Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

Incomplete Data

October 2018



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August 23rd, 2018



I don't think Victoria Hand came back to our cabin last night. Has anyone seen her? I imagine it's rather easy to get lost in this place, seeing as only a few of us are able to read the bloody map.



At some point today, Cabin 2 (Finn, Peter Pettigrew, Tony Stark (MCU), Bucky Barnes (616), Toby Williams, Peter Parker (MCU), Kira Manning) will notice that Shuri is missing.

Cabin 10 (Barbara Gordon, Darcy Lewis, Max Eisenhardt, Lois Lane, Courier Six, Wanda Maximoff, Michelle Jones) will notice that Max Eisenhardt is missing. Because Max is the only ECHO in Cabin 10, while he's gone the Cabin must rely on other Cabins if they need medical attention. They can no longer access their own supplies.

Cabin 4 (Sirius Black, Riri Williams, Logan, Bruce Banner (616), Groot, Regina Mills, Kamala Khan) will notice that Steve Harrington is missing. As Steve is the only Lima block specimen in his cabin, no one will be able to read the map in that cabin.

The Upside-down
To return to the land of the living, Max, Shuri and Steve must Complete a Upside-Down prompt.

This can be done through communications with Romeo, a log or a narrative. Those who were taken by monsters (Regulus, Howard) will remember their abduction. Those who were killed by their own story prompts (Victoria) will remember how they died.

Remember, there is no network access in the upside down. They can only communicate through a divination post with someone in Romeo.



[Filtered to Echo]
I'm certain whatever this is serves as a nice diversion in its own right, but I was in the midst of my own experiment. I will trade all of my tickets to continue that work here.



Divination Post: Open to the Upsidedown


All characters in Romeo can make divination posts using any means of divination appropriate for communication that they like. Pendulums give Yes/No answers, on a Ouiji Board words can be spelt, etc. Those in the upsidedown can communicate through spelling or Yes/No answers to the questions people in Romeo ask. if you have OOC questions about how this works, comment on one of the disappearance posts.

Wanda is using a Ouiji Board
Wanda's Question 1: Is there anyone here listening?