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October 2018



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Posts Tagged: 'marvel:+mcu:+natasha+romanoff'

Jan. 2nd, 2018



[Natasha MCU]
Hey, I haven't checked in on how you're doing. I know with all the moving around you've had to do things might be a lot to deal with, but your sentencing required a public apology. Today's the last day in that timeframe. I'm not sure what the consequence is otherwise, but let's just get this over with?

[Council and Jury]
So how are we feeling about that recent submission?

Jan. 1st, 2018



[Darcy, Hansel, Nathan Summers, Matt Murdock]
I'm in November now. 333.

Hansel, Nathan - thanks for your assistance.

Dec. 29th, 2017



Girl really knows how to make an impression.

The following people wanted Natasha removed from Hotel Block:

  • Selina Kyle
  • Cassian Andor
  • Laura
  • Sharon Carter (MCU)
  • Jyn Erso
  • Helmut Zemo
  • Jefferson
  • Daenerys Targaryen
  • Pietro Maximoff (MCU)
  • Amora
  • Melissa Gold
  • Harley Quinn
  • Piotr Rasputin
  • Archex
  • Marian Pouncy

    The following people wanted Natasha to stay from Hotel Block:

  • Natasha Romanoff
  • Rogue (TAS)
  • Hansel
  • Bucky Barnes (MCU)
  • Logan
  • Sam Winchester
  • River Tam
  • Bruce Wayne (G)
  • Nathan Summers

    And the following people did not vote before the majority ruled:

  • Carl Grimes
  • Dick Grayson
  • Betty Cooper
  • Graverobber

    I'm not doing anything about the vote, I just thought you'd all like to know where you stand.

    [Hotel Block]
    My mind could be changed, though, if one of you would like to make me an offer. I could probably pull some strings...

  • [info]alleycat


    [Hotel block]
    It looks like treason girl is permanently moving in.

    Considering her seriously lackluster ability at not getting into trouble I'm thinking this is bad for all of us. Group punishments and all. Do we really want an idiot in our block? More than we already ha Also why do they get to push off their duds onto us? She should go back to wherever she started at.

    Diana said if we get a majority that think her being here is a bad idea and we want her out, that Sharon and her will bring it to the scientists.

    So go vote



    [Echo Scientist]
    May I ask why I was moved to a different block?
    [Hotel Scientist]
    Why I was moved to your block?
    [Margaery Tyrell]
    Are you still looking for clothing to use the material of? If so, I have several items you may be interested in that I have no use for.
    Thank you for the kindness you've shown me in bringing me food. It seems I've been transferred to your block.
    [Matt & Darcy]
    I'm in Hotel now. I was moved to 517.



    Hello? I'm Tina Goldstein, I've just arrived here. I have to say that while I'm familiar with New York, having grown up there, this is nothing quite like the New York that I remember from home. I'm told it's nearly a hundred years into my future which is truly quite astonishing.

    Also it was months until December.

    I really don't know what to make of this, it's not quite what I expected from leaving Newt to going back home.

    Dec. 24th, 2017



    [Matt & Darcy]
    It's looking like the trial will be after Christmas, so I'll be in here until then. Just wanted to let you two know.

    Dec. 19th, 2017



    Natasha Romanoff has been released from her bunker. She’ll be held in Hotel Block: 520, as the Council has decided she must faces charges for her actions. She’ll remain in that bunker until her trial, without visitors. As per usual, no residents from other blocks can enter Hotel without my permission.

    Therefore, while Natasha has been given network access, it will be the responsibility of the Hotel block residents to make sure her needs are met as far as food and medicine are concerned.

    Natasha’s test in terms of the false accusation was meant to test the the thoroughness of the Council and the Jury to investigate a claim and reach a verdict, whatever that verdict might have been. Natasha’s decision to not convincingly levy the accusation, but make Sharon do it for her, terminated the experiment. We’ll just have to find a way to test that another way.

    Due to the Council’s swift action and the charges brought against Romanoff, we have disabled the timer. Romeo block residents will remain at the compound with everyone else.

    Unless Delta is not released in the next thirty minutes.


    That was close.

    Dec. 18th, 2017



    [Sam Winchester, Clark Kent, Sans, Michael, Zemo, Lois Lane, and Harley Quinn]
    I've been told that I need to bring charges against the person who I falsely believe is responsible for my being in here. If I don't, through you, convince the Council of this person's guilt, the entirety of Romeo block will take my place in here.

