Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

Incomplete Data

October 2018



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August 10th, 2018


Captain Groot, Captain of the Space pirate ship I am GROOT looked around him, his hands on his hips. His ship had been on their way to Kashyyyk to meet with Fist Mate Chewbacca of the Millinum Falcon and it's captain, notorious smuggler Han Solo who had some contraband that they wanted to sell to them. The passage was going smoothly until they stumbled into a trap set by the notorious Admiral of the Fleet Bill Adama who was determined to capture and eradicate all Pirates from the space surrounding the Twelve Colonies.

"I AM GROOT!" he bellowed at the crew of his ship. First Office Rocket swerved sharply to avoid the fire coming from Galactica, taking them into a spinning dive.

Quill was the last one to arrive at his station, grumbling as he did so. I AM GROOT. i AM GROOT">.

"Yes Captain Groot," Gamora said readying the weapons to fire on the aft side of the ship, if necessary while her sister Nebula did the same on the port side.



Days 11 and 12 are up now.

Additionally, characters who've mined over 500g of gold receive an item from home. Here is the current total everyone has accumulated. (I'll be updating the as I reply to the search comments). Players can choose the items that their characters will receive, but it's not IC knowledge. Leave a comment below with the item you wish your character to be given. Unless the mods contact you, you can assume the item will be waiting for that character at the start of the next scenario.

IC: A New Countdown has appeared on the network.

(Searching ends when the timer runs out but there will still be a chance to "cash in" some or all of the gold.)