Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

Incomplete Data

October 2018



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June 15th, 2018



I've always been kind of a passable mechanic. I could make a speeder bike go again after I ran it up against a tree or dropped it too low over the river or it sat for a week in the humidity after the shed cooling unit busted. I could figure out what was wrong with our fueling pump, which was a couple years older than I was, and get it chugging. I could do emergency patch jobs on most starfighters, and a little more with the right droid. But I was never one of those guys who looked at the inside of an engine and figured I could make it better. I always had a friend or two who fit that mold: my best friend in school who had some new switch on her skiff's console every week, something she'd rigged up just for fun - just because she could - just to show off, most of the time. The guys who would put all their pride and joy in getting just a little more out of yachts, in having the absolute best of everything running under the deck. Mechanic is good work, I like it, I'm pretty good at it - but looking around the shop always makes me think of those people who would look at this same stuff and get inspired - and whip something up I'd never even have thought of. A lot of them were a lot, if you know what I mean, but they were all impressive. And it's a good drive, I think. To want to push past what things as supposed to do, and find what's next.

You guys are next on my tour of people's couches I'm crashing on. You have couches, right?