    Will you help me?
    [Sharon Carter (616)]
    I'm going to be accusing you of being responsible for putting me in here, and I'm going to need you to make sure the Council believes and takes action. If they don't, all of Romeo block will end up in here in my place.

    [ETA after this]

    I regret to inform you that due to a decision I was made between two options presented to me by Hotel, my choice has led to all of you taking my place in this bunker. I'm sorry.



    WHO: Natasha Romanoff [and open to the Hotel Scientist?]
    WHERE: Soviet Bunker
    WHEN: Now
    WHAT: Adapting
    WARNINGS: None
    STATUS: Closed or In Progress

    If I should tumble, if I should fall, would anyone hear me screaming behind these castle wallsRead more... )

    Dec. 15th, 2017



    [Filtered to: Kobik, Sam Winchester, Sharon Carter, Clark Kent, Sans, Michael, Zemo, Harley Quinn and Lois Lane]
    My access to the network has been doubled, provided you can all see this.

    Dec. 14th, 2017



    [NUCLEAR FILTER: Kobik, Sharon Carter (616), Sam Winchester, Clark Kent & Emma Frost]
    Hotel said that aside from him, you five are the only ones that I have access to on the network. Can you see this?



    Everyone has been released from the cow pen.

    [Natasha Romanoff (MCU)]
    Everyone wants to go home for the holidays, don't they?

    (OOC Note: Natasha's network access it restricted to just this post until she makes her decision, at which point the rules in the doc take effect)

    Dec. 13th, 2017



    tl;dr )

    Of course, I suppose it also has its advantages....

    I think I've gotten sidetracked. I wanted to talk about what freedom is worth

    Dec. 9th, 2017



    Why would someone kidnap me from New York, only to put me back in New York? I don't get it.

    Nov. 21st, 2017



    I'm... Yeah. I'm going to wait out this countdown in the tavern getting shitfaced, because fuck this place. (Sorry parents + children.) Anyone in?

    [Bucky Barnes(AA)]

    So, yeah... I think this counts as an annulment? Or a divorce? Something. But if you need anything or want to talk or whatever, hmu.

    [Bucky Barnes (MCU)]

    FWIW: You were the sassiest bitch I ever met and I was super messed up when you died. You cool now?



    Looks like the clock is back to ticking.

    [Bucky Barnes (MCU)]
    I can't tell if it's because of everything that's been going on or not. And maybe this isn't the right time for this, but -- before we ended up here -- I was starting to get the impression that you were avoiding me and I'm not sure I know why.

    [Sam Wilson]
    You're well-versed in the interpersonal skills that I usually lack, right?

    [Diana Prince]
    What do you make of all this?

    [Tony Stark]
    I would never have pegged you as a Sherlock Holmes fan.

    Nov. 19th, 2017



    I seem to have acquired a very large, very drafty castle. With a view. And a coffin

    Not to mention some disturbing dreams but that doesn't surprise me.



    [Matt Murdock]
    Check in?
    [Darcy Lewis]
    You alright?



    I believe it would help to have a running tally on who has checked in as being present to insure we are all here and accounted for.

    Squad 1: Kobik, Maria Hill, Daisy Johnson, Jan, Bucky
    Squad 2: Bruce Banner, Sharon Carter, Natalia Romanova, Dick Grayson
    Squad 3: Bucky Barnes, Jessica Jones, Natasha
    Squad 4: Wanda
    Squad 5: Hazel, Clint, Kamala, Lucretia,
    Squad 6: Rogue, Kitty Pryde, Chidi, Betsy, Tahani, Raven, Jean, Jason, Magneto
    Squad 7: Nathan, Hope, Rogue, Jean Grey, Logan, Emma, Hank
    Squad 8: River, Luke Skywalker
    Squad 9: Liv, Bail, Mon Mothma
    Squad 10: Selina Kyle,
    Squad 11: Helena, Kira, Lois, Cosima, Alex, Clark,
    Squad 12: Audrey, Sam, Betty, Briggette, Jo, Jughead, Dean and Johanna Mason, Sans
    Squad 13: Newt, Gretel, Phyrne, Regina, Robin Hood, Vax, Margaery