is on personal accountability as opposed to large-scale law enforcement of any kind. We are all prisoners here, and above all else, I think it's important that we keep that in mind when drafting anything.

I think centralised organisation and communication between individual groups is key, but I don't believe we should or need to enforce any kind of true governance. I just want to keep people on task and message, and, you know.

I really want to watch House of Cards
[All 616 & MCU Avengers, All X-Men/Mutants]
Just to keep you all aware of what's going on, we're (myself, Sharon Carter, Hank McCoy and Charles Xavier -- all of whom, if you're not familiar with them, are individuals whom I respect) preparing a constitution now that we intend to make public within the next few days, which means that everyone will get to have a say in what they like, and what they want us to change.

X-Men, Mutants, I know that we haven't always seen eye-to-eye and there have been a number of conflicts between the Avengers and the X-Men in the past. Know that Hank McCoy and Charles Xavier are overseeing this constitution and have as much input as I do to ensure that we are all treated equally regardless of our history. When we floor the constitution, each and every one of you will have the opportunity to make suggestions or contest it. We just wanted to present you with a jumping off point.

And Avengers - Of course, I don't want any of you to feel as though you are in any way obligated to agree with me, or agree with what I've put forward with this constitution. I do want the support of each and every one of you, especially, but I want you to be happy to lend me that support. If there are any compromises we will need to make, I will see to it that something is done.

There are a lot of people here from outside the universes that we're familiar with. I think we all need to be prepared to be understanding. I don't want anyone to feel like they are having something forced on them because they don't have the numbers from their home to back them up. So I think it's very important that if anyone voices their concerns with the constitution, please back their concerns if you share them,
but don't feel obligated to defend what I - or Hank and the others - have written on our behalf.
We don't need anyone feeling piled on or somehow more isolated than they may already feel.

[Tony Stark (616)]
I wish Jennifer Walters was here.

Jul. 4th, 2017



There is not much available for me in this reward, but Sparky dog has enjoyed playing with the bulldogs. It is good for a dog to socialize.

Are we without tasks or assignments now? I am bored.



So Lake Stew.

On a scale of McDonald's to Olive Garden, how bad is it?



i wrote a song for your birthday, steve
of freedom, eagles, and apple pie
but you'll never hear, i had to leave
without a chance to say goodbye

summers apart feel frozen cold
though we never seem to grow old
it may take seventy years or maybe two
but i'll find my way back to you

i call this one red white and blue without you

Jul. 2nd, 2017



Cat really had my tongue at the circus, but it doesn't matter.

I can talk again.

Since it's not really clear whether we're allowed to reveal the details of our circus tasks just yet, I'm not going to. But there have been a few conversations that I wish I could have been a more active participate in, so you'll all have to excuse me for playing catch up this late in the game.

[616 Avengers]
Hawkeye gave me a great introduction to your idea regarding a constitution. I want you to know that regardless of what you might have heard concerning my recent disagreement with the UN back in my world, I want to lend any help I can to this idea. Just let me know what you need me to do.
[Tony Stark (MCU)]
And maybe we need to figure a few things out.

Jun. 29th, 2017



hey uh anybody seen janet? we need to talk about this... costume. it's throwing off my aesthetic.

Jun. 28th, 2017



Which one of you punks is hopin' for a shorter lifespan and took my fucking beer?

Jun. 25th, 2017



[Bruce Banner (616), Sharon Carter (616), Carol Danvers (616), Clint Barton (616), Natasha Romanoff (616), Hank McCoy (616), Tony Bucky Barnes (616), Logan, ... Tony Stark (616), Helmut Zemo (MCU)]
You know, I was hoping it wouldn't come to this. I was hoping that common sense, decency, and respect for each other would win the day over the need for some form of established governance, but here we are.

I'm reaching out to all of you to discuss an idea I had with Sharon, and because I trust each and every one of you and think that if something is going to happen here, it needs to begin with us. I want to open this discussion up to all the other Facility residents, regardless of their background, their universe or their personality, but I want to make sure that we're all united in what we want to propose before we move forward.

