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October 2018



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Posts Tagged: 'once+upon+a+time:+regina+mills'

Dec. 7th, 2017



So this started on Newt's post, I thought I'd bring it to a central location.
  • WHEREIN Animals have escaped, Hotel is in their cages.
  • AS Reasoning is unknown, but irrelevant at present.
  • ASSUMPTION: collecting animals is a matter of public safety and may be required to get Hotel out.
  • Animals may include petting zoo animals (cows, sheep, goats) up to potentially more dangerous animals (snow leopards, bears, monkeys).
  • Specimen Citizens with training or powers and confidence in their capacity to corral these animals are being requested to round up zoo animals spread across the park.
  • In order to facilitate this, I have divided the park up into nine divisions:
    North of 106th - Hope Summers, Maria Hill, Daisy Johnson
    WEST 97th - 106th - Dean Winchester, Gretel & [OPEN]
    EAST 97th - 106th - Raven Darkholme, Jessica Hamby, Lois Lane, Bart Allen
    85th - 97th (includes the Reservoir) - Jean Grey, Eleven
    WEST 76th - 85th - Mercy Thompson, Rick Jones, Kamala Khan
    EAST 76th - 85th - Regina Mills, Robin Hood, Jo Harvelle, Amos Burton
    WEST 65th - 76th - Betsy Braddock, Rogue (World A), Magneto
    EAST 65th - 76th - J'mon, Vax'ildan, Vex'ahlia
    South of 65th - Newt Scamander, Hank McCoy, Jughead Jones, Vince Noir

  • Ideally we should aim for groups of at least 4, one member (at least) capable of handling a bear or armed. Please check in hourly and communicate here if you need backup.
  • Those with spare weaponry should consider loaning it to groups in the field (we have a few firearms in the compound now, don't we?)
  • Additionally, we need someone familiar with the zoo to assist in taking a census of missing zoo animals. This could be a high risk job, so can be performed through communication with a field agent over the network. List of missing animals
  • Those without training or abilities are should stay inside while this is resolved.

[Filtered to AA kids + Amadeus Cho, Viv Vision, Hope Summers]

Dec. 3rd, 2017



I've been glitterbombed.

Since Scanlan isn't here and this obviously isn't revenge for the love potion I inflicted on him I have a rather small number of suspects to look at for the culprit. Be warned, my friends, I will be plotting. I will not, however, be combing glitter out of my hair because screw you I look fabulous. It's like someone doused me with physical faerie fire and I'm loving this. So jokes on you, whoever you are.

But no one prank wars like Vax. Let the games begin.

Nov. 21st, 2017



I never did get that rich husband I was looking for. I'm so disappointed.

Nov. 20th, 2017



I feel like I need to echo everyone and say that was unusual.

People who were in the Monastery
How is everyone coping?

It seems that we keep being thrown together in scenarios. How are you coping with what happened in this one?

Nov. 19th, 2017



So... who's hungry? My magic fingers are back and I have tomatoes. Someone locate some bread and cheese and I'll magic up some lettuce and whatever other greenery you like.

And I still have a goat. I'm an expert in bear-rearing and the mystical ways of cows, but goats are totally foreign to me. What am I supposed to do with this? Regina. Do you want this guy back?

You alright, Stubby?

I am immensely sorry for absolutely everything that came out of my mouth.



I believe it would help to have a running tally on who has checked in as being present to insure we are all here and accounted for.

Squad 1: Kobik, Maria Hill, Daisy Johnson, Jan, Bucky
Squad 2: Bruce Banner, Sharon Carter, Natalia Romanova, Dick Grayson
Squad 3: Bucky Barnes, Jessica Jones, Natasha
Squad 4: Wanda
Squad 5: Hazel, Clint, Kamala, Lucretia,
Squad 6: Rogue, Kitty Pryde, Chidi, Betsy, Tahani, Raven, Jean, Jason, Magneto
Squad 7: Nathan, Hope, Rogue, Jean Grey, Logan, Emma, Hank
Squad 8: River, Luke Skywalker
Squad 9: Liv, Bail, Mon Mothma
Squad 10: Selina Kyle,
Squad 11: Helena, Kira, Lois, Cosima, Alex, Clark,
Squad 12: Audrey, Sam, Betty, Briggette, Jo, Jughead, Dean and Johanna Mason, Sans
Squad 13: Newt, Gretel, Phyrne, Regina, Robin Hood, Vax, Margaery



Is everyone okay and themselves again?

