Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

Incomplete Data

October 2018



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February 8th, 2018



Seems the USA is in the front of this space race. If only they knew what they were really racing toward I remember the moon landing. I remember it was Guess I didn't think much about space at the time, but I was 17 when they launched Sputnik 1 the first satellite into space. I'm wondering if there's really much by way of attempting to send anything to space here or just an excuse to accuse each other of communist sympathies. I wonder what's going on that we aren't seeing I wonder what you all know about what's going on behind the scenes

I'd ask if you were interested in the dinner party, but I assume you're not. Not that I blame you. Government inspired dinner parties are rarely interesting. Not to mention, I don't know half the people running this government enough to feel any kind of confidence in them.

In the meantime, if you need any private time in the house with Culber, just let me know so I can conveniently find a reason to be out of the house. Maybe I can tempt the girls with pizza.

How's this scenario treating you, kid? You being treated all right?



[Bobby Drake]
I feel like I haven't seen nearly enough of you recently.
[Nathan Summers]
How are you and Hope doing?



[Natasha 616]
What. Happened to...

my head hurts



[Bucky Barnes (MCU)]
You all right, Sw Bucky?