We need a constitution. We need to understand that the scientists might not respect it, but if we are united in our position, they'll have no choice but accept it. It is a constitution that needs to be inclusive, needs to be understanding and accommodating for the different people we have their, and their own political allegiances and beliefs. Most importantly, it needs to outline what isn't acceptable behaviour, and the consequences.

Hank. I want you to take point on that. Talk to Sharon, she's already put out a lot of feelers with people, and both of you should consult with Zemo. I know his name and his position in our world might make him difficult to trust, but this man is different and he has experience in building and maintaining governments in conflict. His input on this is valuable.

We need governance and law. At this point, I don't think smart or possible to assume that a central government will happen. I propose we allow people to form their own groups, regardless of their blocks, and choose a leader among themselves. These groups will be responsible for enforcing a constitution we all agree to. When something cannot be resolved, or for major issues or offences, these groups can serve as defence and counsel for their own members against a constructed jury made up of other groups. Tony, I want to work out further details about that with you.

So let's talk, Avengers. Let's build something we're all proud of, and put our best and strongest foot forward.

Jun. 24th, 2017



We are all victims of this inhumane violation of our rights. None of us had any choice in this, and we will remember who is responsible for our captivity and the threats they hold over our heads. Whether you choose to play along or sit out is your choice. However the actions we take, the choices that we make here, are our responsibility. Violence and reckless destruction are not excusable, especially not when those you are harming are not our captors but each other.

We are among many individuals who have criminal histories- murderers and psychopaths. Because of our situation, we have viewed them as on our side in hopes they would cooperate for the good of the group. We do not want conflict, but now they have brought it to us through the horrific behavior displayed at the midway. I am highly disappointed.

Do we excuse these actions as allowable given the circumstances, or do we form a system to keep each other accountable?

Many of us come from different realities with different methods of governance, law, and justice. Or lack of. It is important that we recognize and respect this. We cannot impose any system upon the rest and call it fair unless we have majority support.

So I propose an open forum to discuss what rules we find necessary to put in place, what consequences are appropriate, and who we trust amongst us to uphold order. And if you feel differently, you are also welcome to express dissent.

Jun. 22nd, 2017



Circus Event: Fire Power )

Jun. 21st, 2017



Does the fact that the indulgence thing mostly works mean God is real, or just that they've turned God on for this scenario?

When we get back to homeworld, I'm charging you for the moonshine.

Jun. 20th, 2017



TW: Addiction Relapse

[Tony Stark (616)]
Cut )

Jun. 19th, 2017



Hello everyone,

Most of you already know me, but for those of you who don't, my name is Steve Rogers, former US military with the 107th Infantry Regiment, and current director of my workd's global security and intelligence agency known as SHIELD. In Zemo's absence, I have agreed to take control of the circus to make sure our performance exceeds expectations. If anyone needs assistance because they are missing performers, I expect to be notified immediately. When we reach our destination I want to meet with all new performers, as you will also be expected to help with set-up.

[Tony Stark (616)]
It can't be that different than leading the Avengers. Both are circuses.

Jun. 17th, 2017



Is there anyone experienced in mechanics? I could use some lessons if I wish to participate fully during this time. I have managed to develop some skills so far but there is still a lot that I don't know.

Is it possible for me to have a pair of pants? If I'm going to be moving around fixing things I think it might be easier to have some than this current outfit.

Jun. 14th, 2017



I was never one of those children who wanted to run away and join the circus, but I'm sure this must be wish-fulfillment for at least someone here. I want to hear about what's going on here from that person.

Jun. 12th, 2017



So, I'm the sword swallower. But, I might need a little help relaxing my gag reflex. Anyone have any ideas?

[Bucky Barnes (MCU)]
I - I was thinking about your act. What would make you feel less like people were just looking at you because you were missing an arm.

Jun. 11th, 2017



Anyone got a list of who does what around here?

For that matter, a list of who is around would be nice.



That's not ominous at all, but if it means getting away from this insufferable music, all aboard.

Jun. 9th, 2017



[Carol Danvers & Tony Stark]
Okay, you two.

With a Chambord bottle, a fractionating column made out of some cork, oyster shells and the neck off a wine bottle -- a couple straws and a few ice cubes, I've build a closed system distillation unit.

So I can burn off the alcohol from the cocktails. It's not very fast --which is why I'm not telling everyone -- but it's better than lake water.