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October 2018



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Posts Tagged: 'marvel:+mcu:+sam+wilson'

Jan. 23rd, 2018



[Darcy, Chidi, AA Steve, Sitwell, Natasha MCU]
This is a formality to inform you that you’ve been accused of communism and conspiring with the Russians. I will need you to come make statements and answer a few questions.



[Sam Wilson]
sharon and i wanna put forth jasper as being a russian
he was seen conspiring with a russian
he's a known double agent
and his head looks funny

and we'll throw in natasha from your world too



[Sherrif guy, whatever your name is]
So we're supposed to report communist activity, right?

I just got here and all, so maybe I'm wrong about this, but I'm pretty sure that my whole family is full of communists. They have these really weird, furtive conversations that stop when I walk into the room and they keep throwing their newspapers away in the neighbor's trash bins. I think they're trying to frame them, honestly, and I can't sit by idly and watch them continue this. I hate to think of them doing this to another family.

Also my "dad" is always acting suspicious. Like no one is that nervous all the time unless they are guilty of something. Seriously. Like once I came into the room and he was sweating staring at the fridge and muttering to himself. What is that about? Oh, right. He's a communist and he's starting to develop a conscience about it. I'm just reporting what I'm seeing. Like I said, I could be wrong, but it all looks suspicious.

The other two just seem like they're covering for something. I don't know what. It just seems off. All of it.

Oh, yeah. My name is Faye. We're apparently the Hall family.

Also there's some girl talking about how she wants to talk about communism and the government in a school group. I don't think we should be exposed to this. And a girl chose to be China. Obviously a communist.

Jan. 22nd, 2018



[Bucky (MCU) & Rogue (616)]
I'll need you both to come down to the station and answer a few questions. It's not a big deal, we'll clear things up and you can be on your way.



[Filtered to Sam Wilson, Jasper Sitwell]
I need to report a communist.

Jan. 21st, 2018



I don't know about you, but I was under the impression that the 1950s were much more bullshit than I've been seeing.

(Kids, that word's okay to say. I'm an elected official.)

[Filtered to Sam Wilson]
So. Catch any commies yet or are you waiting until someone throws them at your feet?

Jan. 20th, 2018



Rooting out communists is nothing short of a witch hunt.

So, with that in mind, who do I talk to about my list of suspects, comprised primarily of people I don't like?

Jan. 17th, 2018



You know, I still look pretty young for my age.

Jan. 13th, 2018



With amendment 3A.8 passing and having been added to the constitution now, I would like to file charges against Hotel (the scientist) for disregarding our rights to our powers and not having turned them back on.

Jan. 7th, 2018




I have a generally satisfactory idea of what's going on, as long as you omit why and how, which aren't questions that are generally answered satisfactorily anyway. I'm fine. Don't feel obliged to elaborate.

One exception: someone appears to have decided that I should be in charge of voting on things for some group of people. I did it. You're welcome. I don't really feel like doing it again. So, Squad Four (4), if that job gets your ears perked up, leave your name here, and I guess we'll sort it out. Later. On Wednesday? How's Wednesday?

Jan. 4th, 2018



I'm glad everyone has such enthusiasm for democracy. We got a rather fascinating submission for a flag design, if anyone else would like to contribute alternate ideas. It's at the end of a rather long queue, so you have a bit of time.

Do you think anyone would actually notice if Hux went missing?

Jan. 2nd, 2018



[Natasha MCU]
Hey, I haven't checked in on how you're doing. I know with all the moving around you've had to do things might be a lot to deal with, but your sentencing required a public apology. Today's the last day in that timeframe. I'm not sure what the consequence is otherwise, but let's just get this over with?

[Council and Jury]
So how are we feeling about that recent submission?

Dec. 28th, 2017



Natasha Romanoff has changed her plea to guilty on all accounts - Aiding and Abetting the Scientists, Harassment/Threats, and Blackmail/Treason.

As she's changed her plea, the Jury can now forgo a trial and commence with sentencing. Matt Murdock, Sam Wilson, Bruce Banner and Bucky Barnes have been recused from voting on her sentence.


Please Proceed Here

If there are any questions, I will address them to the best of my ability.

Dec. 27th, 2017



Hope you absolute children enjoy your toys.

I've discussed options with Natasha and we've reached an agreement for a plea deal, if there's still one on the table. I think it's in everyone's interest to get this over with.

It's poisoned, isn't it. Think you can fool me. I know what you're up to.

Dec. 19th, 2017



Natasha Romanoff has been released from her bunker. She’ll be held in Hotel Block: 520, as the Council has decided she must faces charges for her actions. She’ll remain in that bunker until her trial, without visitors. As per usual, no residents from other blocks can enter Hotel without my permission.

Therefore, while Natasha has been given network access, it will be the responsibility of the Hotel block residents to make sure her needs are met as far as food and medicine are concerned.

Natasha’s test in terms of the false accusation was meant to test the the thoroughness of the Council and the Jury to investigate a claim and reach a verdict, whatever that verdict might have been. Natasha’s decision to not convincingly levy the accusation, but make Sharon do it for her, terminated the experiment. We’ll just have to find a way to test that another way.

Due to the Council’s swift action and the charges brought against Romanoff, we have disabled the timer. Romeo block residents will remain at the compound with everyone else.

Unless Delta is not released in the next thirty minutes.


That was close.

Dec. 15th, 2017



I don't get why people are being so secretive about this shit like it's some sensitive information only some people are privy to, so I'm going to just put it out there in the open so maybe people can share what they know and put together some ideas.

I know the whereabouts and actions of Natasha Romanoff (world B) can sometimes be mysterious and elusive, so some of us might not have thought anything of the fact she's gone missing. However, I have been informed that she's wound up in a bunker after everyone else was released from the cow pen.

We don't know why she's there, how long she's there, and as far as I can tell no negotiation options have been put out on the table for her release.

So let's try filling in some blanks with who knows what.

Nov. 21st, 2017



New York is very different from the last time I saw it.



Guess I just collect blue coats, now. Anyone need a spare? I prefer mine.

That was what I'm gonna call not fun. Points for creativity, I guess.

[Sam, the ex-Philippe]

I just want to apologize for...that. That's not who I am. I'm sure that's not who you are either but I just...feel really weird. We've never talked much before and I don't like that we got introduced like that. Puts a bad taste in my mouth.

[Steven Universe]

You make it through okay, kid?



Looks like the clock is back to ticking.

[Bucky Barnes (MCU)]
I can't tell if it's because of everything that's been going on or not. And maybe this isn't the right time for this, but -- before we ended up here -- I was starting to get the impression that you were avoiding me and I'm not sure I know why.

[Sam Wilson]
You're well-versed in the interpersonal skills that I usually lack, right?

[Diana Prince]
What do you make of all this?

[Tony Stark]
I would never have pegged you as a Sherlock Holmes fan.

Nov. 19th, 2017



I seem to have acquired a very large, very drafty castle. With a view. And a coffin

Not to mention some disturbing dreams but that doesn't surprise me.