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October 2018



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Posts Tagged: 'marvel:+mcu:+peggy+carter'

Jan. 29th, 2018



So, the Russians are winning, right? I have an idea.

BLOCK PARTY. EDIT: BLOCK THE BLOC PARTY. (Thank you for the name, Steve!) We can like, have a potluck and do red-white-and-blue bunting and play baseball and do all the really, seriously American shittuff.

Anyone in?

Food and stuff )

Jan. 28th, 2018



It's like you all can't do anything without me.

Jan. 23rd, 2018



Perhaps there is a common ground to be found between our efforts and those of the communists to both ensure no one is making an attempt to weaponize the moon; perhaps we can find ways to balance both of our ideologies?

[Bail Organa]
I'll miss you while you're at work today.
[Poe Dameron]
What would you know about this flyer I recieved with my 2% this morning?

Jan. 22nd, 2018



If there's one thing that has really brought us together as a community over the last couple of months, I'd have to say that in my opinion, it was betting on each other's demise during the Hunger Games.

So naturally, I thought it might be fun to really bring that concept into an old/new era by betting on which of our friends are Communists. Or as I like to call it, *~RedPool~*

As always, the odds are completely made up by me based on a variety of factors, including je ne sais quoi, hairstyle, Sorting Hat test results, which Game of Thrones character I think you look like, and the Naomi Wolf factor.

Place your bets below.

Jan. 21st, 2018



Red is an excellent color, don't you think?

For lipstick, of course. I have a delectable shade available through the Avon catalog, so please let me know if any of you would like to place an order.



I'd like to offer a little insight into what happens if you let the Russians win, for those of you who come from places lucky enough to have - I don't know, orcs as enemies, instead. As one late Russian sympathizer once said: Imagine ...

The money you earn working your ass off is absorbed largely by the state, ostensibly to be distributed across the population to ensure a more egalitarian society, but actually to line the pockets of corrupt party leaders who then go off and build castles that make Al Indelicato look like Nancy Meyers in neighboring vassal states. You'll swap out the nice house you're living in now for planned concrete block "communities" of four hundred apartments each, all facing the same empty courtyard - the better to keep an eye on each other. A great way to make a few extra pennies is to report to your local "protection officer" that the old woman whose window you can see into at night just bought a suspiciously nice new shawl.

You can use those extra pennies to go down to the grocery store - if it's your appointed day to go down to the grocery store. When you get there, they won't have anything. That's because the guy in charge of deciding which food goes to which store is in the pocket of that aforementioned party leader, who needs some oranges to decorate the floating fruit trays on his infinity pool in Graftistan. He lets Mr. Grocery Distributor take home an extra pack of lunchmeat to his family every year for his trouble. So you're stuck looking at empty shelves and fighting over the privilege to pay eighty-six dollars for a pack of hot dog buns. (The hot dogs are made of beets, and they are out of stock.)

You'll be cooking whatever you can find in a pressure cooker made in the '30's, because no one has ever come up with anything better. There's no reason to. Any money you make off your innovation will just go right back to Comrade McMansion up there, so why bother? There are no new drugs developed. Technology stagnates. Any incentive to try something new has been completely stifled, and so there is nothing new. Life slugs along at the same grey, miserable status quo forever and ever, and you start to believe it's better that way because it's the same for everyone. Even though it's not. It just looks that way, because the only things allowed on your television are programs that tell you it is. Your television is black and white, and it is a CRT.

There is no remote.

Jan. 20th, 2018



Rooting out communists is nothing short of a witch hunt.

So, with that in mind, who do I talk to about my list of suspects, comprised primarily of people I don't like?

Jan. 17th, 2018



Always good to be back in the 50s.

So when do the HUAC hearings start?



You know, I still look pretty young for my age.

Jan. 14th, 2018



[Sharon MCU]
Congratulations on the bold move and win, I would have pulled the same in your position.

However, I have a very important request from you that's going to require more trust than you might have in me.

[Tonys 616 + MCU]

I have a job for you both. You don't get to say no.

Tonight the Council will be taking possession of the machine, in order to avoid potential chaos and abuse. You are all allowed to voice your concerns, but right now this is our best option.

Jan. 5th, 2018



[Filtered to Council and Jury]
I formally move that we prosecute anyone in Hotel who refuses to work on this machine whether the work succeeds or not.

Dec. 24th, 2017



[Filtered to Peggy Carter]
You remember Christmas 1944?

Dec. 23rd, 2017



[Peggy Carter]
Doing anything special? I know my first Christmas in New York after the 40s was strange for me.

Dec. 21st, 2017



Somehow it doesn't really feel like Christmas. Not that that's a huge surprise or anything.

[AA Kids]
Are we doing anything for Christmas? Like buying already made food and eating it together?

Dec. 20th, 2017



Once again, I would like to thank everyone for participating in the latest round of voting and helping keep the spirit of our democracy alive. With the invaluable help of Justice Prince, the amendments which passed have now been added into the current version of our Constitution. Please carefully review. And as always, your voice matters to us. If you would like to propose a change or addition to our law, feel free to do so and a representative will get back to you. We have opened a dropbox for your convenience.

I also want to commend everyone who banded together to help the Hotel residents freed from their captivity, and the swift action of our representatives that helped prevent Romeo block from suffering containment. The circumstances leading to this deal are being looked into, and will be dealt with in a manner deemed appropriate by our jury. If anyone has specific information to the case, please discuss it with Leia Organa and Sam Wilson. I would prefer unsubstantiated rumors and accusations to be kept to the minimum on public networks, as we do not need these issues inflamed.

Thank you for your time, and Happy Holidays

Dec. 6th, 2017



Do you like to Dancy Dance? )

Dec. 2nd, 2017



[Wittgenstein Council]
While we're being given the downtime I would like to propose a new amendment to the constitution. I believe that enough time has passed since the creation of the groups to allow for people who do not believe they fit into their squad, have certain grievances with members in it that cannot be overcome, or wish to form their own to be allowed to do so.

I believe such an amendment is needed to give all of the citizens of the constitution a better means to communicate with us as well as their jurors for their best interests.

Nov. 19th, 2017



I seem to have acquired a very large, very drafty castle. With a view. And a coffin

Not to mention some disturbing dreams but that doesn't surprise me.

Nov. 9th, 2017



It is a beautiful night, is it not?

The Harkers

Have you procured a place to live yet?

Nov. 5th, 2017



Who: Dracula, Jonathan Harker, Dracula's Wives
When: Nov. 5, late night
Where: Dracula's castle
What: An encounter
Rating: Medium - probably discussion of blood, seduction, etc.

Let this be your only warning, Jonathan. )