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Posts Tagged: 'jurassic+park:+ian+malcolm'

Jul. 23rd, 2017



[November Block]
Please read over this carefully. How do you, as a block, wish me to proceed?



[November & Hotel (minus Pietro Maximoff)]
This isn't my first time playing a game like this, so I've been doing some work on my own and Jughead and I have come to the mutual conclusion that, based on our knowledge of the circumstances, the best suspect might be Pietro Maximoff.

I say best because we do have a second suspect, but it's more the two of us just narrowing our eyes suspiciously at someone and we have absolutely nothing more than that to go on. So, if this doesn't play out, we'll take that one for the team ourselves.

We're bringing this to both our block and Hotel block because Hotel's lead detective has recently made his suspicions very obvious and we thought it might be a good idea to give a guy who's clearly out for blood (and rightfully so, I lost my first girlfriend to a serial killer, so I get you, dude) the option to make his case for making the arrest, as it were. And, to be frank, Hotel block seems - from my rather limited time here - like the sort of place that likes to handle its own shit, which I respect.

Our evidence is all sort of circumstantial and meta, but we have noticed that with the exception of Poe Dameron, who was Maximoff's roommate, Rogue, and the recent crop of victims, all of the missing people were Avengers or those close to Avengers. Specifically, they were people who might have pointed a finger at Tony Stark. And since he was indirectly responsible for creating the Ultron tech, which was responsible for what happened in Sokovia, he seems like a good scapegoat for Maximoff. Maybe other folks here know something we don't that would connect the other victims back to either one of these two. But there you go.

If anyone has anything else and wants to share it with the rest of the class before you two duke it out over who takes this one in, be my guest, but this is what The Creeps promised to deliver, so consider it delivered.



[Jasper and Phasma]
Johanna disappeared from the kitchens. We went there to check it out and found a piece of black plastic, like the ones from label makers, but that's pretty much it, aside from a mouse.

Come with me to the Old Vic now? We shouldn't forget that broadcast from last night.



You son of a bitch just took the wrong man's girlfriend.

I'm coming after you now.

Jul. 22nd, 2017



Was anyone able to make anything of that transmission? I tried, with various cyphers and equations, but maybe I'm coming at this from the wrong angle.

[November Block]
Nothing worth reporting so far. Anyone seen or heard anything that could be useful?

Jul. 21st, 2017



I'm going to talk to people in the lobby, see if anyone noticed anything.



Well, that's disturbing.

[Phasma and Jasper]
I have a clue: Dameron disappeared from The Bar. Come check it out with me?

[Star Wars Specimens]
Were any of you with Dameron last night?

Jul. 19th, 2017



If anyone's having trouble adapting to a mostly vegetarian diet, I figured I'd offer advice. There's a lot you can do with potatoes, carrots, and creativity.

[Filtered to Romeo Block]
So here's the deal.
  1. They are fucking with us
  2. They want us to play along in groups.

We're playing Clue. For those of you from space, it's a game where people are trapped in a locked house and someone gets murdered. The trick is to figure out the murderer, the location, and the weapon through deduction and cheating off the reflection of the person who's sitting across from you.

Only one block can win, and for some reason, I seem like the crime-fighting type to them. I'm your leader. I assume this means someone's showing up dead soon. So if you happen to show up dead, please filter your block with details before or while being murdered. But preferably, try not to get killed and if you see something, say something, etc etc. (God I'm even thinking in propaganda posters now.)

So in any case, that's the story. Shall we discuss?

[Filtered to Clue Principals (Sharon Carter 616, Obadiah Stane, Ian Malcolm, Cosima Niehaus, and Amos Burton)]
Are the superfriends cancelled now?



[November block]
A few of us surmised, and now one of the scientists has confirmed, that we are in a Blitz-era version of the board game Clue. One of us has been chosen from each block to lead that block in attempting to uncover and catch the "murderer" and, for some unknown, god awful reason, I was chosen as Professor Plum. The scientists have also heavily implied that whatever reward that comes from this scenario will be block-based.

I don't know if these murders will be real or fake, whether harm will actually come to those who are murdered or whether they'll just be back at the compound drinking Trump wine while we deal with this mess. I actually don't know a hell of a lot more than you all do.

What I do know is that we have some of the best minds in this place in our block and, if we work together, we can solve this quickly with the least loss of life possible. So, to that end, if you see something suspicious, tell us. If you get a clue, tell us, if there's anything at all that you think could be useful, tell us.

And don't go out alone.

Jul. 18th, 2017



[Sharon Carter (616), Ian Malcolm, Amos Burton, Cosima Neihaus, Obadiah Stane, Pamela Isley]
By now I’m sure you’ve all figured out what might be coming and what you’re all expected to do about it.

All I’ll say about it is this: Like all games, there can only be one winner. Your block is your hivemind. Protect your own interests and things will go well for you. Don’t, and they won’t.

[Mike Block]
I hope you didn’t think the Circus was over.

Jul. 17th, 2017



Anyone know why I'm in a different costume than everyone else?

[Dr. Hank McCoy]
Dr. McCoy, yes? Dr. Ian Malcolm. May I have a moment of your time?

Jul. 4th, 2017



Now that we've got some distance from the situation, and to make a point to my scientist that I didn't half-ass my task just because I wanted people to like me, I want to apologize for releasing the animals when we first arrived at the circus. Originally, I let them out for about half an hour before ushering most of them back into their pens but, no, that wasn't enough for November. Released is released, no matter how long for, but I suppose he isn't the most literal sort.

So, yes, I'm very sorry for introducing further chaos into an already chaotic system.

If anyone who failed their task wants anything from the mountain, let me know.

Jun. 12th, 2017



Everyone, you have 24 hour to plan your act. Our first performance is Wednesday evening. Before we begin, we need to establish timing, performance schedule, and who knows what they are doing. And whether anyone needs to be removed from the schedule for the good of the group.

I have been watching you train. I see promise in some of you. Others seem to take this less serious, which I understand given the situation. But if you want to eat, it need to change.

Evaluation schedule. You sign up with your group. We start at 6. If I not hear from you, I pull you out of bed and you perform then. I suggest you choose a time.

And for the love of god, stop eating all the food, or I make you pay for it.

[Wanda Maximoff]
Now you see what happen when you give people "freedom" and don't enforce rules?



I'm really starting to hate this place.

[November, after this]
Happy now?

Jun. 11th, 2017



Who: Ian Malcolm and the animals.
What: Releasing the animals. Sorry, animal trainers.
Where: The animal cages, behind the Big Top.
When: Sunday, midnight.
Warnings: None. But the tiger and lion are loose. Someone should do something about that.

Whoever these scientists were, Malcolm did not want to get on their bad side. )

Jun. 8th, 2017



Part of me, the rowdier part, wants to invite people to join me for Hanky Pankies (the drink, people, get your minds out of the gutter) in the hopes that it'll make this music a bit easier to bear.

The other part, the scientific part, wants to row out toward that green light.

Maybe a combination of the two?

Jun. 4th, 2017



Who wants to play poker?

Jun. 1st, 2017



Do any of us know where we are?



I can't continue to carry campfire time all by myself, guys. This story won't last forever. Can anyone sing? Dance? Can our resident priests lead us in prayer, even?

Come on, let's put a little variety into place. It'd be good for us.

May. 29th, 2017



Messages in a bottle are supposed to be for letters to loved ones, not for pornography.

But, hey, if anyone wants to borrow a copy of this lovely slash fanfiction, be my guest. I know material is slim out here and kids these days lack imagination.