Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

Incomplete Data

October 2018



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January 23rd, 2018



Public Results following the Communism Inquest

Rogue and Bucky )



I’m gonna have to go with a no on the creepy 1950s kidnap torture. I didn’t ask to go back in the future and I don’t care who any of you people arr. I’m so out.



I feel like I should be a lot colder than this. And a lot less nauseous.

The decor in this place is not

where AM I

Where is here?



Emma Frost

Hoping you might be able to help...How does a student go about starting her own club?

NEW FILTER: High School Students

So Billy and I were talking about starting a Model UN type club. Who's interested?



[ ooc: today, this flyer is included with everyone's milk delivery. ]



Perhaps there is a common ground to be found between our efforts and those of the communists to both ensure no one is making an attempt to weaponize the moon; perhaps we can find ways to balance both of our ideologies?

[Bail Organa]
I'll miss you while you're at work today.
[Poe Dameron]
What would you know about this flyer I recieved with my 2% this morning?



[Sam Wilson]
sharon and i wanna put forth jasper as being a russian
he was seen conspiring with a russian
he's a known double agent
and his head looks funny

and we'll throw in natasha from your world too



The most important thing I've purchased since getting here is a coffee maker. I'm pretty sure that if I can have nothing else, at least I can have coffee and that's what matters.



[Sherrif guy, whatever your name is]
So we're supposed to report communist activity, right?

I just got here and all, so maybe I'm wrong about this, but I'm pretty sure that my whole family is full of communists. They have these really weird, furtive conversations that stop when I walk into the room and they keep throwing their newspapers away in the neighbor's trash bins. I think they're trying to frame them, honestly, and I can't sit by idly and watch them continue this. I hate to think of them doing this to another family.

Also my "dad" is always acting suspicious. Like no one is that nervous all the time unless they are guilty of something. Seriously. Like once I came into the room and he was sweating staring at the fridge and muttering to himself. What is that about? Oh, right. He's a communist and he's starting to develop a conscience about it. I'm just reporting what I'm seeing. Like I said, I could be wrong, but it all looks suspicious.

The other two just seem like they're covering for something. I don't know what. It just seems off. All of it.

Oh, yeah. My name is Faye. We're apparently the Hall family.

Also there's some girl talking about how she wants to talk about communism and the government in a school group. I don't think we should be exposed to this. And a girl chose to be China. Obviously a communist.



[Darcy, Chidi, AA Steve, Sitwell, Natasha MCU]
This is a formality to inform you that you’ve been accused of communism and conspiring with the Russians. I will need you to come make statements and answer a few questions.



Is that the whole investigative process?

I thought for sure we'd get a show trial, or something.



Darcy, Steve (AA), Natasha, Chidi & Jasper Sitwell )