Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

Incomplete Data

October 2018



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February 6th, 2018



The “Block Party” was a great success, and I would personally like to thank Darcy Lewis for her work in organizing the affair, as well as all those who participated in supplying food or entertainment.

Such a wonderful display of community, patriotism and fellowship left me thinking. As a group, we except a great deal of survive from our Council and our Jury. These taxing positions are all too often thankless, and the time and energy is hardly every fairly compensated with gratitude. It is for this reason that I would like to propose a dinner party, for those on the Council and the Jury. It would be an evening to celebrate the freedom of democracy, and a way to give back to those who do so much for us all.

I would like to host it this weekend at the Ballroom. Any help would be appreciated.

It’s just such a pity your grandmother isn’t here.



Looks like the news is [...] well, nothing new for our worlds, but who knows about this one.

Looks like they're trying to create enhanced humans for space travel. The human body's not exactly tailored for it.

I'm wondering who they're testing this stuff on.



[Max Eisenhardt]
We ain't planning on going to this dinner party farce, are we?

Outside of Mimi, Laura and Logan I ain't trusting anyone in Hotel and all I'm hearing in my head is my Mama's voice telling me it ain't never good when people wanna butter up those with even a sliver of power.



Is there a purpose to these sports team if we never have a game or meet? I didn't think I could get so tired of running.

[Steve 616]
I have no excuse to talk to you. But I've also run out of excuses why we're not.

So I'll start easy. How are you?

I haven't checked in on you for awhile. Hope your unretirement is going well. Mind if I stop by the store for a bit today?

[Tony 616 + Tony MCU]
Did I ever properly thank you both, for the help with the machine?



Do you want to hang out? I know you probably have things to do, but maybe I can help you do whatever you have to do around the house. Or I can come tomorrow and help with dinner things. I'm basically the one making dinner here all the time anyway. That way you won't have to worry about not feeding your family.

Also then you can see how well my head is healing. Only my face looks really weird because it's all weird colors still. So you can probably ignore how weirdly colored my face is.

Hi. I'm Daisy. We're fake siblings now. I've never really had a sibling before, so this is definitely new. But I've also been the one making dinner most of the time, so if there's anything you can't eat, probably I want to know.



Going to find worms. Anyone want to go?

Maybe caterpillars.

Or lizards.