Nov. 15th, 2017



Considering they killed a man by the inn who could turn invisible, I wonder if we must consider some of the unusual murders and attacks that have occured in Novi Grad of late.

Nov. 7th, 2017



[Filter to Phoebus de Chateaupers]
I hope this message finds you well, Captain.

It isn’t often that someone of your status shows genuine concern for one of my people. Many would never dare lower themselves in such a manner. But perhaps next time you will wait and see if your concern was necessary.

[Filter to Quasimodo]
I hope this message finds you well, my dear bell-ringer.

If the message behind the drink of water I gave you was not clear enough, please, allow me to make it clear now. I am sorry that I was the cause of your suffering.

Nov. 4th, 2017



Who: Esmeralda (Regina Mills)
When: Mid-Day, November 4
Where: A Street Corner near the University
What: Dance, La Esmeralda, Dance
Rating: Low-ish

See the finest girl in [Novi Grad] / Make an entrance to entrance / Dance la Esmeralda / Dance )

Nov. 2nd, 2017



[Court of Miracles]
A little birdie sang a little too loud about a party tonight. Rich folks never keep a close enough eye on their food, or their doors, so if anyone would like to take advantage of their fatuity, we all know how this one is staged.

Nov. 1st, 2017



Hansel, where are you.

[Friends (Sam, Bruce, Dean, Raven, Darcy, Joanna, Robin, Vex, Vax, and anyone else that may fit)]

As much as I hated the pink, I prefer places with a fucking door.

How many of us were picked this time?

Oct. 30th, 2017



[HG Tributes]

I'm guessing the timer is probably proving a source of anxiety for some if not all of us. How is everyone holding up?

Oct. 29th, 2017



So do we want to talk about this timer?

Set up ground rules like, "don't murder each other in the first five minutes" perhaps?

Oct. 27th, 2017



To the President of the Council, Supreme Justice of the Council, Council Members, and all the council-related titles I haven't heard or might be getting wrong:

Greetings! As you may have seen my introduction earlier last week or was it two weeks ago? Telling time here is so weird - or maybe not, considering my arrival coincided with a throng of mock-trials and everyone was in a tizzy- anyway, my name is Leslie Knope, and I am settled in and ready to offer the whole of my advice and services.

I have always had a passion for government, and a drive to always do what's best for my community, whether it be Pawnee or in this case, a congregation of multi-universe alien abductees in what I imagine the Betty Ford clinic might look like in the future. I was recently elected to a city council seat in beautiful Pawnee, and I have a long history of community service stretching all the way back to elementary school- including Model UN, Student Government, and leader of the Pawnee Goddesses.

Is there anything I can help you with? I've been going a little crazy itching to get my hands dirty.

Oct. 26th, 2017



I was told my sister was here. Vex'ahlia. Good with arrows and prone to winking. She might have a bear with her.

Also, not to be ungrateful for the fourth second chance at life, but what the fuck is this place? I expected the Shadowfell and I got something that looks like Percy's lab got lucky with Scanlan's mansion and puked up another realm the morning after. Which isn't the worst morning after, but it's weird. This is weird, right? That's not just me?

Oct. 24th, 2017



[Creeps & Honorary Creeps* - Jughead Jones, Betty Cooper, Darcy Lewis, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Regina Mills, Bruce Banner (MCU), Gwenpool]
tw references to murder/past trauma )

* If I forgot someone or you want in on the filter, just HMU and I'll add you!

Oct. 22nd, 2017



Is there anyone here trained in First Aide? I was a trained Field Nurse about a decade ago but I've had very little need of it since then. I would like to ensure my skills are up to scratch.

Would you be interested in lunch at some point?

Oct. 21st, 2017



Is it October?

Oct. 16th, 2017



Anyone feel like lending me a hand? I'm going to get some lemonade and stuff together for our community service gardeners.