Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

Incomplete Data

October 2018



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February 28th, 2018



[MCU Avengers + Zemo, Mimi]
You know if we have to spend much more time in Tampa, I'm going to start thinking Ultron had the right idea about America.



Call me crazy, but this doesn't feel like your typical Tampa weather.




I understand that things are in a bit of disarray right now, and I am happy to table this notion for a later date if it is better to wait, but I have noticed that people are dissatisfied with the current availability of help after we return from these scenarios, particularly in regard to the mental effects which we may suffer. Simulation or not, these experiments certainly do not occur in a vacuum, and I am sure that we are all affected by them in one way or another. Some individuals have offered their services, but I believe that it would be beneficial to set up a more concrete solution.

I have some ideas myself, but I would like to hear the thoughts of others on this matter and ideally work towards something before the next simulation comes. They seem to be getting more extreme in nature, and that concerns me for our general health.



I'm probably in the minority but I actually like this heat.

Star Wars
Look like Han's gone again.



All right. What's your perfect weather? Mine is: about 88 degrees, 80% relative humidity. Sunny days with periodic thunderstorms. Still nights. Perfection.

[ LEIA ]
Hey. I miss you.

And I wanted to tell you - there wasn't really a good time, I didn't think, during the last scenario, but times don't get that good. Rey told me about Kylo Ren - who he is. She didn't mean to; she thought I already knew.

I'm so sorry.



Ok. Given the weather drastically changed afternpeople posted about a machine/button I'm going to make the assumption that it's connected.

So perhaps we shouldn't actually touch it if that is the case?

Scott Summers
I know we're technically not family but everything good?

Bail Organa
Can I ask you a question?



I'd like to know how we plan to handle the communists.