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Posts Tagged: 'marvel:+%28fox/x-men%29:+laura'

Aug. 4th, 2017



Are all the children accounted for? Will they, or their guardians let me know?

Aug. 1st, 2017



So, it looks like Peter did with his efforts for the teen division than I managed for the adults, which is to be expected. He's better than me at most things. So, here's the breakdown for tomorrow's first game. Both teams have some room for alternates, if there are any stragglers & If we get six more 15-22-year-olds, they can play the winner. Game on!

Read more... )

Jul. 22nd, 2017



[Filtered to Bruce Banner (616)]
I'm on my wake back from Aldwych. You got Kobik with you?

[ETA: Filtered to Kobik]
Hey, kiddo, where are you? Did you go to the movie?

[ETA: Filtered to Steve Rogers, Logan, Natasha Romanova, Sharon Carter (all 616), Laura, Bruce Wayne (Gotham), Bucky Barnes (AA), KIDS??]
Do any of you happen to have Kobik with you?



Okay, guys, I'm making this public because I think everyone deserves to know. I just found a set of dolls being advertised that all remarkably resemble specimens here and are dressed in block clothing (save for Deadpool). There are, in order: Poe Dameron, Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, the younger Rogue, Laura (Hotel), myself, Deadpool, and Kitty Pryde.

Since the first five have disappeared, I think chances are good that the rest of us in this set of dolls have reason to be worried.

If anyone needs company going anywhere, let me know.

Jul. 21st, 2017



How should we handle giving out rations or supplies to Hotel, or the others among us who might be short or running low. Perhaps we could begin our own dispensary of sorts? Perhaps in connection with the forming 'Collective'?

[Tiny Laura]
I managed to find myself in possession of just a little bit of milk, though, and I thought you might like to have it?

[Later:Amos, Finn, Bucky Barnes (MCU)]
I've managed to gain access to room 608, and I'll be starting up the dispensary there. Finn - I want you to help run it, and Bucky, I thought you might be interested in helping as well?

Amos, I know you'll probably be busy with whatever task you've been assigned as far as investigations are concerned, but I wanted to make sure you knew what was happening since you appear to be the leader of the block that will need this dispensary the most.

Jul. 16th, 2017



they better not take away the candy when it change again



It completely slipped my mind to mention this, but for those of you who failed to complete your tasks or who were too late to receive tasks to complete, the gate separating you from the reward area has been thoroughly torn down.

I do take thank-you gifts if you're wondering. I'll be sitting under the orange trees if you need to find me in order to deliver them.

Jun. 27th, 2017



[Filtered to Mutants]
Can we start doing powers training tomorrow? In between whatever we each do for the circus? Since we don't know where we might end up next, we should be prepared, just in case.

Jun. 17th, 2017



All right. With all of those unco critters frolicking hither and yon back at the picnic, did anyone liberate a souvenir off one of them? Preferably a bit of unicorn, but I'm not about to discriminate.

Also, if you've spotted any around the grounds, I'm looking for lavender.

Jun. 15th, 2017



WHO: Any and all mutants
WHEN: Tonight, dinner
WHERE: under one of the tents, whichever one younger Jean picked
WHAT: A civilized dinner. Probably. Hopefully
WARNINGS: I mean. I doubt anything triggery. Just a very dysfunctional family.

Where my mutants at? )



What was it e.e. cummings said?

Damn everything but the circus!



[HOTEL BLOCK (except TAS Rogue) ]

Good morning, hope you all had a good night’s rest.

As per the rule I just announced yesterday, since Rogue decided to reveal, and thus forfeit her task, you’ve all failed. I believe in a strong, supportive group dynamic, but twice now, Rogue has acted selfishly and has damned all of you in the process. But since I’m all about choices, I’m going to give you two. If you want to get back in the game and make your own efforts worth something, you must choose to do one of the following:
A.) Walk to the next destination, without food, water or network access until you reach your location. You’ll have to leave right after Sunday’s show, to make it just in time. No sleep. No rest. Just walk right into the next performance. If you have tasks to complete beforehand, you might need to temporarily delegate them out. But your lost time won’t be counted against your own tasks in terms of completion or failure (Characters cannot post on Network between 6pm EST 6/18 and 8pm 6/19)


B.) You say the word, and the person you are assigned with receive an random injury, from mild to severe. You have no control over how badly the person will be hurt. But, if you agree, you won’t have to take the walk. It’s up to you whether or not you want to talk to his person, or just hurt them. Because they won’t find out, otherwise.

Cassian Andor -- Bodhi Rook
Bucky Barnes (MCU) -- Steve Rogers (MCU)
Sharon Carter -- Clint Barton (MCU)
Jyn Erso -- Galen Erso
Melissa Gold -- Bucky Barnes (616)
Laura -- Kobik
Logan -- Jean Grey (616)
Pietro Maximoff -- Wanda Maximoff
Harley Quinn - Pamela Isley
Kylo Ren -- Leia Organa
Natalia Romanova -- Clint Barton (616)
Bruce Wayne (G) -- Diana Prince
Helmut Zemo -- Steve Rogers (616)

Just so we’re clear - you still have to do everything else you’ve been assigned. And you may all want to try and support each other in completing the rest of your tasks, or things might get messier.

Have a fun day!

Jun. 14th, 2017



[All the mutants]

I thought it would be nice for us to eat together tomorrow night.

Put aside your differences for an old man for an hour or so, hmm?



I don't wanna do the show no more.



I've no qualms with stealing a phrase and seems far easier than what passes as introductions on this device.

To me my X-Men.


Jun. 12th, 2017



I just woke up to an elephant looking in my window.

[Natasha (616), Laura, Kobik]
You ladies want to help me with a little something?

[Bucky (616)]
Apparently Rémy has a bear that needs rounding up. I'm sending you because I know how much you love bear fighting. Don't say I never do shit for you.

You can control people's emotions?



I am flying :)

Jun. 11th, 2017



Anyone got a list of who does what around here?

For that matter, a list of who is around would be nice.

Jun. 3rd, 2017



Everyone okay? Everyone accounted for? Everyone I sent in the boat alive and well?

My shoulder's healed and I'm in fancier clothes than I've ever worn, feeling more rested than I have in years. Is this some kind of job well done acknowledgement for us? If so, I'm going to take advantage of it. If anyone wants me, I'll be sitting under a tree on the north side, with chocolate and champagne.

I do miss the machete.