Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

Incomplete Data

October 2018



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Posts Tagged: 'steven+universe:+steven+universe'

Oct. 23rd, 2017




Oct. 22nd, 2017



You are all cordially invited to my Welcome Soirée tomorrow evening, hosted of course by me, Tahani Al-Jamil. As you may know, my friends and I just recently arrived from the Good Place, an afterlife most perfectly designed by our esteemed friend and mentor Michael the architect. Isn't he just charming? We are of course quite honored by everyone's hospitality, and the understanding shown to our dearest Jianyu who cannot speak due his vow of silence. The close quarters will take some getting used to, but what better way than to get to know all our lovely neighbors and hopefully new friends we'll be sharing this delightful experience with?

I will of course be providing every guest with a gift bag! So please come by and introduce yourself, it's much nicer seeing everyone's faces in person.



Is there anyone here trained in First Aide? I was a trained Field Nurse about a decade ago but I've had very little need of it since then. I would like to ensure my skills are up to scratch.

Would you be interested in lunch at some point?




Does anyone have a Pikachu?

Oct. 21st, 2017




Oct. 18th, 2017



Um... Hello? I'm Marinette. I'm so awkward and lost and alskjfalkfjal new here.



This is far out!

I bet my mom thinks I'm in prison.

This isn't prison, right?

Is this the future?

Is this future prison?

Oct. 16th, 2017



Anyone feel like lending me a hand? I'm going to get some lemonade and stuff together for our community service gardeners.



Hi, everyone. My name's Michael. I'm usually on the other side of this sort of thing, so you'll have to forgive me - I'm still getting my bearings. And it's such fun - when you're an immortal, all-powerful custodian of the afterlife, you don't run across the new and unfamiliar every day, so this is just - it's really neat. I'm really looking forward to spending time with humans, as a human, just ... sleeping in bunk beds, standing in lines, abiding by the laws of time, the whole thing. It'll be like a sleepover. And I know it'll be absolutely invaluable for my work back home.

Which I'd love to get back to, but - they can spare me for a century or three. I've got some vacation stored up. Gosh, I can't wait to just ... hang. That's what you guys like to do, right? Hang? Elbows, knees, ankles? Tell me everything. Let's have a really excellent time together.

Oct. 15th, 2017



If anyone would like to join me in my morning meditations, I would be glad to have the company. I begin an hour and a half before breakfast in the meditation room in Echo. You're more than welcome to come in your pajamas if you'd like, it's certainly not going to bother me. But I only have one rule: no shoes.

Oct. 14th, 2017



We are going to have the best damn community garden this side of interstellar kidnapping! And if you have anything you would like planted, lmk and I will do what I can to see that it happens.

[Filtered to Mike Squad 1 Shar Mike Tony Stark (MCU)]
That box of junk from London that I gave you, is there anything in it that could be fashioned into a shovel?
[Filtered to Wanda Maximoff & Natalia Romanova]
So let's plan this!

Oct. 13th, 2017



We've all been through a great deal. Whether survival in nature, or purposefully stressful scenarios and challenges, but I think this last one takes the cake when it comes to cruelty. If anyone is having trouble with what they have lived through, or done, or even observed, I'd like to set up a time where we can perhaps talk about that in a judgement-free space. I had been thinking just a group where we could all talk about what we're processing and having trouble with, but if people would prefer smaller groups or even individual counseling, I wanted to offer my services.

I'm not a therapist, exactly, but in the course of my work as a Catholic priest, I've been trained in and led grief, relationship, and spiritual counseling and I've worked pretty broadly in conflict-torn regions. I also was about 90% dead when I got here, so understand the grappling with mortality. I can't promise to fix things, but I can listen, maintain confidentiality, and I won't judge.

Oct. 8th, 2017



Is it over?

Where is everyone else?



You're all really bad scientists and I hope you lose all of your grant money.

Oct. 4th, 2017



For anyone who doesn't want to watch the Games during the day, I'll be doing some science lessons after the classes for students. They'll be interactive for some hands on experience. Nothing dangerous, however, since I'm doing this predominantly for the kids.

Oct. 2nd, 2017



I thought you all were supposed to be heroes!!

Edit: [Romeo Scientist]
:( Ms. Ma'am lady sir?



Is it over yet? I close my eyes every time I go past a TV.


Are you all right?

I saw that Lois died. Were you her friend?

I made a friend, his name is Sans. We made a pillow fort, you can join us.

Oct. 1st, 2017



I had a dream like this once.

I guess it was less a dream and more an experience. Naboo bet me five quid and a packet of Ultra Violets that I wouldn't lick one of the new frogs in the reptile exhibit. The frog said it was alright with him but I was gonna have a bad time if I did. But I was a bit peckish and I needed the bus fare because the Moon Swans were playing a gig at the Velvet Onion and I'd promised this girl that I'd meet her there.

It was a lot like this. Except the clothes weren't as good. These are genius! And red always was my color.

Sep. 26th, 2017



I'm going to put on ALL THE SHIRTS!



If I select a t-shirt, I am actively participating in an enterprise I do not condone.

If I do not select a t-shirt, I am withdrawing support from my friend.

Neither choice seems right.